CAS 57732

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 1507
subject Authors Stewart Tubbs

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The formula: "# of successful power acts/# of attempts made" defines which of the
A. ascribed status
B. attained status
C. high status
D. referent status
Verbal judo:
A. Is a gentle art of persuasion that redirects others' behavior with words, and generates
voluntary compliance.
B. Allows for full expression of personal feelings.
C. Involves recognizing that sometimes people have to be the aggressor first.
D. Encourages people to use phrases such as "calm down" and "be reasonable."
In the article by Norman Maier, which of the following types of solutions least lends
itself to group problem solving?
A. high quality, low acceptance requirements
B. high acceptance, low quality requirements
C. high acceptance, high quality requirements
D. none of the above; group decision-making is equally effective in all three situations
Which of the following is NOT identified by Tubbs as a disadvantage of
A. Empowerment can cause frustration
B. There is ambiguity in terms of who is responsible for what can occur
C. Quality of communication between groups is NOT improved
D. New behaviors must be learned
In the Control-Empowerment Matrix, TAYLORISM is:
A. Generally automated or static, like in a production environment.
B. Generally used for surveillance and shadowing activities.
C. Generally used most effectively in a structured environment.
D. Complex information technology processes with subject matter experts.
Studies comparing anonymous (computer) groups with non-anonymous groups find
that anonymous (computer) groups:
A. generated fewer unique ideas
B. had lower levels of participation
C. were more critical
D. were more satisfied
ALL BUT ONE of the following are tactics for negotiating and resolving conflict
suggested by Woolf (1990). Which is not?
A. Don't ask--they'll know what you want too soon.
B. Don't take anything personally.
C. Start high but don't be ridiculous.
D. Don't be intimidated just because it's printed.
The type of leadership where there is no concern for control, no direction, and no
concern for interpersonal relationships is:
A. autocratic
B. laissez-faire
C. democratic
D. leaderless
Vocal quality refers to:
A. relative emphasis, pitch changes, and duration in uttering different word parts in a
B. resonance of the voice
C. frequency in cycles per second
D. rate and fluency
Phase three in group development is referred to as:
A. reinforcement
B. orientation
C. conflict
D. emergence
Which of the following is a finding of the conformity research?
A. Conformists are higher in ego strength and in their ability to work in stress situations
B. Conformists tend toward feelings of superiority
C. Conformists are less intelligent
D. Conformists make better leaders than do nonconformists
Recent research on social loafing found that group members are more likely to
_________ when preference for group work and winning orientation are low.
A. Work interdependently
B. Be dependent on the leader
C. Self-report social loafing
D. Miss meetings
Patterson and his colleagues refer to the two parts of our brain as the "know" and "go."
The "know" system:
A. Is emotionally neutral.
B. Triggers reflexive responses, including fight and flight.
C. Develops very early.
D. Turns on when you're about to fall under attack.
The philosopher who argued that there is one ethical principle, namely the respect and
dignity of each human being was:
A. John Rawls
B. Aristotle
C. Immanuel Kant
D. John Stuart Mills
Tubbs provides several practical tips on how to improve listening skills. Which of the
following is not one of the tips?
A. Pay attention to positive nonverbal behavior.
B. Interrupt when necessary in order to ask for clarification.
C. Avoid side conversations.
D. Try not to argue mentally.
Tubbs defines small group interaction as "the process by which three or more members
of a group exchange verbal and nonverbal messages..." What is the last part of this
A. in an attempt to influence one another
B. interdependently
C. in a structured fashion
D. in a timely fashion
The earliest view of leadership emphasized:
A. trait
B. function
C. circumstances
D. contingency
Deborah Tannen's (1995) research found all but one of the following to be true. Which
is false?
A. Women preface suggestions with disclaimers
B. Men and women talk differently in group situations
C. Women talk more
D. Men speak louder
Which of the following is false?
A. People with authority are generally assigned authority through their position level.
B. Some people with assigned authority may not be leaders.
C. Leaders may be the group members without assigned authority.
D. In most cases, leadership and authority are the same thing.
Regardless of the organization's size, over ____________ percent of HR professionals
responding to a survey on Internet use reported that their organizations are connected to
the Internet.
A. 10
B. 45
C. 75
D. 90
According to Adler and Elmhorst, once the number of group participants passes
__________, the likelihood of some members falling silent increases.
A. Five
B. Seven
C. Ten
D. Twelve
According to Hersey and Blanchard, which of the following IS NOT one of the
decisions needed when determining the appropriate leadership style?
A. What is the readiness of the situation?
B. How much commitment do the workers have to the company?
C. What leadership action should be taken?
D. What follow-up, if any, is required?
The idea that groups may use different methods to reach the same goal is referred to
A. throughput
B. output
C. equifinality
D. cycles
Which of the following is an individual role?
A. evaluating
B. coordinating
C. compromising
D. help seeking
Which of the following is false?
A. Being male gendered can result in ascribed status in groups.
B. In organizational groups, women are perceived as having a higher ascribed status
than men.
C. Differences in status of members of a group may either facilitate or hinder other
members from interacting in any type of groups.
D. Social bias and perceived status of group members were both abolished through the
use of the GDSS (anonymous group decision support system).
If I said, "God guess you," instead of "God bless you," after you sneezed, that would be
an example of a:
A. verbal intentional message
B. nonverbal intentional message
C. verbal unintentional message
D. nonverbal unintentional message
The "Apollo Syndrome:"
A. Occurs when highly capable members underachieve.
B. Occurs when productive groups become even MORE productive.
C. Occurs when consistently unproductive groups outperform consistent productive
D. Occurs when racially mixed groups outperform racial homogenous groups.
According to your text, which one of the following is not one of the ten
commandments of implementing changes:
A. separate from the past
B. create a sense of urgency
C. support a strong leader role
D. avoid political sponsorship
A person who acts as a "know-it-all" is engaging in which of the following defensive
A. strategy
B. neutrality
C. certainty
D. control
The "ED" in the formula ED = Q x A stands for _________________.
A. effective decision
B. educated decision
C. effective discussion
D. encouraging discussion
According to a 2007 Wall Street Journal survey, the following four attributes were
identified by recruiters as the most highly valued attributes of people they want to hire.
Which was identified as the most highly valued?
A. Leadership potential
B. Analytical and problem-solving skills
C. Ability to work well in teams
D. Communication and interpersonal skills
Which of the following statements if false?
A. Speakers rated as 'sincere" make eye contact three times more often than "insincere"
B. For 90 percent of Americans, the left eye is used only for depth perception.
C. When Richard Nixon attended his first Watergate press conference, he blinked up to
40 times a minute.
D. Sincere speakers blink between 5 and 10 times per minute.

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