Business 83868

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 23
subject Words 2678
subject Textbook N/A
subject Authors Barry J. Babin

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In factor analysis, communality is a measure of the percentage of a variable's variation
that can be explained by the factors.
It is easier to define the problem in business situations that are not cyclical.
In multiple regression, dummy variables are those that have no effect on the dependent
Correspondence analysis is the process of identifying scale devices that correspond to
properties of a concept involved in a research process.
Researchers measure past, current, and future events.
Nominal and ordinal scales are referred to as nonmetric scales.
A question covering several issues at once is referred to as a double-barreled question.
A confidence range is a specified range of numbers within which a population mean is
expected to lie.
Mistakes that are made by the respondent in a phone survey are called nonrespondent
The scale of measurement used by the researcher determines the allowable statistical
techniques in the research study.
In online focus group sessions, the moderator's ability to probe is greater than it is in a
face-to-face focus group session.
The main advantage of using charts is that they are not subject to distortion.
There is always one best research design for a business research study.
In a linear scale, a respondent's score is the length in millimeters from one end of the
scale to the point marked on the scale by the respondent.
A 3 x 4 table represents a contingency table with twelve variables.
Thet-test for comparing the means of two groups assumes that the data are in nominal
The purpose of coding open-ended questions is to reduce the large number of individual
responses to a few general categories of answers that can be assigned numerical codes.
In field research, the data collection process is typically conducted by the same person
who designed the research study.
The bannerhead heads of a table contain the captions for the columns of the table.
Hidden, unobtrusive observation minimizes respondent error.
Survey interviewers generally are salaried employees.
When the same respondents are questioned several times over a period of months, this
is an example of a structured study.
Secondary data are always data that are external to the organization.
Just to be safe, the general rule is to include all the parts of a formal research report for
all projects and leave it up to the client to decide which information is useful.
The body of a research report begins with a methodology section.
Multistage area sampling is a cluster sampling approach involving multiple steps.
A category split means respondents below the observed median go into one category
and respondents above the median go into another.
Products are the most common test units in most marketing experiments.
One major rule for asking questions is to ask questions exactly as they are worded in
the questionnaire.
An extreme value that lies far outside of the normal range of most of the data in a
distribution (either as a very high score or as a very low score) is called an anomaly.
The greater the number of research objectives, the better the research.
Experimental research attempts to find causal relationships among variables.
In qualitative research, codes are usually words or phrases that represent themes..
The empirical level of the ladder of abstraction is the level of knowledge that is
verifiable by experience or observation.
A false experimental effect that is used to create the perception of a true experimental
effect is called a placebo effect.
The first step in interpreting simple regression output is to interpret the individual
parameter coefficient.
Phenomenology represents a philosophical approach to studying human experiences
based on the idea that human experience itself is inherently subjective and determined
by the context in which people live.
Which type of statistical analysis test hypotheses involves only one variable?
A.primary statistical analysis
B.bivariate statistical analysis
C.univariate statistical analysis
D.monovariate statistical analysis
For mail surveys, the ______ attempts made to try to obtain a returned survey from a
potential respondent, the ______ their chance of their responding to the survey.
A.more; less
B.fewer; greater
C.more; greater
D.none of these choices
All of the following are degrees of causality EXCEPT _____.
A.contributory causality
B.conditional causality
C.absolute causality
D.non-spurious causality
Which of the following is a disadvantage of focus groups?
A.requires objective, sensitive, and effective moderators
B.may not be useful for discussing sensitive topics
C.high cost
D.all of these choices
Most exploratory research designs do not usually product _____ data.
When Schwinn studies its most successful retailer in depth in order to determine some
better ideas for displaying bicycles in its retail stores, this is an example of _____. experiment
B.a test market
C.a case study
D.causal research
Clara is a business researcher who records shoppers' movement through a grocery store.
What method of research is Clara using?
All of the following are important aspects of the business research process EXCEPT
A.gathering information
B.idea and theory development
C.analyzing data
D.making results publicly available
What is the opening screen of a Web site called?
B.home page
The sum of the differences between observed values and the group mean for a given set
of observations is known as the _____.
A.within-group error
B.between-groups variance
D.g statistic
An employee who pretends to be a customer in order to observe the sales behavior of a
clerk at a cosmetics counter in a department store is called a(n) _____.
A.secondary data researcher
B.mystery shopper
C.pilot researcher
D.undercover researcher
A collection of related fields that represents the responses from one sampling unit is
known as a _____.
In which section of the research report should comprehensive or detailed charts be
C.executive summary
In regression analysis, the symbol X is commonly used for the ______ variable, and the
symbol Y is commonly used for the ______ variable.
A.dependent; moderating
B.independent; dependent
C.dependent; independent
D.independent; moderating
Researchers measure concepts through a process known as _____.
If the sample standard deviation is 10.5 and the sample mean is 48 based on a study
with a sample size of 120, the 95 percent confidence interval about the mean is between
approximately _____.
A.44.37 and 51.63
B.46.12 and 49.88
C.47.88 and 48.12
D.40.0 and 50.0
All of the following are advantages of personal interviews EXCEPT _____.
A.interviewer influence
B.opportunity for feedback
C.probing complex answers
D.high participation rate
The confidence interval for a proportion uses which of the following formulas?
A.p ZSp
C. ZSs
D.none of these choices
All of the following are experimental design issues EXCEPT _____.
A.selection and assignment of subjects to treatments
B.control over extraneous variables
C.manipulation of the independent variable
D.manipulation of the dependent variable
After calling several respondents, a supervisor learned that a fieldworker filled in fake
answers on several surveys rather than contacting respondents. The fieldworker's
behavior is an example of _____.
C.asking a neutral question
D.interviewer bias
Which term is sometimes used to refer to interviewers filling in responses for
respondents that do not really exist?
B.auspices bias
D.mere-measurement effect
Failure of a respondent to provide an answer to a survey question is called a(n) _____.
A.drop-off respondent
B.item nonresponse
D.missing item
All of the following are improvements of scanner data over standard mail diary panel
data EXCEPT _____.
A.scanner data measure observed (actual) purchase behavior rather than reported
B.scanner measures are obtrusive
C.more extensive purchase data can be collected with scanner data
D.scanner data are collected mechanically, resulting in improved accuracy over mail
diary panel data
A written expression of the key question(s) that a research user wishes to answer is
referred to as a _____.
A.problem definition
B.decision statement
C.research proposal
All of the following are advantages of semi-structured interviews EXCEPT _____.
A.ability to address more specific issues
B.responses are usually easier to interpret than other qualitative approaches
C.questions are administered without the presence of an interviewer
D.high degree of scrutiny
Which of the following is a mathematical way in which a set of variables can be
represented with one equation?
Which part of the decision support system addresses exchanges between the firm and its
A.customer relationship management (CRM) system warehouse information system (GIS)
D.intellectual capital system
Managers at Procter & Gamble view business research at a strategic planning level,
particularly for product-related decisions. Therefore, the company conducts numerous
related studies that come together to help in their product planning decisions. This is
referred to as a ____.
A.research project
B.research program
C.research philosophy
D.research integration
The formula given below represents the method for calculating the _____.
C.c2 test
Which term reflects the degree to which one bases one's morality on moral standards?
Fund-raising under the guise of research is called _____.
The first step in interpreting a simple regression output is to interpret the significance of
the _____.
A individual within the research organization who acts as a "go-between" between
management and the research specialist because he or she is an expert in the needs of
both parties is known as a ______.
Researchers often perform a(n) _____ to collapse a scale with multiple response points
into two categories.
The formula for determining the degrees of freedom for a chi-square test is ______.
A _____ is a validity test of an experimental manipulation.
_____ is a business philosophy that emphasizes market-driven quality as a top
organizational priority.
A person who is responsible for field data collection is called a(n) ______.
In an experiment, the treatment is administered to the ______ group.
Describe the measures of central tendency and calculate each for the following salary
data: $25,000, $35,000, $35,000, $40,000, $50,000, $70,000, and $350,000. Which is
the best measure of central tendency for this data?
Discuss the various types of graphic aids researchers can include in a research report.
A fixed-alternative question which lists ten possible services that could be provided by
a local bank and asks respondents to check as many as apply to the question: "Which of
the following banking services do you currently use for First City Bank?" is an example
of a(n) ______ question.
A set of prescribed procedures for establishing and connecting theoretical statements
about events, for analyzing empirical evidence, and for predicting events yet unknown
is called the _____.
When a customer is selecting a flight at Southwest Airlines website by clicking on a
circular icon next to the flight of her choice, this is called a(n) ______.
In information technology, _____ is data formatted (structured) to support
decision-making or define the relationship between two facts.
A written statement of the research design for a study is called the _____ .
Statistical methods that permit the study of three or more variables at the same time are
called ______ statistical analysis.

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