Business 89764

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 26
subject Words 3264
subject Textbook N/A
subject Authors Barry J. Babin

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How we define a construct will affect the way we measure it.
A fixed-alternative question is better than an open-ended question because it reduces
the possibility of respondents giving socially-desirable answers.
Business research is restricted to for-profit organizations.
Tests are bivariate tests of differences when they involve only two variables: a variable
that acts like a dependent variable and a variable that acts as a classification variable.
The c2 distribution is a single probability curve.
In simple regression, standardized parameter estimates reflect the measurement scale
Secondary data are typically historical data that have already been collected.
The question as to whether the experimental treatment was the 'sole cause" of the
changes in the dependent variable is the basic issue in internal validity.
To determine whether the discriminant analysis can be used as a good predictor,
information provided in the factor profile is used.
The three types of marketing research are exploratory, descriptive, and causal.
Total quality management is a business strategy that emphasizes market-driven quality
as a top priority.
Most survey research is descriptive research.
One hundred percent of the scores in a normal distribution fall within plus or minus two
standard deviations of the mean.
Response interval is the amount of time it takes to make a choice between two
The standardized normal distribution is a purely theoretical probability distribution and
is of little use in inferential statistics.
The first step in the problem-definition process is to determine the unit of analysis.
To use the chi-square test, both variables in a 2 x 2 contingency table must be measured
on a ratio scale.
The procedures and techniques used by applied researchers and basic researchers differ
The results section of a research report should include summary tables and charts.
Mulitvariate dependence techniques are variants of the general linear model (GLM).
The purpose of a table in a research report is to summarize and communicate the
meaning of the data to the reader.
When different researchers reach different conclusions based on the same interview, the
research lacks intersubjective certifiability.
Data completeness refers to the notion that the data file actually contains the
information that the researcher promised the decision maker.
Management is most interested in detailed reporting of the research design and
statistical findings.
Systematic sampling is a type of true random selection procedure.
A Thurstone scale is widely used in business research because of its simplicity.
Deductive reasoning derives a conclusion about a general knowledge based on specific
The researcher using sampling runs the risk of committing two types of errors: Type I
and Type II errors.
In a regression equation, the slope of the line, b, is the change in X that is due to a
corresponding change of one unit of Y.
MANOVA predicts multiple continuous dependent variables with multiple continuous
independent variables.
Degrees of freedom are determined by the number of distinct calculations that are
possible given a set of information.
One disadvantage of secondary data is that it cannot be converted to conform to a
researcher's needs.
The correlation coefficient, r, indicates the magnitude of the linear relationships but not
the direction of that relationship.
Exploratory research is typically conducted in the early stages of decision-making.
Managerial benchmarks specify a performance criterion upon which a decision can be
A counterbiasing technique is used with the expectation that two alternative phrasings
of the same question will yield a more accurate total response than will a single
Hidden observation studies must be alert to situations in which the subject's right to
privacy must be protected.
In which stage of the total quality management process does research establish
quantitative measures that can serve as points of comparison against which to evaluate
future efforts?
A.exploration stage
B.initial quality improvement stage
C.benchmarking stage
D.continuous quality improvement stage
With respect to website traffic monitoring, a hit represents _____.
A.a single, discrete click to load individual pages of a website
B.mouse clicks on a single page of a website
C.the proportion of people exposed to an Internet ad who actually click on its hyperlink
to enter the website
D.a count of the initial access to the site but not multiple visits to the site
The formula below is used to calculate the _______ .
A.mode of a sample
B.median of a sample
C.sample mean
D.range of a sample
Empirical testing means that something has been examined against reality using data.
Which term refers to an experimental design element that unintentionally provides
subjects with hints about the research hypothesis.
A.demand characteristic
B.Hawthorne effect
C.testing effect
D.confounding effect
A researcher is examining the impact of pictures in advertisements and whether
including instructions to imagine impact subjects' mental imagery. She manipulated
three treatment levels of pictures: concrete picture, abstract picture, or no picture.
Instructions to imagine were either present or not present. How many cells are there in
this experiment?
Which regression estimation technique is based on the logic of how much better a
regression line can predict values of Y compared to simply using the mean as a
prediction for all observations no matter what the value of X may be?
A.visual estimation
B.maximum likelihood
C.coefficient of determination
D.ordinary least squares (OLS)
Monica is conducting an experiment where all subjects rotate through all of the training
programs she is testing. This type of experiment in which an individual subject is
exposed to more than one level of an experimental treatment is called _____.
B.repeated measures
C.redundant manipulation
When high school students who take the ACT in their junior year perform better on that
exam during their senior year because they know better how to take the exam because
of what they experienced on the first exam, this is an example of a _____.
A.mortality effect
B.testing effect
C.history effect
D.instrumentation effect
Which of the following is the standard form for reporting observed correlations among
multiple variables?
A.correlation matrix
B.contingency table
C.Pearson grid
D.inverse table
Pottery Barn is a retail chain of home products. Before entering a new geographic area,
the company develops an index consisting of a ratio of local market potential in dollars
(demand) to local market retailing space in square feet. If this ratio is below a
predetermined level, the site is not considered further. However, if this ratio is greater
than that level, further site-selection analyses are performed. This index is called _____.
A.index of retailers
B.index of retail utilization
C.index of retail sales
D.index of retail saturation
When a respondent in a personal interview is asked questions about shopping at a
specific department store in the shopping mall, and then is asked general questions
about shopping at that mall, what type of mistake has been made in questionnaire
A.filter effect
B.order bias
C.double-barreled effect
D.loaded effect
Which of the following is a requirement for using the Z-test for differences of
A.common sample
B.degrees of freedom of at least 50
C.sample size greater than 30
D.ratio measurement of all variables
A variable that is coded as either zero or one and that has two distinct levels is called
a(n) _____.
A.regression variable
B.dummy variable
C.MANOVA variable
D.ANOVA variable
Facts observed, recorded, and stored by an entity outside of the researcher's
organization are called _____.
A.proprietary data
B.external data
C.internal data
D.primary data
A distortion of measurement resulting form the cognitive behavior or actions of a
witnessing observer is called _____.
A.response latency
B.researcher error bias
If 206 people in a sample of 560 people say that they "liked a product" that they
purchased during a test market study in Cincinnati, the proportion of people in this
study who said that they liked this product was about _____.
All of the following are types of business research EXCEPT _____.
A typical objective for secondary-data research design is _____.
A.model building
C.database marketing
D.all of these choices
A(n) _____ question suggests or implies certain answers.
All of the following can be measured using ratio scales EXCEPT _____.
A trial run of a survey with a group of respondents who are representative of the target
group for the survey is called a _____.
C.drop-off method
D.dry run
Hank believes that the price of his tech company's stock will increase because the entire
technology sector is experiencing rapid growth. This belief represents which component
of Hank's attitude?
L.L.Bean is a retailer best-known for direct marketing through catalogs and the Internet.
Laurie purchased from the retailer quite frequently, but since her daughter started
college she hasn"t had as much disposable income and stopped ordering merchandise.
The elapsed time since her last purchase triggered an offer for $20 off her next purchase
from the retailer. This is an example of _____.
A.database marketing
B.neural networks
C.customer discovery
D.electronic marketing
Supposed you used a 10-point rating scale to measure intention-to-buy (1 = definitely
would not buy and 10 = definitely would buy). If a group of 40 males had a mean of 7
and a standard deviation of 2.5, while a group of 35 females had a mean of 5 and a
standard deviation of 1.4, the standard error of the difference between the means would
be approximately _____.
D.not enough information to determine
A text passage from a respondent's story that is linked with a key theme from within
this story or provided by the researcher is called _____.
A.trace element
C.hermeneutic unit study
Which type of data are not characterized by numbers and instead are textual, visual, or
A.grounded data
B.quantitative data
C.subjective data
D.qualitative data
When you visit websites, most likely a small computer file that records your Web usage
history is created. Often this is done so the site will know you when you return and you
won"t have to reenter information if you have already done so on that site. This small
computer file is called a(n) _____.
A.electronic data exchange
Sunrise Research Service is a research supplier that specializes in conducting personal
interviews. The only aspect of the research project conducted by Sunrise is the
interview, and several full-service research companies subcontract this task out to
Sunrise. Sunrise is an example of a(n) _____. hoc research company
B.field interviewing service
C.research specialist agency
D.sub-research agency
What type of scale is the following?
A.semantic differential
_____ is an extension of cross-tabulation in which responses to two rating-scale
questions are plotted in four quadrants of a two-dimensional table.
B.Importance-performance analysis
C.Quadrant analysis
Which of the following is the most elementary level of measurement?
A.nominal scale
B.ordinal scale
C.ratio scale
D.interval scale
All of the following are disadvantages of open-ended response questions EXCEPT
B.interviewer bias
C.the information provided by responses is not useful to decision makers
D.articulate individuals give a large share of the responses but they may not be
representative of the entire population
Which of the following is an indicator of a measure's internal consistency?
C.coefficient beta
_____ sampling is a nonprobability sampling procedure that ensures that various
subgroups of a population will be represented on pertinent characteristics to the exact
extent that the investigator desires.
Predicting next month's dollar sales based on past sales for the previous twelve months
is an example of a(n) ______.
The overall series of marketing research projects is called a research ______.
The extent to which a change in one variable corresponds systematically to a change in
another is referred to as _____.
The symmetrical, bell-shaped distribution that has a mean of zero and a standard
deviation of one is called the ______.
A(n) _____ is a graphical representation of semantic differential data for competing
brands, products, or stores to highlight comparisons.
List the practical steps for interpreting t-test results.
Define problem definition and discuss factors that make defining problems more
A focus group session that is conducted over the Internet is called a(n) ______ focus
group session.
A stratified sample in which the number of sampling units drawn from each stratum is
in proportion to the population size of that stratum is called a(n) _____ stratified
In an experiment, the change in the ______ variable is presumed to be the cause of the
Discuss probing tactics interviewers can use when respondents give no answer,
incomplete answers, or provide an answer that needs clarification.
When primary data are collected by asking respondents questions, these data are
generated by a(n) ______.
A(n) _____ measure assigns a value to an observation based on a mathematical
derivation of multiple variables.
Name and describe the types of nonprobability sampling.
_____ validity represents the uniqueness or distinctiveness of a measure.
_____ means no communication with a respondent takes place.
The critical probability associated with a statistical hypothesis test that indicates how
likely it is that an inference supporting a difference between an observed value and
some statistical expectation is true is called _____.

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