subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1859
subject Authors Kristiaan Helsen, Masaaki (Mike) Kotabe

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Country of origin (COO) influences are particularly strong among the elderly.
Matrix structure can be a bureaucratic bloat.
In these days, many MNCs create organizational structures to foster global product
Push strategies are more likely to be successful in emerging markets than pull
International trade consists of exports only.
Overstandardization is a risk of the core-product approach to introducing new
products in the world market.
The Group of 7 (or G-7) is made up of France, Germany, Italy, England, Canada,
Japan, and the United States.
Exchange risk is the risk that the importer will not pay or fail to pay on the agreed
The World Value Survey (WVS) was conducted by the University of Michigan.
The inventory-to-volume ratio is determined by how much value is added to materials
used in the product.
Negotiated transfer pricing is another form of nonmarket-based pricing.
The balance of payments on goods shows trade in currently produced goods.
If a company were to follow a strategy of product and communication extension
(dual extension) in a foreign market, an example of a product category that would
fit this strategy would be _________________________.
a. personal care items
b. motorscooters
c. gasoline
d. clothing
e. hand-powered washing machines
Which of the following bases would probably be in use if a researcher were
examining population size, age structure, urbanization degree, and ethnic
a. psychographics.
b. socioeconomic variables.
c. culture.
d. political conditions.
e. demographics.
The __________________ states explicitly what the sales force will be asked to do.
a. sales force strategy
b. sales force objectives
c. sales force training procedures
d. sales force recruiting procedures
e. sales force evaluation procedures
International marketers cannot afford to be __________________ as they interact with
a multitude of political and legal systems, including their own at home.
a. geocentric
b. ethnocentric
c. polycentric
d. multicentric
e. none of the above
With respect to regional structures, a recent survey found that all of the following
roles were performed EXCEPT:
a. scouting.
b. liberating.
c. strategic simulation.
d. signaling commitment.
e. pooling resources.
There are a variety of formats for creating international advertising. With _________
advertising, the creative strategy is highly centralized. Universal copy is developed
for all markets.
a. export
b. import
c. prototype (pattern)
d. concept cooperation
e. psychological
The Large Scale Retail Store Law (LSRSL) in _______________ helped to protect
small retail stores.
a. Singapore
b. Pakistan
c. Indonesia
d. Japan
e. South Korea
The effect of a monetary union is that members:
a. can buy goods from one another.
b. refuse to buy goods from nonmembers.
c. switch to a common currency and a central bank.
d. give up all sovereignty.
e. no longer recognize national boundaries.
A company that uses flexible manufacturing, economies of scale, and perhaps limited
product offerings is a _________.
a. loser
b. follower
c. cost leader
d. niche player
e. product differentiator
The salesperson can best be described as being the ______________ for the company.
a. support mechanism
b. front line
c. mouthpiece
d. promoter
e. educator
Besides traditional primary data collection methods, companies also rely on less
conventional methods such as ________________________.
a. geographic research
b. multigraphic research
c. psychographic research
d. ethnographic research
e. none of the above
Global competitors:
a. are not headquartered in emerging markets.
b. duel for market share in emerging markets but only consist of MNCs from developed
c. come only from the BRIC nations.
d. may emerge from any nation to challenge established MNCs.
e. none of the above
Which of the following is a reason why a push strategy would succeed in emerging
a. more frequent shopping than in developed countries
b. heavy reliance on retailer recommendations about brands
c. significant distributor power
d. numerous opportunities for brand switching
e. all of the above
In the U.S., the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) was passed in 1990.
When import duties are paid, the _________________ duty is a percentage of the
value of the merchandise.
a. ad valorem
b. specific
c. compound
d. nontariff
e. import
In many Big Emerging Markets (BEMs), the ________________ is being created
because of rising income, purchasing power, and quality standards.
a. upper-class
b. forward-class
c. younger-class
d. middle-class
e. older-class
_____________________ consists of exports and imports between a country and the
rest of the world and foreign production.
a. Regional reach
b. Competition
c. International trade
d. International business
e. Regional investment
___________________ refers to the movement of the firm's finished products
to its customers, consisting of transportation, warehousing, inventory,
customer service/order entry, and administration.
Future trade flows are likely to move how?
Among the Triad nations
Between the Triad nations and the BEMs
Among the BEMs
Between the Triad nations and the developing world
None of the above
Describe the role the U.S. government plays in maintaining and fostering export
activities. Demonstrate this role with specific examples of activities that the
government might undertake.
Explain the concept and function of the Maquiladora operation or industry in Mexico.
Provide an assessment of strategic alliances. What are they used for, what are the
characteristics of those that generally succeed, and what are the general types? Be sure
to be specific in your answers.
Describe the benefits and limitations of global marketing strategy.
The first step in the process of entering a foreign market is to decide on the
In the area of multicountry research coordination, the __________________
focuses on the universal behavior and attitudinal traits.
What situations are conducive to localization of advertising from the viewpoint of the
international advertiser?

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