CAS 82301

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 24
subject Words 2515
subject Authors Dan O'Hair

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In technical presentations the speaker should gear information to a level appropriate to
the audience.
In quantitative research the emphasis is on observing, describing, and interpreting
Managers and other employees depend on staff reports to determine whether or not
someone is promoted.
Topics that involve time lines or a series of sequential steps lend themselves to the
chronological arrangement pattern.
Abstract language is specific, tangible, and definite.
A strong conclusion challenges audience members to put to use what the speaker has
taught them.
Examples in a speech weaken understanding by making ideas, items, or events less
A conclusion signals the end of the speech and provides closure.
A roast is a humorous tribute to the person being celebrated, in which a series of
speakers jokingly poke fun at him or her.
Often arts and humanities students will engage in debates on opposing ideas, historical
figures, or philosophical positions.
People's most enduring judgments about what is good and bad in life are called
Audiences prefer hearing about topics that are relevant to them.
Social science presentations differ from other science presentations because they focus
on predicting or explaining or predicting human behavior or social forces.
Presentation aids that use four or more colors are more effective than those that use
only two or three.
When you feel stressed, the center of your breathing tends to move from the upper chest
to the abdomen, leaving you with a reduced supply of air.
As long as all the team members know which part of the presentation they are
responsible for, there is no need to rehearse the presentation.
In the request for funding presentation, a member or team provides evidence that a
project, proposal, or design is worth funding.
Working outlines contain your ideas in condensed form and are much briefer than
speaking outlines.
One element of an ethos-based appeal is the speaker's grasp of the topic and expertise.
When giving a technical presentation it is not helpful to use visual aids.
Social scientists never measure the effectiveness of programs developed to address
social issues.
A respectful speaker focuses on issues as well as on personalities.
Progress reports are the most common type of presentation assigned in technical
It is not usually helpful to a speaker to know the audience's seating arrangement.
Multimodal learners combine two or more learning style preferences.
Listeners prefer complex language over familiar words in a speech.
In an informative speech, the speaker is allowed to describe, or explain but not
Consistency of presentation aids might best be achieved by having each person create
their aids independently.
It is best to use all capital letters on presentation aids.
Since few contemporary audiences are culturally diverse, a speaker need not be aware
of or sensitive to cultural variations in language.
When there is great variety in pitch, speaking becomes monotonous.
For type and graphics, use colors that contrast with the background.
The three types of averages all illustrate the same information about a set of numbers.
Appeals that clash with core values are the most successful.
A verbal tribute to a deceased person is called a eulogy.
Transitions between speakers will just occur naturally and do not need to be worked out
ahead of time.
Phrase outlines or key-word outlines are recommended over sentence outlines in the
delivery of most speeches.
Effective presentations in the arts and humanities typically require facts as evidence and
leave no room for interpretation.
Trustworthiness is a combination of honesty and dependability.
Frequencies can help listeners understand comparisons between two or more categories.
The source qualifier is
A)a brief description of the source's qualifications to address the topic.
B)the speaker's credentials.
C)what determines which main point the source supports.
D)how a speaker determines the usefulness of a potential source.
The ______ is a precise statement of what you want the audience to learn or do as a
result of your speech.
A)general purpose
B)specific purpose
C)audience analysis
D)topic selection
Speeches about __________ might discuss nuclear chaos theory, minimalist art, or
freedom of speech.
C)objects or phenomena
D)processes, the official portal to all government services and information, does not
include links to
A)federal government Web pages.
B)international government Web pages.
C)reliable statistics.
When selecting a speech topic, a speaker should first consider which of the following as
a guide?
A)speech time limit
B)his or her interests
C)current issues
D)historical events
Generally, the introduction should be brief and no more than _______ percent of the
speech body.
A)5 to 10
B)10 to 15
C)15 to 20
D)20 to 25
In his persuasive speech about why people should buy used rather than new autos,
Carlos provided the audience information about his background as a used-car
salesperson. Carlos employed which type of appeal?
Nursing and allied health courses include all of the following except
A)physical therapy.
D)occupational therapy.
The conclusion of the speech should
A)restate the purpose.
B)introduce new information.
C)leave the audience laughing.
D)preview the next speech.
Speaking from a manuscript
A)is useful when precise messages are required.
B)encourages eye contact.
C)encourages naturalness.
D)is best in informal settings.
An example of an idiom would be
A) the phrase "king of the hill."
B) the term meta-analysis.
C) the phrase 'student learning outcomes."
D) the term valence..
Which type of presentation examines theories relevant to a research question?
A)theoretical research presentation
B) program evaluation presentation
C)review of the literature
D)policy recommendation
Which view in PowerPoint allows the user to look at one entire slide on the screen and
edit it?
A)normal view
B)outline view
C)slide-sorter view
D)slide-show view
In order to deal with distractions while you are giving a speech, you might
A) speak softly so listeners will have to listen more carefully.
B) ignore any interruptions or audience reactions.
C) refuse to continue until the distraction is removed.
D) minimize your response and proceed as soon as possible.
Which kind of outline is usually brief and contains key words or phrases?
A) working
C) specific
With recorded presentations, transmission, and reception occur at different times, in
_______ communication.
A) synchronous
B) asynchronous
C) webcast
D) extemporaneous
If a person who was a witness to the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11 provides a
quotation about what she or he saw, that quotation would be considered
A) expert testimony.
B) lay testimony.
C) narrative.
D) an extended example.
To describe a series of developments in time or a set of actions that occur sequentially, a
speaker should use which pattern of arrangement?
To help your audience follow your speech do all of the following except
A) preview main points in the introduction.
B) avoid organizational patterns.
C) use lots of transition words and phrases.
D) employ rhetorical devices such as repetition and parallelism
In which kind of presentation are you expected to identify the thesis or hypothesis,
explain the methodology, and evaluate the findings?
A)service learning presentation
B)team presentations
C)review of academic articles.
Stage one of stress-control breathing involves using a calming word in a mantra.
Listeners tend to pay attention to all of the following except
A)information that they deem important.
B)information that is associated with their experiences.
C)information that relates to their backgrounds.
D)information that is unrelated to their interests.
Under which speaking circumstances should the speaker begin by showing the topic's
relevance to the audience, and then relate the topic to ideas and experiences about
which the audience holds a positive attitude?
A)if the topic of the speech is new to the listeners
B)if the listeners don"t know very much about the topic
C)if the listeners already have a negative bias
D)if the listeners have a positive feeling about the topic
"I"m a better candidate than X because, unlike X, I work for a living" is an example of
A)ad hominem argument.
B)hasty generalization.
C) slippery slope.
D)slippery slope.
One of the advantageous of _______ online presentations is that they allow for
interactivity between speaker and audience members.
A) asynchronous
B) podcast
C) vodcast
D) real-time
Outlines are based on the principle of
A)coordination and subordination.
B)general and specific purpose.
C)primacy and decency.
D)topic selection.
Which type of presentation is an informational speech for an audience of student
B)group activity
C)classroom discussion
Several of Anne's closest friends celebrated their twenty-year friendship with her by
delivering a series of short comical accounts of their relationship with Anne. Which
type of special occasion speech did Anne's friends use?
A)a toast
B)a roast
C)a eulogy
D)an after-dinner speech
The _______ presentation describes how an experimental or a mathematical process
works and under what conditions it can be used.
B)field study
C)research overview
A speech of introduction should
A)avoid anecdotes or quotes.
B)identify the speaker's title correctly.
C)be longer than the speech to come will be.
D) be well developed and include major points with fully developed subpoints.
A _______ outline permits more eye contact, greater freedom of movement, and better
control of your thoughts and actions.
In the _______ section of the original research presentation you should highlight the
insights to the questions or hypotheses investigated.
A _____ _____ is a brief description of the source's qualifications to address the topic.
The primary purpose of oral presentations in the _______ and _______ fields is to
present the results of original or replicated research.
The rhetorical situation, how many audience members will attend the speech, and
whether the speaker will need a microphone are all components of the physical speech
_______ .
The ______ ______ pattern is effective when the audience is already aware of an issue
or problem.
A false or erroneous statement, or an invalid or deceptive line of reasoning, is called a
logical ______ .
Effective delivery has many elements in common with everyday _______ .
A chief limitation of ______ online presentations is scheduling the presentation around
the fact that your audience may be in different time zones.
The mutual understanding of a message between the speaker and the audience is called
________ .
Types of presentations for _______ courses include lectures and group activities.
A _______ is the number of times something occurs.
Topics that involve a time-ordered sequence of main points require the _______ pattern
of arrangement.
An _____ or ____ audience is made up of people who have intimate knowledge of the
topic being discussed.
Fundraisers, campaign banquets, conferences, and conventions are examples of special
occasion speeches that have as their purpose to ______ ______ ______ .
The process of _______ helps to determine an audience's attributes and motivations.
Enthusiasm is one key to achieving _______ variety.
In the motivated sequence pattern, the ______ step isolates and describes the issue to be
When speaking in front of an ethnically and culturally diverse audience, a speaker's first
priority should be treating the audience members with ____ and acting with ______ .
A _______ _______ identifies the main points of the speech.

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