CAS BI 268 Test 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 652
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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Crossing over occurs during ________ of meiosis ________.
A) prophase; I
B) metaphase; I
C) interphase; II
D) prophase; II
E) interphase; I
An infection by the bacterium Clostridium tetani can cause the disease called
A) cholera.
B) polio.
C) botulism.
D) tetanus.
E) muscular dystrophy.
Identify the space labeled "1."
Figure 17-1 The Sectional Anatomy of the Eye
A) posterior cavity
B) posterior chamber
C) pupil
D) anterior chamber
E) vitreous chamber
Under the influence of the trophoblast, maternal blood vessels in the endometrium
A) disappear.
B) attach to the inner cell mass.
C) break down and form sinuses or lacunae.
D) form a capillary network in the trophoblast.
E) increase in size and penetrate the blastocyst.
Figure 25-1 The Citric Acid Cycle
What is the molecule labeled "5"?
A) fumaric acid
B) citrate 6-carbon
C) 4-carbon molecule
D) malic acid
E) oxaloacetic acid
Which of the following descriptions best matches the term calyx?
A) It releases renin.
B) It creates high interstitial NaCl concentration.
C) Final urine enters here.
D) Initial filtrate enters here.
________ serves as a worldwide official standard of anatomical vocabulary.
A) Gray's Anatomy
B) Terminologia Anatomica
C) Hippocratic Corpus
D) Anatomia Inteligencia
E) De Materia Medica
The thalamus is often called the "air traffic controller" of the brain because it
A) controls the autonomic functions of the body, such as the fight-or-flight response.
B) determines what can enter the brain from the blood.
C) controls reflexes.
D) determines the routing of incoming sensory information to the correct cerebral
cortex area.
E) passes motor information on to the cerebellum.
Which structure articulates with the acetabulum?
Figure 8-3 The Femur
A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5
E) 9
Which of the following best describes the location of the glabella?
A) vertical groove extending between the nose and the upper lip
B) bilaterally on the thickened regions that form the superior rims of the orbits
C) small, hallow, y-shaped area in the central part of the mandible
D) area just superior to the nasal bones and medially to the supraorbital margins
E) a slit-shaped opening between the sphenoid and the petrous part of the temporal
When stress is applied to a bone,
A) the minerals in the bone produce a weak electrical field that attracts osteoblasts.
B) osteoclast activity increases and osteoblast activity decreases.
C) the bone becomes thin and brittle and ultimately fractures.
D) the bone compensates by becoming thinner in the region of stress.
E) blood supply through the nutrient artery diminishes and thus remodeling proceeds at
a much slower rate.
________ fibers are stronger than steel when stretched.
A) Calcium
B) Mineral
C) Elastic
D) Carbon
E) Collagen
A(n) ________ is a bulge, or weakened wall, of an artery.
A) aneurysm
B) stroke
C) vascular edema
D) arteriosclerosis
E) atherosclerosis
The portions of an antigen to which antibodies bind are the
A) active sites.
B) reactive sites.
C) antigenic determinant sites.
D) antibody active sites.
E) antigen activation segments.
Figure 29-1 Early Human Development
Identify the process occurring at the structure labeled "13."
A) fertilization
B) ovulation
C) implantation
D) migration
E) gastrulation
The five vertebral regions are the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and
A) medial.
B) proximal.
C) distal.
D) coccygeal.
E) os coxal.

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