CAS BI 533 Test

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 462
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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The Y chromosome carries information for
A) the penis.
B) the development of the brain.
C) sexual drive.
D) fertility ability.
E) the development of the testes.
Figure 29-2 Fetus at 10 Weeks
Identify the structure labeled "7."
A) amnion
B) chorion
C) decidua basalis
D) placenta
E) endometrium
A person suffering from ________ can see objects that are close, but distant objects
appear blurred.
A) myopia
B) hyperopia
C) emmetropia
D) presbyopia
E) diplopia
The proper distribution of a cell's genetic material to two daughter cells is accomplished
by the process of
A) cytosis.
B) mitosis.
C) cytokinesis.
D) phoresis.
E) meiosis.
The flap-like structure that prevents food from entering the larynx is called the
A) uvula.
B) soft palate.
C) epiglottis.
D) thyroid cartilage.
E) cricoid cartilage.
The shallow recess that surrounds the cervical protrusion into the vagina is called the
A) cervical canal.
B) fundus.
C) fornix.
D) external os.
E) fimbra.
Figure 26-2 The Nephron
Where does most nutrient reabsorption occur?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
E) 6
When the pH ________, a state of acidosis exists.
A) rises above 7
B) falls below 7
C) falls below 6.5
D) falls below 7.35
E) rises above 7.5
The secondary dentition usually comprises ________ teeth.
A) 20
B) 25
C) 28
D) 32
E) 34
We are constantly bombarded by a variety of stimuli inside and outside of our bodies.
Why are we not overwhelmed by sensory information?
A) We do not have receptors for most stimuli.
B) Stimuli are blocked from the receptors by our immune systems.
C) Most stimuli are external to our bodies and we have very few exteroceptors on the
outside of the body.
D) A particular receptor type can have different sensitivities to different stimuli.
E) A very tiny percentage of incoming sensory information is received by the cerebral
Identify the structure labeled "12."
Figure 17-1 The Sectional Anatomy of the Eye
A) pupil
B) optic disc
C) sclera
D) fovea
E) retina
An adult has approximately ________ taste buds.
A) 100
B) 5,000
C) 4,000,000
D) 300
E) 30,000
Fraternal twins result from
A) one egg that is fertilized by two different sperm.
B) two different zygotes.
C) one zygote that splits into two zygotes.
D) two eggs fertilized by one sperm cell.
E) a blastula that splits into two blastulas.

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