BUSOP 56436

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 21
subject Words 5125
subject Authors David A. De Cenzo, Mary Coulter, Stephen Robbins

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In Lewin's view, the only way to effect change is to increase the driving forces that
direct change away from the status quo.
Employers cannot legally discriminate with regard to race, sex, or religion, but there are
no laws against denying employment because of age.
Multinational corporations maintain significant operations in two or more countries
Xerox Corporation's study of Japanese competitors was the first effort by an American
company at benchmarking.
Education is a good way to overcome resistance to change due to misinformation.
In today's organization, almost all employees have access to the mainframe computers
that make up the company's computing resources.
This payoff matrix gives values for strategies S1, S2, and S3 for the Bigg Company and
competitive strategies CA1, CA2, and CA3 for the Large Company. From Bigg's point
of view, the S1 maximum regret for CA2 is 8.
The best way to measure the effectiveness of job training is to simply ask trainees how
they felt about the trainer and their impressions of what they learned.
Determining who reports to whom is part of the controlling function of management.
Verbal intonation refers to how loud the speaker speaks.
The critical path in a PERT network is the least time-consuming sequence required to
complete a project in the shortest period of time.
Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory suggested once a need was satisfied, it
stopped motivating behavior.
This regret matrix gives values for strategies S1, S2, and S3 for the Bigg Company and
competitive strategies CA1, CA2, and CA3 for the Large Company. The maximum
regrets for this table are S1 = 5, S2 = 9, S3 = 12.
Value in a value chain management system is determined by managers.
People with proactive personalities tend to react to their environment more than trying
to change their environment.
A focus strategy seeks to appeal to a narrow segment of a market.
The goal of operations management is to manage the process of turning labor and raw
materials into goods and services of some type.
A manager does not work directly on tasks for the organization.
In the economic order quantity (EOQ) model, one of the costs that gets considered for
analysis is the carrying costs of tying up money with inventory.
A highway speed limit is an example of a policy.
A drawback to instant messaging is that it creates security problems.
Change is something that managers strive to eliminate completely.
Planning rarely improves teamwork and cooperation among employees.
Effectiveness refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs.
New online advertising technology is an external force that creates a need for
organizational change when it causes a company to change its advertising strategy.
Goals typically should be reserved for managers only. Goals should not be shared with
A contingency variable that can affect managing style is organization size.
Classical approaches to management include the work of Taylor, Fayol, and Weber.
The behavioral theories of leadership were developed in response to the failings of the
trait theory to adequately explain and predict leadership.
The customer is part of the value chain in value chain management.
Distinctiveness refers to whether an individual displays a behavior in many situations or
whether it's particular to one situation.
As long as it has broken no laws and done nothing unethical, a business has fulfilled its
responsibility to society.
A manager uses break-even analysis to find out how many units of a product he needs
to sell to make a profit of zero.
Fiedler concluded that task-oriented leaders tended to perform better in highly favorable
situations and worse in highly unfavorable situations.
Disagreeable team members rarely decrease team performance.
This regret matrix gives values for strategies S1, S2, and S3 for the Bigg Company and
competitive strategies CA1, CA2, and CA3 for the Large Company. A minimax Bigg
manager would choose S2 because it has the smallest maximum regret of 1.
Most entrepreneurial ventures are successful.
Once the entrepreneurial organization is up and running, the entrepreneur becomes a
Which of the following did a Gallop poll find to be the most important variable in
employee productivity?
A) pay level
B) quality of the employee-supervisor relationship
C) quality of the workplace environment
D) the benefits that employees enjoyed
These organizations were the first to employ the ideas of quality experts such as W.
Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Duran.
A) Japanese companies
B) Chinese companies
C) American companies
D) Canadian companies
Besides being innovative in some way, a second defining characteristic of an
entrepreneurial venture is that it is ________.
A) small in size
B) focused on growth
C) dedicated to quality
D) original and creative
All of the following are characteristics of value chain management EXCEPT ________.
A) it is externally oriented
B) it focuses on both incoming materials and outgoing products and services
C) it is efficiency oriented
D) it is effectiveness oriented
Which of the following is included in the class of contingency variables that are
associated with personal characteristics of a follower?
A) locus of control
B) task structure
C) group structure
D) formal authority system
What inspired Robert Owen to devote efforts into creating a safer workplace?
A) possible profit from factories
B) articles in the newspaper
C) deplorable factory conditions
D) greedy factory owners
Neural networks are able to outdo the performance of humans by ________.
A) analyzing symbols
B) handling up to three variables at once
C) handling hundreds of variables at once
D) reading facial expressions
In a team structure, team members ________.
A) are subject to decisions made by their supervisors
B) can influence decisions made by top managers
C) make decisions and are accountable for their decisions
D) make decisions only after first checking with management
Management should stay out of the topic of social media.
What is a strength of a simple structure?
A) Employees are grouped with others who have similar tasks.
B) Power and authority are widely distributed.
C) Accountability is clear.
D) There are cost-saving advantages from specialization.
Strategic plans address ________.
A) overall organizational goals
B) goals for a single branch of the organization
C) how overall goals are to be achieved
D) how a single goal is to be achieved
A top-level manager is most likely to solve problems under which condition?
A) certainty
B) risk
C) uncertainty
D) high certainty
Which of the following is NOT an outcome of an effective compensation system?
A) keeping employees motivated
B) attracting talented employees
C) greater unionization of the workforce
D) retaining talented employees
Which of the following would political skills be most likely to help a manager
A) increasing communication
B) mentoring
C) defining goals
D) building a power base
Which is an important job responsibility for a middle manager?
A) defining the organization's long-term goals
B) translating goals defined by top managers into action
C) helping top managers define goals
D) performing tasks that are not related to long-term goals
The key to most sexual harassment cases against an organization is whether the
organization ________.
A) knew about the behavior and what it did to stop it
B) told other employees in the department that harassment occurred
C) fired the employee after the charges were lodged
D) had hired a known sex offender
Most leadership theories were developed in the United States, causing them to stress
A) spirituality over rationality
B) rationality over spirituality
C) both rationality and spirituality
D) altruism over self-gratification
A ________ subcontracts part of a project to outside suppliers.
A) virtual organization
B) boundary organization
C) matrix structure
D) network organization
________ is a cultural dimension measured by Hofstede in which people identify
strongly with a group within a society.
A) Power distance
B) Collectivism
C) Individualism
D) Uncertainty avoidance
A candy manufacturer that made candy at a lower cost without improving the quality of
the candy could be said to ________.
A) increase effectiveness without increasing efficiency
B) increase efficiency without increasing effectiveness
C) increase both effectiveness and efficiency
D) decrease both effectiveness and efficiency
Which of the following is NOT a way to increase productivity?
A) increase inputs
B) decrease costs
C) increase outputs
D) increase efficiency
Which choice constitutes the typical first step for an organization that is "going global"?
A) outsourcing
B) franchising
C) licensing
D) strategic alliance
Managers in organizations make group decisions ________.
A) frequently
B) never
C) almost never
D) rarely
Which of the following is an example of a technology change within an organization?
A) forming teams to complete tasks
B) workers using new software
C) workers wanting to telecommute
D) workers wanting flexible hours
A key element of expectancy theory might be summarized by saying ________.
A) most people are motivated by money
B) everyone is always motivated by fear of failure
C) everyone is motivated by the same thing
D) different rewards motivate people in different ways
According to Holland's social scale, becoming a lawyer would be a good job match for
someone with this personality type.
A) realistic
B) investigative
C) conventional
D) enterprising
Which role does uncertainty typically play in how managers function?
A) Uncertainty limits the amount of information that is available.
B) Uncertainty increases the amount of information that is available.
C) Uncertainty improves the quality of information that is available.
D) Uncertainty enhances the information that is available.
Maslow's hierarchical model ________.
A) has been validated by a number of studies
B) has never been validated by studies
C) has been validated by empirical studies
D) has been invalidated by intuitive means
Using the systems model, managers can promote innovation by having the right
A) people and inputs
B) people and environment
C) outputs and resources
D) mechanistic management structure
Equity exists when one's own outcomes-to-input ratio ________ that of the referent.
A) is greater than
B) is less than
C) is equal to
D) is greater than or less than
According to Katz, the four critical managerial skills can be classified as ________.
A) technical, political, conceptual, and empirical
B) interpersonal, political, empirical, and technical
C) technical, interpersonal, political, and controlling
D) technical, political, interpersonal, and conceptual
What does a company's prompt, courteous, and helpful answering of a telephone with a
human operator signal to the customer who is calling?
A) The company has high prices.
B) The company is wasting resources on telephone operators.
C) The company is responsive to the customer's needs.
D) The company has low prices.
Which of the following statements is true about value chain and international business?
A) Exporting firms perform most of the downstream value chain activities in the home
B) Exporting firms perform most of the upstream value chain activities in the home
C) Exporting firms perform most of the upstream value chain activities abroad.
D) Exporting firms perform most of the research and product development and
production abroad.
Dell uses ________ to coordinate suppliers, customers, and its own employees to stay
on top of orders that come in.
A) frequent telephone calls
B) an enterprise resource planning system
C) email
D) Facebook and Twitter
The very last step Sondra should take, according to the decision-making process, is to
A) analyze alternative solutions
B) select alternatives
C) implement the alternative
D) evaluate the decision's effectiveness

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