CAS BI 468 Final

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 571
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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Regions of the CNS where neuron cell bodies dominate constitute the ________ matter.
A) white
B) gray
C) neural
D) brain
E) ganglion
In which structure are sensory cell bodies located?
Figure 13-2 Spinal Nerves
A) 4
B) 6
C) 5
D) 10
E) 12
The buildup of depolarization when EPSPs arrive in rapid succession is called
________ summation.
A) temporal
B) spatial
C) electrical
D) chemical
E) perforal
Figure 24-1 The Stomach (dissected)
Which structure(s) help(s) the stomach to stretch as it fills with food?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6
E) 9
Unpaired sympathetic ganglia are called ________ ganglia.
A) contralateral
B) collateral
C) parasympathetic
D) ipsilateral
E) dorsal
Figure 20-2 Cardiac Cycle
What volume is labeled "G" on the graph?
A) cardiac output
B) stroke volume
C) end-systolic volume
D) end-diastolic volume
E) ejection fraction
A small rough bump on bone where a tendon attaches is called a
A) tubercle.
B) trochanter.
C) trochlea.
D) tuberosity.
E) trabecula.
On which bone does the tibia press?
Figure 8-4 Bones of the Ankle and Foot
A) 1
B) 7
C) 9
D) 2
E) 3
Figure 19-1 The Origins and Differentiation of Formed Elements
Identify the cell labeled "2."
A) lymphocyte
B) eosinophil
C) basophil
D) neutrophil
E) monocyte
The sum of the electrical and chemical forces acting on an ion is known as its
A) permeability gradient.
B) thermodynamic difference.
C) electrochemical gradient.
D) action potential.
E) summation difference.
Reflexes that activate muscles on the opposite side of the body as the stimulus are
A) contralateral.
B) ipsilateral.
C) commensual.
D) involuntary.
E) parasympathetic.
Identify the structures labeled "4."
Figure 6-1 The Structure of Compact Bone
A) concentric lamellae
B) circumferential lamellae
C) interstitial lamellae
D) trabeculae
E) periosteum
Nephrons located close to the medulla with long nephron loops are called ________
A) cortical
B) juxtaglomerular
C) vasa recta
D) juxtamedullary
E) Henle
Nicotinic receptors
A) respond to epinephrine.
B) respond to norepinephrine.
C) open chemically-gated sodium ion channels.
D) can be either excitatory or inhibitory in function.
E) are found at synaptic junctions of the sympathetic nervous system.
The following is a list of the steps involved in the process of secretion by the Golgi
apparatus. What is the proper order for these steps?
1. Material moves from cisterna to cisterna by means of transfer vesicles.
2. Exocytosis
3. Products from RER are packaged into transport vesicles.
4. Secretory vesicles are formed at the maturing face.
5. Vesicles arrive at the forming face.
6. Enzymes modify arriving proteins and glycoproteins.
A) 5, 6, 1, 4, 2, 3
B) 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 4
C) 4, 3, 1, 6, 5, 2
D) 3, 5, 6, 1, 4, 2
E) 1, 3, 6, 4, 2, 5
Which of the following terms is/are not used to define the structure that separates the
contents of a human cell from its surrounding medium?
A) cell wall
B) cell membrane
C) plasma membrane
D) phospholipid bilayer
E) both a cell wall and a phospholipid bilayer

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