CAS 94907

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1373
subject Authors Phillip G. Clampitt

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Which statements are true?
a. Few employees receive useful feedback about their performance
b. A company should place more emphasis on designing an effective formal
performance appraisal process than on communicating informal feedback
c. A manager should focus only on the positive accomplishments of the employee
d. a and b
e. a and c
Communicators should ensure that their remarks are pertinent to the purpose at hand,
that they collect information that is important to a specific purpose and dispose of it
when it is no longer pertinent. This describes what ethical norm?
a. discretion
b. relevancy
c. fairness
d. accuracy
Your author suggests that an effective communication strategy.
a. is a "one size fits all"
b. remains relatively fixed over time
c. makes sense of what is confusing and ambiguous
d. all of the above
A supervisor creates a mechanism for employees so that they receive feedback about
their performance from the job itself. This is called ______feedback.
a. job-specific
b. job-inherent
c. task-specific
d. task-inherent
Your author recommends implementing "error correction processes." Some examples of
this include using ____
a. tracking processes
b. quizzes
c. opinion leaders
d. all of the above
e. a and b
Which of the following would be considered a "functional attribute" of a channel?
a. Micromessaging capability
b. Expense of training users
c. Capacity to signal status
d. Size
e. Weight
Research on dissent reveals that
a. healthy constructive debate and dialogue actually builds greater commitment to the
b. employees who dissent with their supervisors tend have more job satisfaction
c. employees who dissent identify more strongly with the organization
d. a and c
e. all of the above
In the Iceberg Model, contextual analysis focuses on which of the following questions?
a. How congruent is the change with the culture?
b. What are the major groups of employees that will be affected by the change?
c. Who are the key opinion leaders?
d. What channels should be used?
e. All of the above
What Type of manager would mostly likely say, "Being able to clearly and precisely put
thoughts into words."
a. Arrow
b. Circuit
c. Dance
d. All of the above
According to your author, what questions need to be addressed in the strategic design
a. What is a theme that energizes and motivates?
b. How should communication resources be allocated?
c. Who are the key opinion leaders of each group?
d. All of the above
e. a and b
What is true about persuasive situations?
a. they are best handled with face-to-face communication
b. they demand that the sender quickly adapt the message to the receiver
c. they should be handled with a minimal amount of communication
d. a and b
When my friend remarks, "That's very interesting," he really means the subject is
uninteresting. This is an example of a(n)
a. regulative rule
b. interpretation rule
c. co-orientation rule
d. none of the above
The Schramm Model of communication most typifies which management orientation?
a. Arrow
b. Circuit
c. Dance
d. Integrative
The buyer who says, "I want a mobile phone that doesn't do too much because I don't
want to complicate my life too much," is most concerned about what type of cost?
a. Learning cost
b. Collaboration cost
c. Contextual cost
d. Opportunity cost
Your author suggests that practicality is the evaluation criteria that should be used for
what stage in the innovation process?
a. idea generation
b. feasibility analysis
c. viability assessment
d. implementation
The message strategy where managers focus on developing a few core messages clearly
linked to organizational success while allowing employees freedom to discover the
implications in a disciplined way best describes ____.
a. strategic continuum
b. withhold and uphold
c. tell and sell
d. underscore and explore
Your author suggests that the wise leader manages by
a. enforcing procedures
b. a set of rules
c. a set of values
d. all of the above
Sherron Watkins
a. successfully used "upward dissent" strategies with her Enron boss, Ken Lay
b. was one of "Time Magazine's "Persons of the Year"
c. blew the whistle on her company's accounting irregularities
d. all of the above
e. b and c
Research about face-to-face groups reveals that
a. women talk more than men
b. higher-status people talk more than lower-status people
c. subordinates talk more than managers
d. none of the above
How can companies encourage activities that promote shared experiences and common
a. Hold company-wide seminars
b. Encourage coauthoring of articles
c. Develop links between role counterparts in the other organization or divisions
d. All of the above
e. a and c
A _____ success occurs when the results of the innovation are disappointing but the
"failure" produces valuable knowledge.
a. quasi-success
b. potential success
c. partial failure
d. temporary success
Your author suggests that repetition and redundancy should not be used
in implementing the communication strategy because the audiences will be insulted
by their use.
The fundamental difference between rumors and gossip is that rumors focus on events
and information, whereas gossip focuses on people.
Research has revealed that office design does not have an effect on the likelihood
of communication.
It is vital for departments to have a 'silo" mentality as it leads to a more productive
organizational climate.
The wise leader seizes on the power of telling the right story and uses it as a tool to
regularly communicate the core values.
Circuit managers are usually more effective communicators.
Purposeful vagueness (equivocation) should be avoided in organizational
communication because of the misinterpretations that may result.
In his scholarly work, James Kotter found that companies that lived by their stated
values experienced four times more growth in revenues than did their counterparts.
Creativity and innovation are virtually synonymous.
Your author discusses how the social media threat of "misappropriation" is far more
likely to be a serious concern than "misinformation" or "memory."
A company with two departments has only one communication link between the
departments. When it adds another department, the communication linkages increase to
two a geometric increase.
Researchers believe that 80-85% of a company's knowledge is hard-to-access
tacit knowledge.
Your author notes that it is far more important for boundary spanners to be skillful at
managing conflict than to be proficient at developing relationships or persuading others.
Research reveals that companies that use cross-functional teams decrease product
development time and tend to get products or services to the marketplace faster than
their competitors.
If a manager does an effective job of providing feedback on a day-to-day basis, there is
little need to perform a regular performance appraisal.

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