CAS 23433

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 18
subject Words 2374
subject Authors Andrew Ledbetter, Em Griffin, Glenn Sparks

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Whereas women value report talk, men emphasize rapport talk.
Burgoon is convinced that all cultures have a similar content of expected
communication behavior, but that the structure of those expectations can differ
markedly from culture to culture.
The amount of dissonance a person experiences is inversely related to the effort
invested in the behavior.
The intentional maintenance or persistence of one's original communication style
regardless of the communication behavior of the other is a form of divergence.
The two routes to attitude change should be considered mutually exclusive.
Hall's theoretical framework lacks a basis for preferring one ideology over another.
One indication of high ego-involvement is an extremely narrow latitude of
Uncertainty reduction theory is only valid in understanding how two strangers initially
Both light and heavy viewers overestimate the possibility that they will be the victims
of violence in the near future.
Recent agenda-setting research suggests that the media not only set the agenda for what
issues are important, but also make some aspects of issues more salient than others.
Most critical theorists are skeptical of the realm of praxis.
The battle over sexual harassment is as much a struggle over language as it is over
sexual conduct.
Although Kramarae and Tannen disagree on many issues, they both believe that men's
dominance must be exposed for what it really is.
In a healthy relationship, double binds can function as positive forces.
High levels of uncertainty cause increases in information-seeking behavior.
Empiricists wish that Philipsen built his theory on more than two data sets.
Corporate stories are positive or negative anecdotes told about others in an
Through the process of consent, most employees are richly rewarded for their loyalty.
We seldom judge the coherence of a story by comparing it with other stories we have
heard that deal with the same theme.
Funkhouser's research clearly demonstrated that the twin agendas of the public and the
media are not simply reflections of reality.
No organization can survive on its own.
Morgan and Shanahan suggest that at least a portion of the strident attack on cultivation
theory is politically motivated.
Tannen found that although two girls could sit comfortably face-to-face and carry on a
serious conversation about people they knew, when two boys were asked to do the
same, they were restless, never looked at each other, and could not complete the task.
Central to the research method of the cultural approach to organizations are content
analyses which require exhaustive frequency counts of the various activities of workers.
Berger's theory holds that the more you like people, the less you'll seek information
about them.
The best a persuader can hope for on the central route is a neutral case.
Dysfunctional families get better only if metacommunication is ignored.
CCO theorists believe organizations are like a riveralways changing, always active, and
sometimes violent.
For a Teamsterville male involved in a relationship with someone of higher or lower
status, communication is considered the height of masculinity.
Pearce suggests that language is the single most powerful tool that humans have ever
invented for the creation of social worlds.
Uses and grats is a new theory, and as such is still largely untested.
Kramarae argues that the prevalent private-public distinction in language is a
convenient way of downplaying gender differences and posing similar sexual spheres of
Post-decision dissonance is likely to occur when an individual delays choosing between
two equally attractive alternatives.
Determinists believe that things are predestined to happen and thus nothing that we can
do can affect outcomes.
Deetz's approach to corporate decision making is inherently attractive, yet
A.his constructivist view of communication does not necessarily support his reformist
B.his campaign for stakeholder negotiation may be infeasible. may be unrealistic to expect one theory to reform both commonsense conceptions
of communication and private business simultaneously.
D.All of the answers are correct
Which of the following is not one of Hall's decoding options?
A.Operate inside the dominant code
B.Apply a negotiable code
C.Substitute an oppositional code
D.Formulate a liberating code
Which of the following is not included in Hirokawa and Gouran's list of types of
communication in decision-making groups?
Dogmatic people generally have
A.wide latitudes of non-commitment.
B.wide latitudes of rejection.
C.wide latitudes of acceptance.
D.narrow attitudes of rejection.
Julia Wood and Christopher Inman observe that
A.although Tannen claims both female and male styles are equally valid, many of her
comments and examples tend to put down masculine values.
B.Tannen ignores issues of male dominance, control, power, sexism, discrimination,
sexual harassment, and verbal insults.
C.the prevailing ideology of intimacy discounts the ways that men draw close to each
D.Tannen's intimacy/independence dichotomy suggests none of the ongoing complexity
of human existence that relational dialectics describes.
What term is used to explain how we may limit out thinking by unintentionally "filling
in the blanks" such as assigning a gender to a neutral noun?
A.default assumptions
B.discriminatory biases
D.symbolic interaction
Which of the following does Patricia Hill Collins' argue is one of fours ways of
validating knowledge claims?
A.lived experience as a criterion of meaning
B.the use of monologues in assessing knowledge claims
C.the ethic of apathy
D.the ethic of corporate accountability
What term is used to describe every action as an action, reaction, and forecast of future
D.self-fulfilling prophecy
What nontechnical term does Judee Burgoon use in reference to communication theory?
The ultimate test of narrative coherence is whether or not
A.the characters act in a reliable manner.
B.the narrator has included all important information.
C.the narrator has accounted for other plausible interpretations.
D.the story is consistent with the audience's values.
According to McLuhan, the phonetic alphabet inspired culture.
B.linear thinking.
C.mass literacy.
D.a new acoustic space.
The basic idea behind symbolic interactionism is that:
A.communication involves the coordination of stories told, stories lived, and stories
B.humans construct meaning in their lives through the use of shared symbols
C.people simply react to their environments and play no active part in forming them is possible to understand how people communicate by looking at behavior separate
from the context of that behavior
The word a speaker uses to sum up all that is bad, wrong, or evil is a(n)
A.false dilemma.
C.devil term.
D.None of the answers are correct
Early Athenian public speaking professors whose practical approach lacked a
theoretical foundation were called
Dieter Frey found that selective exposure does not operate if
A.the rewards for paying attention are great.
B.we do not regard the information as a threat.
C.we are allowed to choose what we hear and see.
D.None of the answers are correct
Burke's theory has been criticized because
A.he had insufficient interest in ethical issues.
B.his assumption that guilt underlies all public address is questionable.
C.his prose is often confusing and obscure.
D.Both "his assumption that guilt underlies all public address is questionable" and "his
prose is often confusing and obscure"
Because she is committed to critiquing an androcentric world, Wood believes that cannot be feminists.
B.a sense of solidarity among women is politically necessary.
C.we need to discover the "essence of women" that motivates their communication.
D.All of the answers are correct
The recurring dramatic theme focused upon by Gerbner is
C.materialism. class.
Which of the following factors is likely to contribute to the impression of an encounter
as being an intergroup experience? individualistic orientation
B.positive previous experience
C.rigidly held stereotypes
D.low group solidarity
Recent developments in agenda-setting theory have been criticized because
A.the causal link between the media's agendas and the public's agenda has been called
into question.
B.there is no evidence to suggest that the media's agendas and the public's agenda do
not simply mirror reality.
C.the role of interest aggregations has been underrepresented.
D.framing may be irrelevant to this research tradition.
Having run his own $1/$20 experiment, Daryl Bem argues that
A.Festinger's basic hypothesis remains sound.
B.Aronson's contributions to the theory are suspect.
C.recent assertions about self-perception enhance the minimal justification hypothesis.
D.self-perception is a simpler explanation of the observed behavior than is cognitive
The result of a personal audit of likely gains and losses from a breach of expectancy is
A.response value.
B.reinforcement value.
C.violation valence.
D.None of the answers are correct
Which of the following is a purpose of a scientific theory?
A.explanation of universal laws of human behavior
B.exploration of meaning
C.interpretation of an individual text in a specific context
D.maintenance of the status quo
The need for orientation arises from
B.high relevance and uncertainty.
C.the influence of spin doctors.
Tannen believes that, more than anything else, women seek
B.human understanding.
C.human connection.
Through the process of consent, employees of a corporation
A.reach the highest level of fulfillment.
B.are forced to follow the company's dictates or quit.
C.speak their minds openly, but do not participate in decision making.
D.accomplish the interests of management in the faulty attempt to fulfill their own
"________ is an umbrella term for all careful, systematic, and self-conscious discussion
and analysis of communication phenomena."
C.Informed hunch
Which of the following is not one of the four different ways corporate decisions can be
A speech characterized by the mind-set of pragmatism will emphasize
The strategy of enlisting third-party help in resolving a conflict antithetical to people from Asian cultures. used by collectivists rather than individualists. used by both collectivists and individualists. only effective if the third party is an impartial person the disputants don't know.
Which of the following is not a type of story that Pacanowsky claims dramatizes
organizational life?
A.resistant stories
B.personal stories
C.collegial stories
D.corporate stories
Which of the following theories represents a "cues filtered out" interpretation?
A.Social presence theory
B.Media richness theory
C.Social information processing theory
D.Both "Social presence theory" and "Media richness theory"
Interpretive scholars
A.assume that people create multiple meanings of reality. hard to maintain objectivity.
C.realize that all meaning is objective.
D.None of the answers are correct
Berger assumes that when strangers meet, their primary concern is to
A.predict and act upon the outcome value.
B.increase predictability about the behavior of themselves and others.
C.personalize the situation.
D.disclose relatively important aspects of their and the other's personalities.
Uses of media are inextricably tied to the gratifications people receive from those

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