CAS BI 506 Midterm 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 763
subject Authors Kenneth Saladin

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1) mitosis in the __________ accounts for growth of the nail.
a. nail plate
b. nail fold
c. eponychium
d. hyponychium
e. nail matrix
2) which of the following organs has both endocrine and exocrine functions?
a. the adrenal gland
b. the salivary glands
c. the ovary
d. the pineal gland
e. the thymus
3) white rami carry _________ neurons, while gray rami carry _________ neurons.
a. myelinated postganglionic; unmyelinated preganglionic
b. unmyelinated postganglionic; myelinated preganglionic
c. myelinated preganglionic; unmyelinated postganglionic
d. unmyelinated preganglionic; myelinated postganglionic
e. myelinated preganglionic; myelinated postganglionic
4) most human cells range from 10 to 15 micrometers in diameter. what limits how
large a cell can get?
a. a cell's lifespan
b. nutrients available in the environment of a cell
c. the relationship between its volume and length
d. the relationship between its length and surface area
e. the relationship between its volume and surface area
5) which of the following is not found on a typical vertebra?
a. spinous process
b. transverse processes
c. vertebral head
d. vertebral foramen
e. vertebral body
6) a karyotype shows the __________ chromosomes sorted and isolated from a cell in
a. 23; interphase
b. 23; metaphase
c. 46; prophase
d. 46; metaphase
e. 46; s phase
7) which of the following provides fetal nutrition and secretes hormones that regulate
pregnancy and fetal development?
a. the uterus
b. the myometrium
c. the endometrium
d. the blastocyst
e. the placenta
8) what arethe least abundant of the formed elements?
a. platelets
b. basophils
c. erythrocytes
d. neutrophils
e. eosinophils
9) if one nerve stimulus arrives at a muscle fiber so soon that the fiber has only partially
relaxed from the previous twitch, the most likely result will be __________.
a. fatigue
b. spasm
c. incomplete tetanus
d. complete tetanus
e. flaccid paralysis
10) the __________system provides protection, water retention, thermoregulation, and
vitamin d production.
a. lymphatic
b. muscular
c. skeletal
d. integumentary
e. digestive
11) an olympic sprinter readies for a race. after the sound of the starting gun, he propels
himself forward from the starting block and immediately grimaces in pain, grabbing for
the back of his thigh. within 48 hours he begins noticing extensive bruising on the back
of his thigh extending into the back of the knee. he now has difficulty rising from a
seated position and flexing his knee. bending at the waist generates more pain. which
muscle is likely injured?
a.gluteus maximus
c.biceps femoris
12) which of the following bones forms the bulk of the hard palate?
a. nasal bone
b. mandible
c. ethmoid bone
d. maxilla
e. lacrimal bone
13) emotional states are integrated by the__________, which generates an output that
creates such respiratory variations as laughing and crying.
14) when acetylcholinesterase outlasts the release ofacetylcholine from the synaptic
vesicles, the skeletal muscle __________.
a. contracts
b. gets stronger
c. relaxes
d. releases ca++
e. opens its na+ channels
15) descent of the testes is stimulated by the __________.
a. presence of y chromosome
b. presence of the x chromosome
c. absence of the x chromosome
d. presence of testosterone
e. presence of estrogens
16) which of the following is not true ofa thoracic vertebra?
a. the body has facets as points of articulation for ribs.
b. it usually has a facet at the end of each transverse process for attachment of a rib.
c. the body is more massive than those of cervical vertebrae but less than those of
lumbar vertebrae.
d. the spinous process is pointed and angled sharply downward.
e. it has a pair of transverse foramina.
17) the center cavity of the diaphysis of a long bone is called the __________.
a. marrow cavity
b. central canal
c. nutrient foramen
d. canaliculus
e. epiphysis
18) an __________ muscle is contained within a region whereas an __________ muscle
acts upon one region but has an origin elsewhere.
a. intrinsic; extrinsic
b. extrinsic; intrinsic
c. innate; extraneous
d. extraneous; innate

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