Business & Finance Chapter 5 In a criminal trial, to be found guilty, the standard is guilt

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2368
subject Authors Al H. Ringleb, Frances L. Edwards, Roger E. Meiners

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118. Exculpatory evidence is evidence which:
a. might show that the defendant is guilty
b. might show that the defendant is not guilty
c. will not show that the defendant is not guilty
d. makes the prosecution look bad
e. makes the prosecution look good
119. In a criminal case the defendant:
a. has no obligation to disclose evidence to the prosecution that shows the defendant is guilty
b. has an obligation to disclose evidence to the prosecution that shows the defendant is guilty
c. has an obligation to disclose evidence to the prosecution that shows the prosecution is guilty
d. has to present all incriminating evidence to the jury
e. none of the other choices are correct
120. In a criminal trial, to be found guilty, the standard is guilt:
a. by a preponderance of the evidence
b. by a convincing majority of the evidence
c. beyond a reasonable doubt
d. upon the word of the court
e. none of the other choices
121. In a criminal trial, to be found guilty, the standard is guilt:
a. by a preponderance of the evidence
b. by a convincing majority of the evidence
c. res ipsa loquitor
d. upon the word of the court
e. none of the other choices
122. In a criminal case, "beyond a reasonable doubt" means that:
a. the evidence is good enough to hold up in a civil trial
b. the evidence would convince an uneducated person of the defendant's guilt
c. the evidence fully satisfies and convinces the court to a moral certainty
d. the evidence partially satisfies and convinces the court to a moral certainty
e. none of the other choices are correct
123. A mistrial is when:
a. evidence is not properly collected and so cannot be used in court
b. evidence is presented without proper documentation
c. the jury cannot agree on a verdict
d. the judge decides on a verdict that is different than the verdict given by the jury
e. none of the other choices are correct
124. If the jury cannot decide on a verdict then a is declared.
a. mistrial
b. false trial
c. hung trial
d. maltrial
e. lost trial
125. If the jury cannot decide on a verdict then a is declared.
a. lost trial
b. false trial
c. hung trial
d. maltrial
e. none of the other choices are correct
126. A white collar crime means:
a. one in violation of Section 1981 of the U.S. Code
b. one in violation of several different portions of the U.S. Code
c. any number of crimes committed by person of respectability in their occupation
d. a business-related crime that is defined as a felony
e. none of the other choices
127. Which of the following would not be considered to be white collar crime:
a. bankruptcy fraud
b. embezzlement
c. burglary
d. insider trading
e. wire fraud
128. Which of the following would not be considered to be white collar crime:
a. bankruptcy fraud
b. embezzlement
c. wire fraud
d. insider trading
e. all of the other choices would be white collar crimes
129. The Sherman Act and Clayton Act (2004) allow prison terms to be imposed on:
a. those involved in burglaries
b. those involved in anticompetitive practices
c. those involved in blue collar crime
d. those involved in drug trafficking
e. none of the other choices are correct
130. In recent years antitrust prosecutions have:
a. remained at low levels
b. increased
c. decreased
d. decreased in most areas of the country, but risen in New York and California
e. none of the other choices are correct
131. When a person or corporation hides or lies about assets in bankruptcy proceedings it is called:
a. bribery
b. embezzlement
c. bankruptcy fraud
d. racketeering
e. financial fraud
132. When a person or corporation hides or lies about assets in bankruptcy proceedings it is called:
a. bribery
b. embezzlement
c. financial fraud
d. racketeering
e. none of the other choices are correct
133. Bankruptcy fraud occurs when:
a. a person or corporation hides or lies about assets in bankruptcy proceedings
b. creditors are given false information
c. illegal pressure is applied to bankruptcy petitioners
d. all of the other specific choices are correct
e. none of the other specific choices are correct
134. The offer or taking of money, goods or other things of value to influence official actions is:
a. bribery
b. economic espionage
c. embezzlement
d. financial fraud
e. racketeering
135. Bribery is:
a. the offer or taking of money, goods or other things of value to influence official actions
b. illegal pressure on debtors
c. economic espionage
d. legal in some states
e. all of the other choices are correct
136. The copying of a genuine item without authorization, especially when passed off as the original item is:
a. economic espionage
b. fraud
c. counterfeiting
d. insider trading
e. none of the other choices
137. The copying of a genuine item without authorization, especially when passed off as the original item is:
a. economic espionage
b. fraud
c. racketeering
d. insider trading
e. none of the other choices
138. Counterfeiting is:
a. the copying of a genuine item without authorization, especially when passed off as the original item
b. always more serious than economic espionage
c. legal with the proper permits
d. a crime only when it involves copying a product designed in the United States
e. all of the other specific choices are correct
139. Credit card fraud is:
a. the unauthorized use of a credit card to obtain goods, services, or cash
b. the authorized use of a credit card to obtain goods, services, or cash by a minor
c. the copying of a genuine item without authorization
d. using a false ID to obtain a credit card
e. none of the other choices are correct
140. The unauthorized use of a credit card to obtain goods, services, or cash is:
a. credit card fraud
b. economic espionage
c. identity fraud
d. consumer fraud
e. embezzlement
141. The unauthorized use of a credit card to obtain goods, services, or cash is:
a. embezzlement
b. economic espionage
c. identity fraud
d. consumer fraud
e. none of the other choices are correct
142. Computer and internet fraud involves:
a. pornography
b. unauthorized use of computers and computer files
c. tax evasion
d. consumer fraud
e. none of the other choices are correct
143. The theft of valuable business information, such as a trade secret is:
a. embezzlement
b. economic espionage
c. internet fraud
d. insider trading
e. none of the other choices
144. The theft of valuable business information, such as a trade secret is:
a. embezzlement
b. racketeering
c. internet fraud
d. insider trading
e. none of the other choices
e. none of the other choices
145. Economic espionage is:
a. the theft of valuable business information
b. the theft of personal information
c. unauthorized use of company computers
d. insider trading
e. giving false information to clients
146. Economic espionage is:
a. giving false information to clients
b. the theft of personal information
c. unauthorized use of company computers
d. insider trading
e. none of the other choices are correct
147. When someone is in a position of trust with money and they take it for their use, it is:
a. embezzlement
b. insider trading
c. racketeering
d. economic espionage
148. When someone is in a position of trust with money and they take it for their use, it is:
a. money laundering
b. insider trading
c. racketeering
d. economic espionage
e. none of the other choices
149. Embezzlement is when:
a. someone is in a position of trust with money and they take it for their use
b. someone gives detailed manufacturing information to competitors
c. someone leaks information to the press
d. someone accepts a bribe in return for services
e. someone donates money illegally to a political campaign
150. Embezzlement is when:
a. someone donates money illegally to a political campaign
b. someone gives detailed manufacturing information to competitors
c. someone leaks information to the press
d. someone accepts a bribe in return for services
e. none of the other choices are correct
151. Indiscriminate hazardous waste dumping, illegal handling of hazardous substances and international smuggling of
CFC refrigerants are all examples of:
a. environmental law violations
b. civil torts
c. civil violations
d. environmental procedure violations
e. green violations
152. Financial fraud occurs when:
a. someone uses a false social security number to get a credit card
b. someone is refused a loan because of their race
c. someone is refused a loan because of a previous criminal conviction
d. someone commits fraud in loans, financial documents or mortgages
e. none of the other choices are correct
153. Improperly collecting benefits intended for victims of a natural disaster, such as Hurricane Katrina, is an example
a. embezzlement
b. insider trading
c. money laundering
d. personal fraud
e. government fraud
154. Improperly collecting benefits intended for victims of a natural disaster, such as Hurricane Katrina, is an example
a. embezzlement
b. insider trading
c. money laundering
d. personal fraud
e. none of the other choices are correct
155. Healthcare fraud involves:
a. malpractice
b. under qualified doctors charging rates too high given the market value of their services
c. over-billing by hospitals, doctors, ambulance services, laboratories, and pharmacies
d. ambulance chasing attorneys
e. none of the other choices are correct
156. When a person deals in a security when in possession of non-public information, and they have an obligation not to
reveal or use the information it is:
a. embezzlement
b. racketeering
c. money laundering
d. insider trading
e. money fraud

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