CAS BI 28417

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1296
subject Authors Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan

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This graph represents three different populations. Use it to answer the following
If all populations occupy different areas that are approximately the same size, which
population will have the lowest density after 3 years?
A) Population A
B) Population B
C) Population C
D) After 3 years, all three populations will have the same density.
You start to trip, but you keep your balance and don't fall. Which of the following brain
regions is responsible for the rapid coordination of muscle activity that kept you from
A) cerebral cortex
B) thalamus
C) cerebellum
D) cerebrum
Information flow in biological systems is necessary for negative or regulative feedback
to operate. Which of these examples does NOT involve flow of information providing
A) Heat receptors send signals to promote sweating.
B) Low blood sugar causes the liver to convert starch to sugar to be released in the
C) Drought kills many trees.
D) Bacterial genes for breaking down lactose are activated in the presence of lactose.
The wing of a penguin is ________ the wing of a butterfly.
A) structurally identical to
B) superior to
C) homologous to
D) analogous to
According to the logistic growth model, what happens to a population when the size of
the population reaches carrying capacity?
A) The growth rate increases.
B) The growth rate decreases.
C) The growth rate cannot be determined.
D) The growth rate is zero.
Analogous structures are evidence of ________.
A) common ancestry
B) divergent evolution
C) stabilizing selection
D) convergent evolution
What compound directly provides energy for cellular work?
A) sugar
D) fat
The recombination frequency between gene B and gene C is 11%. The recombination
frequency between gene B and gene D is 5%. The recombination frequency between
gene C and gene D is 15%. What would be the arrangement of these genes on a linkage
D) More information is needed.
Where does protein synthesis take place?
A) in the nucleolus
B) on smooth endoplasmic reticulum
C) on ribosomes
D) in the nucleus
The figure below shows the structure of an arm bone. Which part of a bone contains
stored fat?
A) red bone marrow
B) cartilage
C) the ends
D) yellow bone marrow
What does a plant gain from a mycorrhizal relationship?
A) It allows roots to absorb water and solutes more rapidly.
B) It increases the surface area for photosynthesis.
C) It helps to break down complex molecules in the soil to release micronutrients.
D) It helps to break down decaying organic matter into essential plant nutrients.
Which of the following include the two classes of poisons produced by pathogenic
A) exotoxins and endotoxins
B) chemoautotrophs and chemoheterotrophs
C) protozoans and fungi
D) bacilli and cocci
The second stage of aerobic respiration is ________.
A) ATP production
B) the citric acid cycle
C) lactic acid fermentation
D) glycolysis
An individual with (naturally) curly hair and an individual with (naturally) straight hair
mate; all of their offspring have (naturally) wavy hair. What is the relationship between
the alleles for hair texture?
A) pleiotropy
B) incomplete dominance
C) wavy hair dominant to both straight and curly hair
D) codominance
Which of the following prokaryotes aid digestion in cattle, deer, and other animals that
obtain nutrition from cellulose?
A) halophiles
B) dinoflagellates
C) methanogens
D) cocci
Reproductive systems with external fertilization are most common in ________.
A) populations with many more males than females
B) animals that are widely dispersed
C) aquatic animals
D) populations with many more females than males
Water-soluble hormones can cause different effects in different cells depending on the
type of cell and ________.
A) its signal transduction pathway
B) the particular organelle that is targeted
C) the binding of the hormone to either DNA or RNA
D) the type of ribosomes in the cell
In humans, the presence or absence of dimples is a trait controlled by a single gene.
What is the genotype of an individual who is heterozygous for dimples?
B) Dd
C) dd
In contrast to action potentials, receptor potentials ________.
A) are all-or-none phenomena
B) vary in intensity
C) do not require a stimulus
D) do not rely on changes in the membrane potential
STR analysis is a DNA profiling technique that makes use of the fact that different
people have ________.
A) different numbers of repeats of short DNA sequences at certain sites in the genome
B) different alleles for many genes in the genome
C) different restriction fragments
D) different CODIS DNA sequences
Strep throat can develop from an infection by the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes.
After infection by this bacterium, cells in the body will respond by producing
antibodies against the bacterium and the toxins it produces. What type of immune
response is being described in this situation?
A) cytotoxic T cell response
B) helper T cell response
C) B cell response
D) inflammation
Compare how temperature is regulated in a room with a thermostat with how
thermoregulation works in the human body. What is most analogous to "Heating starts"
(i.e., heat is produced) for the human body?
A) Blood vessels constrict near the surface.
B) The person puts on more clothes.
C) Metabolic rate increases.
D) Sweat is produced.
When you cut yourself, the damaged cells immediately release which of the following
chemical alarm signals?
A) defensive proteins
B) antibodies
C) histamine
D) antihistamines
The main parts of a flower are modified versions of which of the following?
A) stems
B) rhizomes
C) internodes
D) leaves
A DNA molecule has the sequence AGTTCAACT. The equivalent RNA molecule
would have the sequence ________.
Which of the following hormones promotes fruit ripening and dropping of leaves?
A) auxin
B) ethylene
C) gibberellin
D) abscisic acid
Where did humans first appear?
A) South America
B) Africa
C) Asia
D) Europe
Early in the spring, cherry trees produce flowers, even before their leaves develop, by
using sugars that were stored in their roots the previous year. While cherry flowers are
developing, we would expect the phloem pressure near flowers to be ________, and
________ near root storage cells.
A) high" high
B) high" low
C) low" low
D) low" high
Which process describes the forcing of water and other small molecules from the blood
into a kidney tubule?
A) absorption
B) filtration
C) secretion
D) excretion
Which prokaryotic group is most closely related to eukaryotes?
A) Bacteria
B) Protista
C) Archaea
D) Bacteria and Archaea are equally closely related.

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