CAPP 27069

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 30
subject Words 3145
subject Authors Alan Dennis Barbara Haley Wixom David Tegarden

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Outsourcing eliminates all risks from the project.
Role-playing an instance of a class is a good way to develop CRC cards.
An advantage of outsourcing the application development process is that the
organization may acquire technical skills and functional knowledge from the vendor.
The design strategy that would be most logical to a firm with a very limited amount of
in-house IS expertise is allow end-users to create the system.
Common object lists technique identifies candidate objects for a structural model by
analyzing a list of objects that are common to the business domain.
There are two basic strategies to motivating adoption of a new system: informational
and economical.
Operations of a class are listed in the bottom compartment of the class symbol.
Changing the headings from "Calling the Help Desk", "How to Dial the Phone," and
"Provide Important Details" to "Calling the Help Desk", "Dialing the Phone", and
"Providing Important Details" is an example of implementing the "use parallel
grammatical structures" guideline for crafting documentation.
Patterns are useful for identifying classes, attributes, operations, and relationships in
certain business domains.
Revisions to the management policies and factors that motivate the adoption of the new
system are part of the conversion plan.
Clustering similar records together is one way of reducing access time.
The process of adding redundancy back into a physical data model is known as
Present value calculation takes inflation and time into account.
Some benefits of outsourcing are that the service provider may be more experienced in
the technology that would greatly benefit your organization and may have more
experienced programmers.
Jim Smith, the project manager for a high-profile project, has permitted the users to add
additional features to the systems project. The schedule and costs are now running over.
This project suffers from poor standards.
One of inheritance abuses in Object-oriented design is the inheritance was used to
implement an association relationship.
There are many different types of NoSQL data stores including key-value stores,
document stores, column-oriented stores, object databases, and RDBMSs.
Control flows in an activity diagram show the flow of objects into and out of activities.
A use case should be written from the perspective of at least one of the actors associated
with the use case.
Research suggests that in an ideal world, any one menu should contain no more than
eight items, and it should take no more than two mouse clicks or keystrokes from any
menu to perform an action (three from the main menu starting a system).
When an organization chooses to convert the separate and distinct modules of a system
one module at a time, the organization is using pilot conversion approach.
Aggregation relationships can be useful for both aggregation and decomposition.
During the analysis phase of the SDLC the systems analyst will decide how the
hardware, software and network infrastructure, user interface, forms and reports will be
The top-down approach is an appropriate strategy for most interviews because it
enables the interviewee to become accustomed to the topic before he or she needs to
provide specifics and it enables the interviewer to understand the issues before moving
to the details.
The business modeling workflow uncovers problems and identifies potential projects.
Senior management has established the priority for the new system as "the highest
security and control at any cost." The systems analyst should recommend a client-based
computing architecture.
ROI calculations do not consider the present value of future money.
Custom applications require excellent project management and a proven methodology,
and the project team should choose to develop a custom application only if it is certain
that the underlying coordination and control mechanisms will be in place.
CRC cards are used to capture all of the relevant information associated with a class.
Testing Object-oriented system is same as difficult as testing non-object-oriented
There are three design strategies: 1) developing a custom application in-house, 2) hiring
a consultant, and 3) relying on an external vendor, developer, or service provider to
build the system.
When using the packaged software design strategy, substantial time can be saved
because the project team no longer has to spend time defining the requirements of the
new system.
Moving users from the as-is business processes and computer programs to the to-be
business processes and programs is called conversion.
End users from high power distance cultures may have difficulties expressing what they
want for fear of offending their bosses.
Organizational feasibility can be evaluated by conducting a(n) stakeholder analysis.
When you begin an interview, the first goal is to establish control and let the
interviewee know that you have a mastery of the subject.
Method signatures, in conjunction with frameworks, class libraries and design patterns,
offer excellent opportunities for reuse.
The type of navigation control for topics that organizes the information into a logical
form (as though the users were to read the material from start to finish) is known as
table of contents.
A guard condition represents the value of the decision-test, based on which a particular
path from the decision node will be traversed.
The larger the number of programmers assigned to a programming team, the shorter the
time will be for programming to be completed.
In developing documentation use __________.
a. formal language
b. simple language
c. technical language
d. all of these
e. none of these
A data model that does not contain repeating fields and that the data models leads to
tables containing fields that are dependent on a whole primary key is in _____ normal
a. balanced
b. first
c. primary
d. second
e. third
A _____ object is the instance of a class that receives a request from another object.
a. client
b. server
c. contract
d. provider
e. CRC
Regular meetings of a systems project team _____.
a. encourage communication
b. is not a simple approach
c. reduce communication
d. reduce discussion
e. should not be held unless necessary
The modeling focus of the interaction diagram is at the _____ level while the modeling
focus on the class diagram is at the _____ level.
a. class, object
b. interaction, class
c. class, interaction
d. object, class
e. high, low
The cost of fixing one major bug after the system is installed can easily exceed the
a. annual salary of a programmer
b. cost of one week's work as a programmer
c. cost of two weeks' work as a programmer
d. entire cost of the programming project
e. value of the entire systems team
When using a function point estimation worksheet, there are 14 factors that impact the
complexity of a project. These factors include _____.
a. data communications, time tradeoffs, and estimated effort
b. end-user efficiency, data communications, and reusability
c. performance and programming language
d. reports printed and PCA
e. x-rays, extensibility, and operational conversion
_____ is the process of planning and controlling the development of a system within a
specified time frame at a minimum cost with the right functionality.
a. Project management
b. Semantic timeline
c. Task identification
d. Time estimation
e. Work plan
Which of the following is not a fundamental way to approach the creation of a new
information system?
a. develop a custom application in-house
b. rely on an external vendor to build the system
c. purchase a software package and customize it
d. rely on end-users to develop it themselves
e. all of these are ways to create new information systems
Which of the following analysis strategies incurs the highest risk yet has the potential to
provide high value to the business?
a. Business Process Automation
b. Business Process Improvement
c. Business Process Reengineering
d. Business Process Renovation
e. Root cause analysis
From an information systems development perspective, the common language today
tends to be ____________, Java, SQL, C++, Objective-C, and Visual Basic.
a. English
b. Formal language like Finite State Machines
c. technical language
d. UML
e. Graphical language
The ______________is the idea that, in addition to things having some form of
computing capacity built into them, everyday things become connected via the Internet.
a. cloud computing
b. big data
c. machine learning
d. Internet of Things (IoT)
e. e-business
A(n) _____ shows how all the screens, forms and reports are related, and how the user
moves from one to another.
a. data flow diagram
b. interface standard design
c. window navigation diagram
d. storyboard
e. use scenario
The process of refining the system to make sure that it continues to meet business and
organizational needs is called _____.
a. change management
b. project assessment
c. system maintenance
d. system review
e. system support
The _____ design principle requires that a report not provide all the available
information, only the information that is needed.
a. understand report usage
b. minimize bias
c. manage information load
d. real-time reporting
e. none of these
The analysis phase of the SDLC answers which questions _____.
a. who will create the system and when will it be used
b. who will the system be for, what the system will do, when will it be used, and where
will it be used
c. why build the system, what the system will be, and how the system will work
d. why build the system, who will the system be for, when will it be used, and how the
system will work
e. why build the system, who will the system be for, when will it be used, and where
will it be used
The project sponsor is the _____.
a. lead systems analyst on the project team
b. person or department that requested the system
c. lead computer programmer charged with writing the code for the system
d. project team leader in charge of developing the system
e. any of these choices may fill the role of the project sponsor
Which of the following will be converted to methods in later phases of the SDLC?
a. attributes
b. operations
c. classes
d. objects
e. abstract classes
Access control requirements state who can access data and what type of CRUD data
access is permitted to each individual who has access to data.
There are three important factors to consider in selecting a conversion strategy: risk,
cost, and _____________.
a. the time required
b. system features
c. infrastructure
d. planning
e. performance
When a method of one object refers to the inside hidden parts of another object, these
methods are exhibiting _____ coupling.
a. data
b. stamp
c. control
d. common or global
e. content or pathological
A set of rules are used for performing the verification and validation walkthrough of
behavioral model. One of the rules is: all entries in a CRUDE matrix imply
_____________ being sent from an actor or object to another actor or object
a. a message
b. a transition
c. an association
d. a guard condition
e. a behavior
A(n) ______ matrix can be used to organize the pros and cons of the design alternatives
so that the best solution will be chosen in the end.
a. alternative
b. cost-benefit
c. feasibility
d. design
e. evaluation
The process of assigning values for the time and effort needed to perform a system
project is called _____.
a. analysis
b. estimation
c. identifying
d. planning
e. preparation
Which of the following ways of enabling users to communicate with the system is most
commonly used?
a. Command languages
b. Direct manipulation
c. Menus
d. Natural languages
e. all of these are about the same
Security testing involves three primary areas: ________, authorization, and virus
a. encoding/decoding
b. monitoring
c. authentication
d. validation
e. verification
When arranging actors and objects on a sequence diagram, it is nice to list them _____.
a. in alphabetical order down the side of the diagram
b. in alphabetical order across the top of the diagram
c. in order in which they participate in the sequence down the side of the diagram
d. in order in which they participate in the sequence across the top of the diagram
e. actors and objects are not both shown on a sequence diagram
"A-part-of" or "has-parts" relationships represent _____ relationships.
a. generalization
b. association
c. aggregation
d. subsetting
e. vague
Elements of a deployment diagram include _____.
a. Nodes, artifacts, and locations of middleware components
b. Client PCs, servers, and locations of application logic modules
c. Servers, external networks, and data access logic
d. Primarily servers
e. Nodes, artifacts, and communication paths
A few rule you should follow to design multilingual user interfaces. Which one in the
following list is NOT one of the rules?
a. Keep the writing short and simple.
b. Avoid humor, jargon, slang, clichs, puns, analogies, and metaphors.
c. Use good grammar.
d. Use large fonts.
Which of the following interface evaluation techniques involves a highly structured
assessment of the users' interaction with the system?
a. heuristic evaluation
b. interactive evaluation
c. metaphor prototyping
d. usability testing
e. walk-through evaluation
A(n) _____ is an instantiation of a class.
a. attribute
b. behavior
c. operation
d. message
e. object
Briefly explain the idea behind extreme programming (XP).
Give the formula for the effort in person-months based on the number of lines of code.
Describe the set of rules for verifying and validating the structural model.
What is the Object Constraint Language? Give an OCL example.
For what purpose is an association class used in a class diagram? Give an example of an
association class that may be found in a class diagram that captures students and the
courses they have taken.
What is class cohesion?
What are the three parts of the notation for a class on a class diagram? Define each part.
Explain the role of the project champion.
What are the four types of use cases? When are each used?
Explain four different dimensions that a technical feasibility analysis should consider.
What are the three types of constraints typically captured in object-oriented design?
Outsourcing can be a risky strategy to use when developing new information systems.
Discuss ways to improve the likelihood of a successful outsourcing agreement.
Describe the common object list technique for identifying candidate objects for a
structural model.
Unlike traditional Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), evolutionary WBSs are
a. organized in a standard manner across all projects
b. created in an iterative and incremental manner
c. designed so one can compare the current project to past projects
d. all of these
e. none of these
Use-case point"based estimation also has a set of factors that are used to adjust the
use-case point value. Which one list in the following is Not one of the technical factors:
a. Whether the system is going to be a distributed system
b. The importance of customer service
c. The efficiency level of the end user using the system
d. The complexity of the internal processing of the system
e. The importance of code reuse
Describe the appearance of a Joint Application Design (JAD) meeting room. Why is the
room designed in this manner?
What is an enchanted object?
Describe different types of multiplicity that may be found on relationships in a class
Briefly discuss the difference between abstract classes and concrete classes.

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