CAPP 18942

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 612
subject Authors Abbey Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Paul Deitel

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When you create an app project, the IDE generates ________ as a subclass of Activity
and provided the shell of an overridden onCreate method, which every Activity subclass
must override.
________ computing allows you to use software and data stored on remote computers
(or servers) via the Internet and available on demand, rather than having it stored on
your desktop, notebook computer or mobile device.
Why would you call the inherited View method invalidate?
Each drawing method in class Canvas uses an object of class ________ (package to specify drawing characteristics, including color, line thickness, font
size and more.
A ________ is a ViewGroup that can contain other Views (like a layout) and that lets
users scroll through content too large to display on the screen.
You call a SeekBar's setOnSeekBarChangeListener method to register the
OnSeekBarChangeListener that will respond to events generated when the user moves
the customTipSeekBar's ________.
Class View's ________ method is called whenever the View's size changes, including
when the View is first added to the View hierarchy as the layout is inflated.
You call an EditText's addTextChangedListener method to register the
TextChangedListener that will respond to events generated when the user ________.
Given that users are more likely to download an app if it's free, consider offering a free
________ version of your app to encourage users to try it. For example, if your app is a
game, you might offer a free version with just the first few levels. When the user has
finished playing the free levels, the app would offer an option to buy through Google
Play your more robust app with numerous game levels. According to a recent study by
AdMob, upgrading in this manner is the number-one reason why users purchase a paid
A call to setContentView receives a constant that indicates which XML file represents
an Activity's GUI. Method setContentView uses this constant to load the corresponding
XML document, which is then parsed and converted into the app's GUI. This process is
known as ________ the GUI.
When you hover over an EditText in the Palette, a tooltip indicates the ________.
A TextView's Gravity property specifies the alignment of the TextView's text, whereas
the layout Gravity property specifies ________
To create the best solutions, you should follow a detailed analysis process for
determining your project's ________ (i.e., defining what the system is supposed to do)
and developing a ________ that satisfies them (i.e., deciding how the system should do
The first Fragment lifecycle method called when a Fragment is attached to a parent
Activity is ________.
You manipulate a SurfaceView via an object of class SurfaceHolder, which enables you
to obtain a Canvas on which you can draw graphics. Class SurfaceHolder also provides
methods that give a thread ________ access to the Canvas for drawingonly one thread
at a time can draw to a SurfaceView.
We override SensorEventListener method ________ to process accelerometer events.

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