CAS 12887

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2280
subject Authors Julia T. Wood

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An example of this phase is: One person in an Internet newsgroup invites another
member of the group to engage in individual exchange of ideas
a nascent friendship
b role-limited interaction
c moving toward friendship
d stabilized friendship
e friendly relations
The initial meeting is the first stages of interaction and possibly of friendship
a nascent friendship
b role-limited interaction
c moving toward friendship
d stabilized friendship
e friendly relations
After the first few married years, most couples experience a dip in marital satisfaction:
a when they have children
b when a spouse gets lazy in the relationship
c when their occupation takes most of the time
d when they stop communicating
e regardless of whether or not they have children
Sam sees Sally. Sam thinks Sally is so hot. Sam says, "Hey! Are you from Tennessee?
Because you're the only ten I see!" According to the model of communication, Sam is
trying to ____ a message to Sally.
a. encode
b. decode
c. feedback
d. channel
The opposite or unproductive communication of focus on specific issues is:
a poor listening
b cross-complaining
c excessive metacommunication
d validation of each other
e kitchen-sinking
The ____ view of emotions posits this model: stimulus > physiological response >
a. organismic view
b. cognitive labeling
c. interactive
d. virtual
e. perceptual
The reason why you and another person may disagree about something is more likely
that you have attended to different things that are differences in:
a social
b personal
c cultural
d cognitive
e all of these
Charles will always be fat, because he is too lazy to exercise and he doesn't care about
what he eats. This is an example of:
a prototype
b script
c personal construct
d stereotype
e attribution
Typical effects of this fallacy is that it can make others defensive and can alienate self
from feelings.
a. perfection
b. overgeneralization
c. helplessness
d. taking responsibility for others
e. obsession with shoulds
Which one of the following statements is true about violence and abuse in romantic
a Only women can be targets of violence and abuse
b Sexual abuse incidents in the United States have declined significantly in the past 20
c Violence is rare in heterosexual cohabiting couples
d All abuse in romantic relationships is physical
e Many people do not report violent or abusive incidents
Typical effects of this fallacy include: thinking you are responsible for others' feelings
and guilt for how others feel.
a. perfection
b. overgeneralization
c. helplessness
d. taking responsibility for others
e. Fear of catastrophic expectations
For children, this is a very important phase in personal development. They are learning
to be less dependent on their families, which is essential to becoming a healthy adult
a establishing a family
b enlarging a family
c encouraging independence
d launching children
e adapting to children
Morgan does not want to take chemistry, because he knows he will fail the class even
before taking the course. In addition, he believes that if he takes the course, he won't
make any friends in the class. Morgan is suffering from which fallacy?
a. perfection
b. overgeneralization
c. helplessness
d. taking responsibility for others
e. Fear of catastrophic expectations
As soon as Laura finishes speaking about a dress she bought, Matt listens long enough
to see how much she spent and attacks her for spending money. Laura feels like she was
assaulted. Matt has engaged in:
a. defensive listening.
b. pseudolistening.
c. selective listening.
d. ambushing.
e. literal listening.
Which of the following is a personal construct?
a your expectation of how a friend will behave
b your idea about how you should interact with a friend
c the person who exemplifies a friend to you
d how a friend measures up on the dimension of intelligent-unintelligent
e the dictionary definition of friend
During this stage, For couples who are married, spouses get used to the labels "wife"
and "husband" and to the social and legal recognition of their union
a establishing a family
b enlarging a family
c encouraging independence
d launching children
e adapting to children
The author argues that most of us take ____ for granted.
a. affection
b. content
c. belonging
d. responsiveness
e. socialization
In Bruno's car, he has many bumper stickers and several souvenirs from all the road
trips that he has made in that car. Bruno's personal items are examples of ____.
a. proxemics
b. paralanaguage
c. artifacts
d. kinesics
e. haptics
In terms of love styles, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
a most people have a combination of styles
b one's love style is permanent throughout life
c love style is part of an overall system
d individual styles are not necessarily good or bad
e love style is affected by all other aspects of a relationship
All of the following influence perception EXCEPT:
a age
b culture
c roles
d cognitive ability
e bias
"I really know a lot more about this than you do, so you should listen to me." This
comment is an example of communication that:
a describes the situation
b claims superiority of the speaker
c expresses a tentative conclusion
d demonstrates empathy
e focuses on problem solving
People socialized in masculine speech communities tend to achieve closeness in
interpersonal relationships primarily through:
a dialogue
b sharing activities
c providing practical assistance
d confiding secrets
e nonverbal communication
All of the following are five ways that symbolic abilities affect our lives except:
a. Definition
b. Evaluation
c. Organization
d. Self-Reflection
e. Self-Monitoring
During this stage, we tend to rely on standard social rules and roles. We tend to be
polite and limit personal disclosures
a nascent friendship
b role-limited interaction
c moving toward friendship
d stabilized friendship
e friendly relations
The opposite or unproductive communication of negative affect is:
a positive affect
b cross-complaining
c excessive metacommunication
d validation of each other
e kitchen-sinking
It includes sounds, such as murmurs and gasps, and vocal qualities, such as volume,
pitch, and inflection.
a. artifacts.
b. chronemics.
c. proxemics.
d. paralanguage.
e. silence.
Janet says, "I didn't get a job offer because the interviewer was biased and it was a nasty
day. However, Ellen didn't get an offer because she isn't qualified." This is an example
a construct differentiation
b implicit personality theory
c self-serving bias
d internal attributions
e scripting
When we listen like this, we attend only to the content level and overlook what's being
communicated on the relationship level.
a. defensive listening.
b. pseudolistening.
c. selective listening.
d. ambushing.
e. literal listening.
The opposite or unproductive communication of asking for clarification is:
a hostile mind reading
b cross-complaining
c excessive metacommunication
d validation of each other
e kitchen-sinking
According to relationships counselors, the most central and continuous tension in the
majority of close relationships arises from which of the following dialectical tensions?
a novelty/predictability
b commitment/love
c trust/dependence
d openness/closedness
e autonomy/connection
Disclosures tend to be limited as are investments and expectations of support
a nascent friendship
b role-limited interaction
c moving toward friendship
d stabilized friendship
e friendly relations
As soon as Barton finishes speaking, Matt jumps in and says, "Ha! I knew that's what
you'd think and I can tear holes in your reasoning." He then proceeds to refute much of
what Barton said. Matt has engaged in:
a. defensive listening.
b. pseudolistening.
c. selective listening.
d. ambushing.
e. literal listening.
Laura feels like she needs to look like the models on television and magazines. This
causes her a lot of stress and envy. This example is a fallacy of:
a. perfection
b. overgeneralization
c. helplessness
d. taking responsibility for others
e. Fear of catastrophic expectations
Choose three of the communication principles stated in the text. Use personal
experiences to explain why you agree or disagree with them.
Many churches now perform union ceremonies for gay and lesbian couples, and leading
national newspapers, such as The New York Times, include gay and lesbian unions in the
announcements section of the paper. In addition, an increasing number of municipalities
grant licenses that legally recognize same-sex unions
Investments cannot be recovered, so the only way to reap the benefits of your
investments is to stick with a relationship
Monopolizing is a form of nonlistening. Define monopolizing and describe two tactics
that are typical of monopolizing.
Your friend, Mark, has a problem with perception and communication. Based on what
you learned in class and from your book on guidelines for improving perception and
communication, fully describe three guidelines for improving perception and
Today, as our society struggles with changes in women, men, and families, the ideals of
manhood are being revised yet again.
When we listen only literally, we are insensitive to others' feelings and to our
connections with them.
The book discusses six styles of love. Describe each of the love styles and give a media
example of each of these love styles
Mothers who sustain long-distance friendships report that, when they visit, they are
seldom alone because their children need attention and care. Even though these mothers
say they miss the intimacy of uninterrupted conversations, they value each other enough
to sustain friendships under the terms that are possible
Women tend are more willing to tolerate less-than-ideal circumstances for being with
Research supports that employees who experience less social support in workplace
networks are more likely to leave
Clifford Notarius identified three key elements that influence satisfaction with
long-term relationships. Fully describe each of these elements
Communication climate is the overall feeling or emotional mood between peoplewarm
or cold, safe or anxious, comfortable or awkward, accepting or rejecting, open or
guardedthat is shaped by verbal and nonverbal interaction between people
At the deepest level, interpersonal communication involves engaging others as
individuals who are unlike anyone else.
The transactional model recognizes that noise is absent throughout interpersonal
Research shows that eyewitness testimony is highly reliable
The I and ME aspects of self are opposing forces.
Explain how the self influences our perceptions of others. Describe an example of when
the self influenced your perceptions of another and your communication with that
Discuss how nonverbal communication is rule-guided and provide examples.
The book discusses six basic fallacies about emotions. Describe the six fallacies and
provide an example of each fallacy.

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