CAS BI 496

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1136
subject Authors Sylvia Mader

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1) only one of the four daughter cells becomes a functional gamete in spermatogenesis.
2) sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that attempts to preserve the
environment while meeting the needs of humans in the present and future.
3) entry of mineral ions into the xylem is regulated by cells of the cortex.
4) contact inhibition stops normal cells from dividing when they come in contact with
neighboring cells, but this is not functional in cancer cells.
5) chromalveolates that live along the rocky shores of the north temperate zones are
able to withstand pounding tides and drying because of their holdfasts and
mucilaginous cell walls.
6) mycorrhizae are associations between bacteria and the roots of select plants.
7) plate tectonics explain that the amount of earth being formed is much greater than the
amount of the earth's crust being destroyed in subduction zones.
8) apes walk on their feet and knuckles, which have opposable thumbs and big toes,like
the ancestral form from which apes and humans evolved.
9) in trying to limit the growth of a pest, you will have more success if you can reduce
the carrying capacity of the environment rather than reduce the population size of the
10) erasmus darwin, charles darwin's grandfather, suggested the possibility of
evolutionary descent in his writings.
11) mitochondria and chloroplasts are able to reproduce independently from the
division of the cell.
12) which of these is not part of the endomembrane system of the cell?
a. mitochondria
b. endoplasmic reticulum
c. lysosomes
d. golgi complex
13) in an asian rice paddy, carp eat decaying material from around the base of rice
plants while a snail scrapes algae from the leaves, stems, and roots of the same plant.
they can survive at the same time in the same rice paddy because they occupy
a. the same habitat but different niches.
b. the same habitat and the same niche.
c. the same niche but different habitats.
d. different habitats and different niches.
14) which of the following situations is most likely to produce a heart attack?
a. the gap junctions have collapsed and they do not allow the correct flow of ions from
one cell to the next.
b. the plasmodesmata have collapsed and they do not allow the correct flow of ions
from one cell to the next.
c. the tight junction has ripped and is allowing ions to leak through the membrane lining
the heart.
d. the cell walls have broken down and are not able to support the heart.
15) in most male animals, the penis or other copulatory organ achieves erection by
a. muscle contraction.
b. testicular pressure.
c. bones or exoskeleton interlocking.
d. artery dilation or hemolymph pressure.
16) identify the missing substrate in the reaction that will oxidize nad+. nad+ + 2e +
_____ = nadh
a. h+
b. 3h+
c. oh_
d. 2h+
17) if this structure were nibbled off by browsing deer it would decrease the potential
for an increase in height of the plant.
a. the axillary bud.
b. the bark.
c. the terminal bud.
d. the leaf scar.
e. the stem.
18) what occurs to air currents as they travel from 600 north towards the pole?
a. the warmed air will rise and cool producing a low pressure area with high rainfall.
b. the warmed air will rise and cool producing a low pressure area with low rainfall.
c. the cool air will rise and warm upproducing a low pressure area with high rainfall.
d. the cool air will rise producing a high pressure area with low rainfall.
19) the plant cell's central vacuole
a. provides the plant cell with support.
b. stores nutrients and cellular waste products.
c. is a reservoir for water.
d. all of the choices are correct.
20) if an element contains 8 electrons how many electrons will be placed in the 2nd
valence shell?
a. 6
b. 2
c. 8
d. 5
e 11
21) what evidence would be studied by a biogeographer?
a. plate tectonics
b. amount of genetic similarity among current populations
c. ocean currents and wind patterns
d. ranges and migration patterns of animals
e. all of the choices are correct.
22) where on this phylogenetic tree of primate evolution do you find evolution of the
a. no. 1
b. no. 2
c. no. 3
d. no. 4
e. no. 5
23) due to it's high productivity and biological diversity this biome is considered the
"nursery" of the sea.
a. rocky beach.
b. sandy beach.
c. estuary.
d. coral reef.
e. ocean floor.
24) which type of succession would occur after a volcanic eruption?
a. primary
b. secondary
c. tertiary
d. there won't be any succession after a volcanic eruption
25) which kingdom is correctly described?
a. plantae: multicellular and photoautotrophic
b. fungi: multicellular and heterotrophic by ingestion
c. animalia: multicellular and heterotrophic by absorption
d. protista: unicellular and heterotrophic only
26) what cellular organelle is responsible for receiving the mrna and turning it into a
a. golgi body
b. ribosome
c. nucleus
d. lysosome
27) the absence of which of the following micronutrient would inhibit the plants ability
to form chlorophyll?
a. zinc
b. chlorine
c. magnesium
d. calcium
e. manganese
28) the fiddlehead is a _______ that unfolds into a ______.
a. diploid gametophyte; fern frond
b. diploid sporophyte; fern frond
c. haploid sporophyte; fern frond
d. haploid gametophyte; fern frond
e. diploid gametophyte; moss plant
29) vascular tissue that transports organic nutrients and sugars from the leaves to the
roots is
a. xylem.
b. phloem.
c. cambium.
d. periderm.
e. sclerenchyma.
30) when the liver malfunctions and there is an abnormally large amount of bilirubin in
the blood it can cause
a. cirrhosis of the liver.
b. kidney stones.
c. gallstones.
d. the rolling stones.
e. jaundice.

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