Business 69393

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 22
subject Words 4583
subject Authors Barbara P. Herlihy, Theodore P. Remley Jr.

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Because race, ethnicity, gender, and social class are salient cultural variables for all
a. individuals who are members of racial minority groups experience oppression related
to all of their cultural variables.
b. privilege is experienced only by White males.
c. social class is the primary variable that determines whether individuals experience
privilege or oppression.
d. race is the primary variable that determines whether individuals experience privilege
or oppression.
e. individuals simultaneously experience both privilege and oppression.
If a counselor were to purposefully make false oral statements that damaged the
reputation of another mental health professional, the counselor could be sued for
a. slander.
b. libel.
c. malicious harm.
d. absolute privilege.
e. insubordination.
Administrative supervision occurs when direct-line administrators give direction to
counselors who are their
a. employees, and has the goal ofensuring that counselors are performing their job
duties appropriately
b. determining whether the counselors should receive a pay raise
c. increasing the counselors' counseling skills
d. remediating the counselors' clinical deficiencies
e. endorsing the counselors' applications for licensure
It is ethically permissible for counselors to terminate a counseling relationship for all of
the following reasons EXCEPT
a. the client does not pay the fees charged.
b. it is clear the client is no longer benefitting from counseling.
c. agency limits do not allow services to continue.
d. insurance benefits for mental health care have been exhausted.
e. the client experiences a crisis.
Students can ensure that they do not commit plagiarism by
a. using exact quotes from their sources rather than paraphrasing
b. using a website such as turnitincom to check their work before submitting it to the
c. putting everything into their own words so they don't have to cite sources
d. rearranging the order of the words in a sentence written by a source that is being used
e. using only sources that anyone can find on the Internet
When married couples divorce,
a. almost all states allow joint custody and in a few state courts, joint custody is the
preferred arrangement; while in some other state courts, joint custody is avoided if
b. all states prefer joint custody.
c. joint custody is preferred by judges in all state courts except for Montana.
d. although almost all states allow joint custody, only one state court favors joint
custody as the preferred arrangement.
e. judges in almost all states prefer joint custody.
Within the counseling profession, the primary goal of counseling is to
a. help clients accomplish wellness.
b. cure illnesses of clients.
c. identify and treat mental illnesses.
d. understand the illnesses with which clients present for counseling.
e. help clients understand unresolved emotional issues.
a. is always just cause for expelling a student from a counselor training program
b. is summarizing a passage from another author's work without using quotation marks
and giving the
source and page number where the passage was found
c. is difficult for professors to detect
d. is claiming the words and ideas of someone else as one's own
e. cannot be committed when the source of an idea is the Internet
Counselors who intend to conduct family counseling as part of their professional
practice should
a. complete a degree program in marriage and family counseling rather than in
b. disclose their own family of origin issues as part of the informed consent process
c. advocate for the preservation of a couple's marriage
d. seek separate licensure as Marriage and Family Therapists
e. gain specific training in marriage and family counseling, including supervised
All of the following are situations in which it is necessary to consult with colleagues
a. when counselors face issues that require them to exercise judgment.
b. when there are no clear right or wrong answers.
c. when deciding whether to respond to a subpoena.
d. when it is possible that clinical decisions will be challenged later.
e. when they are not certain whether a client might be suicidal.
Friendships with former clients
a. are prohibited by the ACA Code of Ethics.
b. specifically are allowed, under specified conditions, by the ACA Code of Ethics.
c. generally should be avoided because they create a potential for problems
d. occur infrequently because most counselors disapprove of them in all circumstances.
e. have been entered into by about 95% of all counselors.
If a Southeast Asian client refuses to seek police assistance when he or she has been the
victim of a crime, the counselor should
a. become an advocate and contact the police for the client.
b. insist that the client seek police assistance despite his or her reluctance.
c. explain to the client that police help people in the United States.
d. understand that the client may have negative feelings toward police because of police
oppression in his or her native country.
e. contact a family member and tell the family member that it is very important that the
police are notified of the crime so that others can be protected.
In order for a counselor to be competent to engage in group work, the counselor
a. must be a member of ASGW.
b. must have the training outlined in the ASGW Professional Standards for the Training
of Group Workers.
c. must have had a minimum of group work preparation and supervised experience.
d. must be certified by ASGW.
e. must have had at least two graduate courses in group work and have completed a 600
hour internship in group counseling.
It would be ethically permissible for you to consider entering into a bartering
arrangement with a prospective client if
a. bartering is an acceptable practice among other professionals in your community.
b. you cannot afford to provide pro bono service.
c. you suggest bartering and the client agrees to this arrangement.
d. the client does not have mental health insurance.
e. you are designing and plan to build a new house and the client is an architect whose
skills you can use.
Health care plans in the United States
a. must, by federal law, include mental health services benefits.
b. are available to 99% of the population.
c. often are unavailable to the working poor.
d. provide health care, including mental health care, to all individuals who are not
covered by Medicaid.
e. are the best in the world and ensure that all Americans receive the health care they
Counselor educators have an ethical obligation to
a. teach ethics as a separate and discrete course in the curriculum.
b. infuse multicultural material into all courses in the curriculum.
c. restrict their teaching of theories to traditional, widely accepted models that have
proven effective in counseling clients.
d. grade counseling students on their level (but not the content of) their self disclosure.
e. assign letter grades to students in all field experience courses.
Regarding the law of privileged communication in relation to family and group
a. most privilege laws cover all family members and group members who are being
counseled at one time.
b. privilege among group or family members in counseling is the same as it is between
the counselor and individual clients.
c. generally, privilege is waived if there is a third party present during counseling.
d. privilege never exists during family or group counseling in any state.
e. privilege always exists during family or group counseling in all states.
Counselors who hug their clients
a. would never get into trouble as long as the counselor can justify the hug as part of the
therapeutic process.
b. are doing what almost all counselors do at some point in their careers.
c. will never be able to obtain professional liability insurance.
d. expose themselves to serious claims of ethical violations because of the prohibition
against touching clients in the professional literature.
e. should be cautious and ensure the client is comfortable with the touching.
Disclosure of confidential information is acceptable under all of the following
conditions EXCEPT
a. the counselor suspects abuse or neglect of a child.
b. a client poses a danger to self or others.
c. a counselor is in clinical supervision with another counselor.
d. a client has a fatal, communicable disease and the client's behavior is putting others
at risk.
e. an attorney sends a counselor a subpoena.
Counseling aims to help clients
a. become autonomous and not need other people in their lives.
b. have a place to go that is comforting and supportive.
c. learn to counsel themselves.
d. have a person who can solve their problems for them.
e. be empowered to problem-solve independently.
Clinical supervision is the process whereby the work of counselors is reviewed by other
mental health professionals, usually with the goal of
a. ensuring that counselors' services are delivered in a manner that satisfies the
counselors' employers.
b. increasing the counselors' effectiveness.
c. increasing the counselors' knowledge of the counseling literature.
d. ensuring that counselors perform their job functions appropriately.
e. helping counselors practice in an ethical manner.
If a supervisee is having emotional problems that are interfering with his or her ability
to function effectively as a counselor, the clinical supervisor should
a. avoid addressing the personal issues in supervision sessions because the focus of
clinical supervision should be on the professional services rendered by the supervisee.
b. counsel the supervisee to the degree necessary to resolve the issues so that the
counselor can function effectively.
c. immediately refer the supervisee for personal counseling and suspend supervision
until the personal issues have been resolved.
d. address the personal issues in relationship to their impact on the supervisee's
effectiveness as a counselor, but avoid becoming the supervisee's personal counselor.
e. address the personal issues in one session only, and then avoid personal issues in the
Counselor competency can be assured if
a. a counselor is licensed by his or her state licensure board.
b. a counselor has graduated from a CACREP-accredited master's degree program.
c. a counselor is a National Certified Counselor (NCC).
d. a counselor has earned a master's degree in counseling from a regionally accredited
e. there is no way to assure counselor competency.
Subpoenas are used
a. to obtain copies of records.
b. to cause potential witnesses to testify at a deposition, hearing, or trial.
c. to ask potential witnesses to respond in writing to written questions.
d. to require witnesses to appear at a deposition, hearing, or trail and to bring their
records with them.
e. all of the above.
Professionalism in counseling includes all of the following EXCEPT
a. being intrinsically motivated to achieve best practices in counseling.
b. taking pride in one's profession.
c. holding a doctorate in counseling or a related area.
d. understanding the history and philosophy of the profession.
e. representing the profession to the public in a positive and vigorous manner.
Disadvantages of email communication with clients include all of the following
a. confidential information in emails can be saved on computers or email servers.
b. recipients may misinterpret information and are not necessarily able to ask
for immediate clarification.
c. email messages can be easily forwarded to others or sent to the wrong recipient by
d. messages can be altered before being forwarded to another party.
e. the ease of email communication encourages formality and professionalism.
The current ACA Code of Ethics
a. contains few standards specifically related to counseling children
b. advises counselors to develop specialty competences before attempting to counsel
c. advises counselors to consider that adolescents are more concerned about privacy
than adult clients
d. requires counselors to notify parents or guardians when teens disclose they have used
e. advises counselors to report to police any instances of 'sexting" among adolescents
When reporting suspected child abuse in good faith, counselors should review their
particular state statute to determine all of the following EXCEPT
a. who must make the report.
b. when the report must be made.
c. counselor liability for defamation of character.
d. whether past abuse must be reported.
e. whether a written report is required in addition to an oral report.
Counselors who work with female clients should have an understanding of the
high-prevalence problems and issues experienced by women, including each of the
following EXCEPT
a. domestic violence.
b. tendency to be passive-aggressive.
c. sexual assault and harassment.
d. body image and objectification.
e. conflicts between work and family responsibilities.
Which of the following is NOT information that must be provided to prospective
students before they enter a program?
a. evaluation criteria and procedures.
b. program subject matter.
c. faculty advisor assignment.
d. dismissal policies and procedures.
e. length of time for program completion.
External forces that can support counselors in their efforts to practice ethically include
all of the following EXCEPT
a. supervision.
b. intentionality.
c. consultation.
d. ethics codes.
e. continuing education workshops and seminars.
Once counselors have disclosed their legal questions to their immediate supervisors and
have received a response either from the supervisor or from an attorney who is advising
them as to the proper course of action,
a. it is essential for counselors to seek a second opinion.
b. it is essential for counselors to choose and act on their own choice.
c. it is essential for counselors to follow legal advice given to them, even if they do not
agree with it.
d. it is essential for counselors to follow legal advice given to them, but only if they
agree with it.
e. it is essential for counselors to ask the ACA Ethics Committee for an opinion.
When children are participants in a research study
a. consent is needed from their parents only.
b. there is no need to obtain informed consent from the children because they are unable
to give legal consent.
c. even though parental consent is legally sufficient, the assent of the children should be
obtained as well.
d. obtaining the consent of children would be unwise because it would alert children
that they are being studied and they would then behave differently.
e. informed consent is not required because children are too young to understand.
What are some of the problems clients are bringing to counseling sessions that are
directly related to their use of social media or other forms of technology?
In what circumstances do you think you would report another counselor for unethical
As a beginning counselor, in what circumstances do you think you might seek
consultation? In what circumstances do you think others might come to you for
What are the differences among legal standards, ethical standards, and best practice?
How are counseling, supervision, and consultation similar? How are they different from
each other?
The DSM-5 system for diagnosis is based on pathology and the medical model of
mental illness, whereas counseling is grounded in the wellness model. Why must
counselor learn to diagnose clinical disorders?
What do you think are the distinctions among the terms "privacy," "confidentiality," and
"privileged communication?
How do counselors determine whether they are competent to counsel a
particular client?
How does a counselor determine whether a client is suicidal?
Why do you think minors under the age of 18 in the United States are not able to assert
their legal rights on their own, but instead are required to assert their legal rights in
court through their parents or guardians?
What types of interactions and relationships do counselors have to other mental health
professionals who practice in their community?
How do you think legal and ethical requirements might come into conflict with each
other when counseling minor clients?
Do you think it is appropriate for a counselor to refer a client whose beliefs and
behaviors conflict with the personal values of the counselor?
How would you respond if a client asked to see the notes you have taken related to his
counseling sessions?
What should counselors tell potential counseling group members to ensure adequate
informed consent?
When an ethical complaint is filed against a counselor and is pending an investigation,
an employer may not:
a. complete their own investigation into the ethical complaint
b. allow the counselor to continue to provide services
c. deny a promotion solely based upon the filing of an ethical complaint
d. allow the counselor to practice without supervision
e. hire the counselor as a new employee

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