subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1427
subject Authors Alvin C Burns, Ronald F. Bush

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In experimental design nomenclature, an X represents the measurement of the
dependent variable.
Internal supplier firms organize the research function by using either committees or by
assigning individuals the responsibility. They do not have their own departments of
marketing research.
One of the steps suggested to adequately prepare for your oral presentation is to find out
the expectations your audience has for your presentation.
If you were investigating the percentage of high school students who eat at the local
Taco Bell, the percentage - because it is derived from the sample - is the sample
Observation studies have the advantage of allowing observation of consumers' motives,
attitudes, and intentions.
Exploratory research is useful in clarifying hypotheses.
An experiment is defined as manipulating a dependent variable to see how it affects an
independent variable while controlling for the effects of a complex variable.
Packaged information is a type of secondary data in which the data collected and/or the
process of collecting the data are prepackaged for all users.
Which of the following is true and should be remembered when developing questions?
A) Once the client and researcher agree on what needs to be asked, wording a question
is easy.
B) As long as the question contains words we commonly use in speaking, there will be
no bias.
C) Respondents will not use literal interpretations to answer questions.
D) A single word can make a difference in how respondents respond to a question.
E) The word "anybody" is always safe to use in question development.
In bivariate regression analysis, the higher the Adjusted R Square value:
A) the lower the predictive power of the analysis.
B) the better the straight line's fit to the scatter points.
C) the worse the straight line's fit to the scatter points.
D) the closer to 0 it will be.
E) None of the above; there is no Adjusted R Square value in regression analysis.
________ are defined as errors committed by the individuals who administer
questionnaires, typically interviewers.
A) Fieldworker errors
B) Respondent errors
C) Forecast errors
D) Continuity errors
E) False positive errors
Rick Irizarry of Irizarry Insurance Company is conducting a survey of potential
customers. Age is an important issue in determining life insurance premiums. Rick
considers asking for age by asking the respondents to:
Check appropriate category:
___ 16 to 19
___ 20 to 25
___ 26 to 35
___ 36 to 50
___ over 50
Rick should consider the type of the measurement scale to be:
A) nominal.
B) ordinal.
C) interval.
D) ratio.
E) age-related.
In the formula for a straight line, the intercept is known as:
A) the dependent variable.
B) the variable used to predict the dependent variable.
C) the change in y for any unit change in x.
D) the point where the line cuts the y axis when x =0.
E) b.
Bivariate regression analysis is defined as a predictive analysis technique in which:
A) a pattern is identified over time and projected into the future.
B) a relationship that exists across time is observed to make a prediction.
C) one variable is used to predict the level of another by use of the straight-line
D) one variable is used to predict the level of another by use of a scatter diagram.
E) a relationship that exists at one point in time is observed to make a prediction.
A predictive model is an approach to prediction that:
A) relates the conditions expected to be in place influencing the factor that is being
B) observes a consistent pattern over time.
C) identifies a pattern and projects it into the future.
D) uses past experience to predict the future.
E) uses current experience to explain the past.
If we were comparing the difference between the mean number of sports drinks
consumed by males versus females, and we calculated a z value of 6.43, we would
conclude that:
A) the probability of support of the null hypothesis of no difference is less than .01
because 6.43 is greater than 2.58.
B) the probability of support of the alternative hypothesis of no difference is less than .
01 because 6.43 is greater than 2.58.
C) the probability of support of the null hypothesis of no difference is less than .01
because 6.43 is less than 2.58.
D) the probability of support of the alternative hypothesis of no difference is less than .
01 because 6.43 is less than 2.58.
E) there is a 6.43 percent chance that the two means are not significantly different.
In which of the following situations should exploratory research be used?
A) to measure the relationships among variables
B) when experimentation is needed
C) to define terms
D) in situations in which all of the concepts are clearly defined and measured
E) to determine how variable x causes variable y
A marketing research proposal contains:
A) important assumptions made by the researcher.
B) the action standards for a project.
C) the timetable for a research project.
D) problem symptoms associated with research.
E) the consequences of all decision alternatives.
Jane is concerned about an error in the problem statement of a research study she has
conducted for her company. The error:
A) can be controlled using a larger sample size.
B) can be measured and, therefore, controlled.
C) can be measured only in percentage terms.
D) cannot be corrected.
E) should not be of concern.
When the statistic used to determine whether or not multicollinearity is a concern in
multiple regression is greater than ________, it is prudent to remove that variable and
rerun the regression.
A) .05
B) .10
C) .95
D) 1.00
E) 10
Statistical concepts such as mean, medium, and frequency distribution are forms of
________ analysis.
A) differences
B) association
C) predictive
D) inference
E) descriptive
Firms that collect information, store it on a common database, and make it available to
multiple subscribers are called:
A) internal subscription services.
B) syndicated data service firms.
C) packaged services firms.
D) internal supplier firms.
E) customized research firms.
Which of the following is a type of intentional fieldworker error?
A) guessing
B) fatigue
C) nonresponse
D) cheating
E) misunderstandings
You run bivariate regression analysis and you find that the ANOVA results indicate that
you have Sig. value for your F of .05. Now, looking under your Coefficients output, you
have an intercept value and a slope value. You should use these values only when:
A) they are both significant, i.e., have Sig. values above 1.00.
B) they are both significant, i.e., have Sig. values below 1.00.
C) they are both significant, i.e., have Sig. values equal to or below .05.
D) at least one is significant, i.e., has a Sig. value above .80.
E) None of the above; because the F value in the ANOVA was not significant, you
should not have even looked at the Coefficients output.
A master list of all the sample units in the population is known as the:
A) sample list.
B) population master list.
C) master frame.
D) sample frame.
E) population frame.
Consider that we have nominal data (responses are categorical) and the responses are
"Yes" or "No" to the question: "The next time you order pizza, will you use Domino's?"
Which of the following sets of responses shows the MOST variability?
A) 90 percent say "Yes" and 10 percent say "No"
B) 80 percent say "Yes" and 20 percent say "No"
C) 70 percent say "Yes" and 30 percent say "No"
D) 60 percent say "Yes" and 40 percent say "No"
E) 55 percent say "Yes" and 45 percent say "No"

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