CAS 61238

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2287
subject Authors Kelly M. Quintanilla

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Adding a relational layer to a message can be done with
a. eye contact.
b. tone of voice.
c. word choice.
d. all of the above
Joe was getting ready for his first performance evaluation at his new company. He had
made a list of all the things that he felt he needed to improve upon as was the custom at
his previous organization. He was surprised when he walked into his evaluation
meeting to find his supervisor ready to discuss how he can develop himself for
promotional opportunities. What element of the importance of human communication
in business and professional contexts does this example illustrate?
a. Communicators are impacted by their previous communication experiences.
b. Role-taking is critical to the success of business and professional communication.
c. Feedback is critical to the success of business and professional communication.
d. Physical surroundings influence communicators.
To say that you cannot not communicate is to say that everything is communication.
a. True
b. False
The ____________________ should be considered first, last, and during every stage as
you design your speech.
a. audience analysis
b. speaker’s communication apprehension
c. the relevance of the topic
d. the visual aids
Research on first impressions has shown
a. once a first impression has been made, it is nearly impossible to change.
b. once a first impression has been made, twice as much information is needed to
reverse it.
c. first impressions are formed in the first 30 seconds of meeting someone.
d. a lasting first impression is more important than the interview itself.
What is the purpose of a devil’s advocate?
a. to push for a decision to be made in a timely manner
b. to point out obvious flaws in each solution
c. to make sure unpopular views are discussed
d. to provide the vote to make the majority
For the purposes of organization, all e-mail should be sent to one inbox and then filtered
into separate folders within that inbox.
a. True
b. False
Ted is writing a business request for his boss and is worrying about whether he should
send his message by hard copy or e-mail. Also, Ted is not sure when to send his request.
Ted is worrying about the _________ of his message.
a. timing
b. delivery
c. purpose
d. language
Including Internet research is the best way to incorporate research into a presentation.
a. True
b. False
Beyond noise, what are some additional factors that may distract your focus?
a. message overload
b. receiver apprehension
c. physical illness
d. A and B
Matt recently landed a job at a successful company after he linked up with a former
fraternity member who was now the hiring manager. Matt's case is an example of
a. fraternal power.
b. connection power.
c. friend power.
d. networking power.
Travis is giving a speech to his biology class, discussing the digestive system of the
human body. Travis should
a. stay away from visual aids and focus on the textbook definitions and examples.
b. play a fifteen minute video discussing the digestive system.
c. supplement his speech with illustrations and photos.
d. create a model of the digestive system and pass it around the classroom.
If ingratiation is insincere, not your style, or if your boss doesn’t like the attention, your
resulting communication will come across as less than professional.
a. True
b. False
Nonverbal communication accounts for ______% to _______% of the total meaning of
a. 23%; 47%
b. 65%; 93%
c. 72%; 98%
d. 35%; 50%
_______ considerations are the variety of factors important for us to consider in any
scenario in which we’re making a decision, conducting an evaluation, or making a
a. Ethical
b. Pragmatic
c. Instrumental
d. Relational
When asking yourself what you are best at, what you enjoy doing the most, and what
motivates you, what activity are you engaging in?
a. self-exploration
b. self-determination
c. career exploration
d. priority exploration
When gathering research, internal sources of information include
a. information that comes from within the organization, such as reports, policies, or
interviews with employees and/or customers.
b. information that comes from outside the organization, such as from outside agencies,
the competition, the government, and the media.
c. interviews with scholars who have researched the organization.
d. all of the above
The level of performance and perceived satisfaction teachers receives from their
students is largely influenced by
a. verbal communication.
b. nonverbal communication.
c. difficulty of course material.
d. the peer relationship of the classroom.
Which of the following is an appropriate example of a family?
a. two college roommates
b. man living with a girlfriend
c. mother and an adopted child
d. b and c
Shyness describes what type of communication apprehension?
a. trait
b. group
c. introverted
d. evaluative
The voting technique of majority rule has been found to be the most effective overall, as
it utilizes a more democratic approach to decision making.
a. True
b. False
What criteria do patients often use when selecting physicians?
a. medical schooling
b. proximity to their home
c. perceived image
d. experience
What should a leader do in between meetings?
a. Allow their employees to work independently.
b. Send reminders of upcoming work to be discussed at the next meeting.
c. Take over a task that is not being completed in a timely manner.
d. Allow workers to switch tasks if they think it will benefit the group.
Rashid’s company is considering adopting a new policy. A competitor adopted the same
policy and received bad press. He thinks that they too will receive bad publicity if they
adopt the policy. Rashid is using
a. inductive reasoning.
b. deductive reasoning.
c. analogical reasoning.
d. logical reasoning.
Having ___________ means that you have magnetic charm, allure, and you are able to
appeal to others.
a. leadership traits
b. the qualities of a follower
c. charisma
d. none of the above
Designing a presentation is a linear process in which you move from one step to the
a. True
b. False
It is easy to speak from a manuscript and use a conversational style.
a. True
b. False
Chronological, spatial, compare-contrast, sequential, and topical are all different types
of ___________ for presentations.
a. problem-solution
b. organizational patterns
c. transitions
d. research
The interpersonal communication between supervisors and subordinates is limited to
the relational layer.
a. True
b. False
____________ is even more difficult to analyze because of the lack of cues in computer
mediated communication.
a. Verbal communication
b. Professionalism
c. Competence
d. Nonverbal communication
During a recent poverty awareness event, Sara incorporated pictures of starving
children into her presentation. This persuasive appeal is known as
a. ethos.
b. pathos.
c. logos.
d. cognitive dissonance.
Explain what ethos, logos, and pathos are in terms of making public presentations and
how each would function.
Summarize the proper attire for a job interview.
Briefly explain three types of task roles and three types of relationship roles that help
teams share leadership responsibility.
Describe the five-step process of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence.
Think of several types of jargon you use in your everyday life. Explain how you would
describe your jargon to a person who is not familiar with it.
Answer varies
Briefly describe five strategies for achieving balance.
List and describe three ways to generate innovative solutions.
What is groupthink? Briefly describe the causes of groupthink and ways to avoid it.
Think about how you use social media in professional contexts. How can it be helpful
in enhancing your professional excellence? How can it be harmful to your professional
How do messages get altered as they move from subordinates to superiors?
Describe the communication process using key terms and concepts from the chapter.
Describe four different types of nonverbal communication and explain how they impact
the effectiveness of communication
Explain the KEYS approach to achieving excellence in team communication. Be sure to
go through the four steps in KEYS and explain how they apply to achieving excellence
in team communication.
Answer varies
What should you include on your rsum, and what should you leave off your rsum?
Think about an example where your space has been violated. What boundary or
territory markers did you set up around you? Why were they not effective?
Answer varies
What are the benefits to work-life balance?
How do personality types lead to imbalance between work and life?
Imagine you are in a management position and need to roll out what you anticipate will
be an unpopular change in the pay structure at your organization. This change will
mean several lower level employees will receive pay cuts and many of your current
positions will be
reorganized. What kinds of things should you consider as you decide how to convey
this message to your team? Frame your discussion around the KEYS process. Include
concepts discussed in the communication model with particular attention paid to noise,
feedback, and communication channel. You should also incorporate the textbook’s
discussion of ethical communication.
Answer varies
Why is written communication important?

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