CAS 69500

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 21
subject Words 2589
subject Authors Andrew Ledbetter, Em Griffin, Glenn Sparks

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Dialogic communication was developed to correct several ideological deficiencies
manifested in the cosmopolitan communicator.
We-identity is to Americans as I-identity is to the Japanese.
Taking the role of the other means placing yourself in another's position and viewing
the world as you believe he or she would view it.
Gerber suggests that people's perceptions are shaped by their media consumption.
Most people disclose for the same motivation: to get close to their partner.
Standpoint theorists have developed a hierarchy that establishes which social groups are
more marginalized than others.
Ivan Steiner claimed that actual group productivity equals potential productivity minus
losses to processes.
After consideration, Walther now believes that online communication is an inherently
inferior medium for relational communication.
When two people punctuate a cycle in opposite ways, each sees himself or herself as
reacting to, rather than provoking, the other.
Communicators who converge as generally viewed more favorable compared to those
who diverge.
Hedging may involve jokes and/or ambiguity.
Fisher believes that people have a natural tendency to prefer truthful and humane stories
over stories lacking those characteristics.
Based on the lack of a central explanatory mechanism, Walther's four-factor
hyperpersonal model is best labeled a perspective rather than a theory.
Hirokawa regards discussion as an instrument that group members use to create the
social reality in which decisions are made.
Two one-up messages create complementary communication.
The way to achieve significant change in a high ego-involved person is through a series
of small, successive steps.
Man-made language aids in defining, depreciating, and excluding women.
ELM is optimistic that credibility facilitates long-term persuasive effects.
Social exchange theory assumes that people can accurately anticipate the outcomes of a
variety of interactions.
For Asians, integration means achieving peace with one another.
McLuhan was widely accepted academically, but failed to connect with popular
Anthropologist and linguist Dell Hymes called for a general theory of communication
that would help us predict and control behavior across a wide variety of cultures.
Face is an Asian concept that is not particularly important to Westerners.
For Shannon, the amount of information in a message is measured by how much it
combats chaos.
In order for the agenda-setting function hypothesis to be established as a causal
relationship, a lag between media priorities and public priorities must be observed.
The "me" can be viewed as an objectthe generalized other.
Aubrey Fisher identified the problem caused by overemphasizing the socioemotional
dimension of groups, a problem replicated by the functional perspective.
The cosmopolitan communicator emphasizes coherence over coordination.
Groups must choose between sharing group fantasies and creating symbolic
Marxist scholars are dedicated to empowering those who are marginalized in society.
In social judgment theory, an individual's stand can best be represented as a point along
a continuum.
The use of culture as a root metaphor was stimulated by a fascination with the success
of Japanese corporations.
Aristotle's topoi are goodwill, perceived intelligence, and virtuous character.
According to McPhee, an official organizational chart is the final word on structure
within an organization.
Cosmopolitan communicators try to find ways of coordinating with others with whom
they do not, and perhaps should not, agree.
The narrative paradigm sees the world as a collection of logical puzzles that we can
solve through rational analysis.
From a motivational perspective, people have a considerable amount of free will to
determine their communication behavior.
Ideological signs enlist support for the status quo by transforming history into nature.
Baxter believes that communication is just one feature of a couple's relationship.
A heavy television viewer does not want to watch specific shows as much as watch
television per se.
For Mead, the generalized other represented:
A.a person's general belief system.
B.a composite mental image of others' actions and expectations.
C.a particular target or person.
D.the self before the "me" develops.
The ______________ model assumes that a media message affects most consumers in
the same way. effects effects
C.personal effects
D.uniform effects
The most common form of textual analysis is
A.rhetorical criticism.
B.discourse analysis.
C.content analysis. scrutinizing.
Cognitive dissonance will be great if the discrepant act is
A.not very important.
B.accompanied by a substantial reward.
C.difficult to reverse.
D.intellectually stimulating.
For Burke, life is not like drama; it is drama.
Which of these conclusions reflects a 'straight-line" effect of media?
A.Both Caroline and Ralph thought it was a good film but for different reasons:
Caroline enjoyed the acting while Ralph thought it has a good story.
B.It's hard to find a movie that both Caroline and Ralph both enjoy, but they agree that
they prefer to watch movies at home rather than in the theater.
C.Since it was a "feel good" movie, both Caroline and Ralph enjoyed it.
D.Since it was a "feel good" movie, Caroline was in a good mood, but Ralph was
miserable throughout the show.
At times confidants sometimes face a confidentiality dilemma. When might this occur?
A.When a breach in a privacy boundary is done in order to promote the original owner's
B.When it is discovered that information offered by the original owner is deceptive.
C.When it seems important to keep something private that is clearly inconsequential.
D.When the motive to disclose is based on personal gain.
Theories should be posed if there is a clear or widely accepted explanation of a given
A good humanist theory generates
B.agreement among scholars.
C.widespread analysis.
D.All of the answers are correct.
The ethnographic approach to organizational culture championed by Pacanowsky has
been criticized because
A.its validity has not been established experimentally.
B.its hands-off attitude toward influence bothers pragmatists.
C.its central hypotheses are difficult to test.
D.its treatment of stories, rituals, and metaphors is too diffuse.
Communication behavior that reduces complexity. Is also know as
C.Activity Coordination.
Which of the following was presented as a truism among communication scholars?
A.anyone can step into the same river twice
B.communication is irreversible
C.the only "failure to communicate" is not communicating
D.words don't mean things, people mean things
Healthy relationships
A.are dominated by symmetrical communication.
B.are dominated by complementary communication.
C.include both symmetrical and complementary communication.
D.include neither symmetrical nor complementary communication.
Julia Wood's in-depth study of caregiving in the United States is an example of
A.strong objectivity.
B.research based on women's lives.
C.research based on standpoint theory.
D.All of the answers are correct
For performance ethnographers, metaperformance refers to interactions within marginalized groups.
B.the process of reporting fieldwork through actable ethnographies. about communication. interactions that participants recognize as symbolic.
Social penetration theory has been criticized because relies too heavily on gender distinctions. places too much emphasis on dialectical issues. equates self-disclosure with relational closeness.
D.Both "it places too much emphasis on dialectical issues" and "it equates
self-disclosure with relational closeness"
The theorems proposed in uncertainty reduction theory (URT)
A.state correlational relationships between factors affecting uncertainty reduction.
B.state cause and effect relationships between factors affecting URT.
C.present circular logic that is not testable.
D.have minimal research support.
Wood suggests that one reason why marginalized people have a "less partial"
perspective than those who hold power in society is that those who are marginalized
A.have little reason to defend the status quo.
B.view truth as value-free and accessible to any objective observer.
C.dismiss any relationship between the knower and the known.
D.are unfamiliar with the perspectives of those who are in power.
A main focus of Altman and Taylor's social penetration theory is
A.self-disclosure, the path to intimacy.
B.instrumental, interpersonal, and identity goals.
C.strategic action and carefully controlled leakage.
D.the desire for coordination and coherence.
Which cue is the one nonverbal cue that's not filtered out in CMC?
Edward Hall's term for the study of people's use of space as a special elaboration of
culture is
The looking-glass self is best defined as
A.the mental image others have of us.
B.the mental image we introspectively observe we have.
C.the mental image that results from taking the role of the other.
D.the mental image of physical attributes we observe.
The majority of fantasy theme analyses target
A.dramatizing messages that rely on fictitious, symbolically created realities.
B.families' use of fantasy chains to effectively create unity.
C.fantasy chains that have failed to ignite within the group.
D.rhetorical visions of varied rhetorical communities and how they communicate a
unified fantasy.
The "I" aspect of a person's self is
B.the source of motivation for action.
D.None of the answers are correct
Baxter believes that one should not talk about "communication in relationships"
A.communication is constitutive: it makes up/creates the relationship.
B.communication is reductionistic: relationships are don't' "utterances." needs to avoid being prescriptive: relationships just evolve.
D.relationships are idiosyncratic: there are not patterns.
The relational dialectics approach has been criticized by
A.Humanists, who distrust empirical methodology.
B.Marxists, who desire dialectical synthesis.
C.Baxter and Montgomery, who agree with charges that the theory lacks prediction or
D.Mikhail Bakhtin, who finds the fundamental presentation of dialectical tensions too
complex and chaotic.
Communication that shapes the relationships among an organization's members is
referred to as
A.Membership Negotiation.
C.Activity Coordination.
D.Institutional Positioning.
Bradley Greenberg suggested that, in addition to the eight categories given by Rubin,
people may consume media because of __________.
B.habitual usage
C.need to individualize pressure
A criticism of new research by Ting-Toomey and John Oetzel involves
A.their reliance on an American sample.
B.the use of self-report data.
C.their use of an interpretivistic lens for analysis.
D.a very limited subject pool.
The invisible, variable volume of space surrounding an individual that defines that
person's preferred distance from others is called
A.intimate space.
B.personal space. space.
D.public space.
At the second level of agenda setting the media
A.tell us what issues are important.
B.give prominence to stories that reinforce the capitalistic agenda, particularly if they
feature violence against minorities.
C.transfer salience of a collection of attributes that the media associate with an attitude
object to the audience's image of the object.
D.Both "tell us what issues are important" and "give prominence to stories that
reinforce the capitalistic agenda, particularly if they feature violence against minorities"
Griffin points out that open discussion of conflict a pancultural desire.
B.may not be well-received across all cultures.
C.relies on minimal power restraints.
D.stands in sharp contrast to an ethic of peacekeeping.
"Humans act toward others on the basis of meanings that they assign to those people"
summarizes which of the following theories?
A.Communication accommodation theory
B.Cultural studies
C.Symbolic interactionism
D.Uncertainty reduction theory
The cosmopolitan communicator
A.calls to mind a citizen-of-the-world who interacts comfortably with people who come
from diverse cultural backgrounds.
B.assumes that there is no single truth, or if there is, it wears many faces.
C.practices a form of discourse similar toor consistent withdialogic communication.
D.All of the answers are correct
Hall places less emphasis on rationality and more emphasis on
Harding and Wood believe that the best way to discover how the world works is to ask
those _________________________.
For Burke, confession of sin and requests for forgiveness are called
Dissonance may occur after a decision has been made. This dilemma, known as
______________ or postdecision dissonance, leads to doubts after close calls.
A speech code reveals a culture's psychology, _____________, and _____________.

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