CAS BI 464 Quiz 3

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 625
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) filtrate first passes from the glomerular capsule to the
a) nephron loop (loop of henle).
b) proximal convoluted tubule.
c) distal convoluted tubule.
d) collecting duct.
e) minor calyx.
2) what structure regulates the amount of light that passes to the photoreceptors of the
a) vitreous body
b) cornea
c) ciliary muscle
d) iris
e) lens
3) a neural cortex is found on the surface of the
a) cerebrum.
b) pons.
c) thalamus.
d) midbrain.
e) pons.
4) the molecule no is known as
a) nitric oxide.
b) noxious oxide.
c) noxious oxygen.
d) nitric oxygen.
e) nitrous oxide.
5) the layer between the tunica media and the tunica externa in a large artery is the
a) tunica intima.
b) external elastic membrane.
c) tunica media.
d) internal elastic membrane.
e) tunica externa.
6) the preganglionic fibers that connect a spinal nerve with an autonomic ganglion in
the thoracic and lumbar region of the spinal cord and carries visceral motor fibers that
are myelinated form the
a) white rami communicantes.
b) gray rami communicantes.
c) dorsal ramus.
d) ventral ramus.
e) dermatomes.
7) which layer of the digestive tract directly underlies the epithelium?
a) submucosa
b) digestive epithelium
c) muscularis mucosae
d) lamina propria
e) lymphoid nodules
8) autonomic centers that control blood pressure, heart rate, and digestion are located in
a) medulla oblongata.
b) pons.
c) mesencephalon.
d) diencephalon.
e) cerebellum.
9) breathing faster and deeper eliminates more carbon dioxide from the body than
normal breathing. under these circumstances
a) more carbon dioxide will diffuse out of the blood.
b) more carbon dioxide will diffuse into the blood.
c) less carbon dioxide will diffuse out of the blood.
d) less carbon dioxide will diffuse into the blood.
e) the amount of carbon dioxide diffusion will remain unchanged.
10) how does blocking retrograde axoplasmic transport in an axon affect the activity of
a neuron?
a) the neuron becomes unable to produce neurotransmitters.
b) the neuron becomes unable to produce action potentials.
c) the soma becomes unable to export products to the synaptic terminals.
d) the soma becomes unable to respond to changes in the distal end of the axon.
e) the neuron becomes unable to depolarize when stimulated.
11) the ________ covers most of the exposed surface of the eye.
a) conjunctiva
b) cornea
c) iris
d) anterior chamber
e) canthus
12) during exercise, which of the following contract for active exhalation:
a) rectus abdominis and internal intercostal muscles
b) diaphragm and internal intercostal muscles
c) rectus abdominis and diaphragm muscles
d) diaphragm and external intercostal muscles
e) pectoralis major and serratus anterior muscles
13) which of the following athletes are at greatest risk of developing a rotator cuff
a) tennis players
b) soccer players
c) runners
d) baseball pitchers
e) high jumpers
figure 21-2 veins
identify the vein labeled "6"
a) inferior vena cava
b) common iliac
c) internal iliac
d) external iliac
e) femoral
15) the subdural space lies between
a) the arachnoid mater and the pia mater.
b) the pia mater and the dura mater.
c) the dura mater and the arachnoid mater.
d) the pia mater and the subarachnoid space.
e) the endosteum and the periosteum.

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