CAS 61121

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 22
subject Words 3092
subject Authors Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Kristen Lucas, Ronald Adler

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Videoconferences require an elaborate organizational network.
Nominal group technique provides a method for discussing the pros and cons of
proposals anonymously.
Smaller groups that have their own clear identities within a large culture are called
Task-oriented listeners focus primarily on speakers' emotional needs in order to help
Avoidance is the best communication strategy for managing conflict.
It is never a good idea to use abstract words.
When answering a question, you should maintain eye contact with the person who
asked the question for as long as it takes you to complete your answer.
Individualistic cultures emphasize personal freedoms and the right of each person to
achieve their own success.
If we think that each ethnic group has one unified style of communication, we are
When you hear the name of your former boyfriend, your eyes fill with tears, and you
lose focus on the conversation. This is an example of "psychological noise" in the
communication process.
It is not advisable to display an object unless it is large enough for everyone in the
audience to see clearly.
Interjections (e.g., "now this is important") clutter up the flow of an informative
presentation and should be avoided.
If you speak about a topic that you don't have much personal experience with, it will
probably be difficult for you to establish credibility with the audience.
If you overemphasize your ethic identity at work and expect to be treated uniquely, you
risk being treated as a "token minority employee."
Closed questions restrict the interviewee's response.
Rules for most nonverbal behaviors, such as eye contact, are universal.
One of the most effective methods for developing and confirming personal
relationships within an organizational setting is to communicate primarily with "you"
During a behavioral interview, the best way to make a lasting impression on your
interviewer is to answer questions using high-level abstractions.
A ____________ is most effective for showing the correlation between two or more
A. pie chart
B. photograph
C. graph
D. pictogram
Strategies used by bullies include all of the following EXCEPT
A. controlling the resources that lead to success
B. presenting concrete examples of ways a subordinate can improve their performance
C. making threats
D. setting deadlines that are impossible to meet
Which of the following best describes advocates' advice for how we should treat
persons with disabilities?
A. Act awkwardly around them.
B. Use words that treat the disability as a feature and not an intrinsic part of who they
C. Honor their disabilities by treating them differently than we would treat others.
D. Stay away from them as much as you can because most people with disabilities are
more comfortable associating only with other persons who have disabilities.
We can show respect to persons with disabilities by describing the disability as a feature
(e.g. a wheelchair user) rather than an intrinsic part of who they are (wheelchair-bound
or paraplegic).
Which type of question is the following: "What is your opinion about our new benefits
A. indirect
B. closed
C. factual
D. open
In most cases, the interviewer should NOT
A. control the direction of the conversation.
B. let the interviewee continue to talk about one question for a long time, if this
encroaches on other significant question areas.
C. allot preplanned blocks of time to each agenda item.
D. use probes.
All of the following approaches will help your audience understand and remember the
material you present in your training session EXCEPT:
A. choose one approach and stick to it.
B. use more than one approach in presenting the material.
C. include hands-on activities.
D. incorporate quizzes.
Computer displays
A. are always preferable to lower-tech visual aids.
B. can show a variety of visuals, including photos, charts, graphs, and video.
C. are virtually foolproof.
D. are not well suited to creating visual interest.
A speaker's voice is often effective at communicating
A. the speaker's attitude about themselves.
B. friendliness or hostility.
C. enthusiasm or disinterest.
D. A speaker's voice communicates all of the above elements.
Which of the following is NOT one of the activities suggested for the opening
moments of a meeting?
A. Outline the ways members can contribute during the meeting.
B. Explain the goals of the meeting.
C. Use relay questions to encourage all members to participate in the opening.
D. Identify how much time is structured for the meeting.
The preferred means of dealing with conflict is to
A. remain silent
B. talk about the conflict directly and openly
C. avoid clear expressions of disagreement
D. The preferred means of dealing with conflict varies across cultural groups.
Use a __________________ pattern of organization when the audience is already
aware that a problem exists and they are trying to decide among several potential
A. problem solution
B. criteria satisfaction
C. comparative advantages
D. motivated sequence
All of the following are the intended purposes of ritual activity meetings except:
A. They reaffirm members' commitment.
B. They provide a chance to swap useful ideas.
C. They are just a waste of time.
D. They can function as a perk or status symbol.
In public speaking, the phrase "common ground" refers to
A. an occasion in which several speakers share the stage.
B. a strategy in which the speaker shows that some of her or his beliefs are similar to
the audience's beliefs.
C. telling the audience what they want to hear, whether you believe it or not.
D. a legal strategy often used successfully by public speakers who are advocating new
zoning laws.
Communication is
A. irreversible.
B. reversible.
C. avoidable.
D. a panacea
In her spare time, Sharon is the chair for a local nonprofit organization. The project
committee is attempting to determine what the organization's next large charity drive
will be. Sharon felt that she had a great idea, but it was quickly rejected by the other
committee members. So, as chair, she simply selected her idea and forced it on the other
members. According to the text, which of the following approaches to conflict did she
A. avoiding
B. accommodating
C. competing
D. compromising
A reverse question
A. occurs when a member asks the leader of the group a question, and the leader turns it
back to the person asking the question.
B. occurs when the leader refers a question asked by one member to the entire group.
C. is directed to the group as a whole.
D. is aimed at no particular group member.
A meeting is advisable when
A. each person on the team has a separate assignment and doesn't need to consult with
others to complete it.
B. each members fills a different role, such as information-giver, diagnoser, reality
tester, and empathic listener.
C. an agenda has not been distributed ahead of time.
D. the CEO has already decided what will be done, and wants a blanket approval.
David Dempsey advises us to "[m]ake three points that stick, rather than 10 quick
points." WHY should you limit the number of main points in your speech?
A. People have difficulty recalling more than five pieces of information when they are
presented orally.
B. You will have time to provide interesting information about each of your points.
C. You will have time to illustrate these points in a compelling way.
D. All of these are reasons why you should address no more than five main points.
All of the following are important elements of an effective apology except:
A. Explain how you will prevent this mistake from occurring again.
B. Acknowledge that your actions made the other person suffer.
C. Suggest how you can compensate the other person for the damage you did.
D. Save face by providing an excuse for your actions.
Use a rhetorical question as an opening statement in order to
A. state your thesis.
B. involve your listeners in your topic.
C. stir the audience to action.
D. demonstrate your expertise.
Your text describes all of the following presentation styles used in business and
professional presentations EXCEPT
A. dialogue.
B. interactive.
C. guided discussion.
D. monologue.
Which is a typical outcome of using "less powerful" speech?
A. It sounds considerate and may help the speaker improve relationships.
B. It creates the impression that the speaker highly competent.
C. It demonstrates conviction.
D. It tends to alienate co-workers.
Mr. Madaren asks "How many years did you work for your previous employer?"
Which type of question is Mr. Madaren using?
A. critical incident
B. indirect
C. hypothetical
D. factual
According to the text, in developing personal networks to discover job contacts,
__________ are often most helpful.
A. close friends
B. close relatives
C. associates who are not relatives or close friends
D. personnel departments of major corporations
All of the following are true about strategic communication EXCEPT
A. Our messages include both instrumental and relational aspects.
B. It is unethical to use communication strategies to achieve our goals.
C. It is possible to communicate strategically, while still respecting others' rights and
D. Identity management involves purposefully trying to make a certain type of
impression through our communication.
Various forms of sexual harassment can exist in any work setting. If Tony expected
sexual favors from Judith in return for a promotion to assistant coordinator of the sales
division, which type of sexual harassment would be involved?
A. sexual initiation
B. quid pro quo
C. work-environment hostility
D. This is not a form of sexual harassment.
Which of the following is NOT appropriate to include during the conclusion of a
A. a review of your main points
B. returning to the theme you established in your opening statement
C. challenging the audience toward action
D. new evidence to further support your main point
The Greek culture (a culture that avoids uncertainty) tends to
A. value tradition.
B. have few formal rules.
C. encourage new ideas.
D. enjoy the challenge of risk taking.
A guided discussion
A. works best with large audiences in formal settings.
B. feels more like a conversation than a speech.
C. refers to a speech delivered without interruption from the audience.
D. occurs when a speaker has a set plan of material to cover, but encourages listeners to
join in during the presentation with questions and comments.
If Ron determines through his audience analysis that his audience wants to be
entertained by his comments, which of the following questions about the audience has
Ron answered?
A. Who are the key audience members?
B. What are the demographic characteristics of the audience?
C. What does the audience know?
D. What are the personal preferences of audience members?
If you take time to discover in advance your audience preferences (e.g. humorous,
serious, fast-paced, leisurely), you will have a better shot at success in your
All of the following are examples of negative, rather than positive, language EXCEPT:
A. You'd better give us until Tuesday to get that inspection done.
B. The inspection won't be finished until Tuesday.
C. We'll have to wait until Tuesday to schedule the inspection.
D. We'll finish the inspection on Tuesday.
The most typical and straightforward approach for organizing a proposal is a
_______________ pattern of organization.
A. chronological
B. criteria satisfaction
C. motivational sequence
D. problem solution
All of the following except ___________ should be included in the cover letter you
send to an organization along with your résumé.
A. your specific purpose for writing
B. objective evidence that proves how you can help the company
C. two very specific times and dates when you are available for an interview
D. a cordial expression of gratitude

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