BUS 36085

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 26
subject Words 3360
subject Textbook N/A
subject Authors Barry J. Babin

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Diary panel data are data gathered by households that have agreed to record their
consumption behavior over an extended period of time.
A sampling procedure ensuring that each element in the population will have an equal
chance of being included in the sample is called simple random sampling.
When a researcher contacts a decision-maker after the decision-maker has had a chance
to read the research report to ask if any part of the report needs further clarification, this
is known as a research follow-up.
Tables placed in research proposals that are exact representations of the actual tables
that will show results in the final report with the exception that the results are
hypothetical (fictitious) are referred to as surrogate tables.
When a data set is bimodal, a median split of the data will lead to error.
A directed search of published works, including periodicals and books, that discusses
theory and presents empirical results that are relevant to the topic at hand is called a
literature review.
The term problem definition refers to the process of defining and developing a decision
statement and the steps involved in translating it into more precise research
terminology, including a set of research objectives.
A measuring instrument is valid when the results can be repeated at subsequent
measurements of the concept.
The chi-square test requires the researcher to compare the observed frequencies of the
groups with the expected frequencies of the groups.
In an experiment, the researcher manipulates the dependent variable and measures its
effect on the independent variable.
The index of retail saturation is the ratio of local market potential (demand) to local
population density.
Box and whisker plots provide graphic representations of central tendencies,
percentiles, variabilities, and the shapes of frequency distributions.
A moving average sales forecast works best in a dynamic competitive environment.
An Internet survey is the same thing as an e-mail survey.
The process of changing data from their original form to a format that more closely fits
the research objectives of the research study is called data transformation.
Correlation is sufficient evidence to determine causality in experiments.
Nonparametric statistics are based on the assumption that the data in the study are
drawn from a population with a normal (bell-shaped) distribution and/or normal
sampling distribution.
Total variability is the calculated by dividing the within-group variance by the
between-group variance.
Detailed and comprehensive tables should be presented in the appendix of the research
The obligation on the part of the researcher to protect the identity of an individual
research respondent is a matter of confidentiality.
The statistical significance of a regression model is determined by a F-test.
The availability of sampling frames is fairly consistent around the world.
When ranking data are transformed, the frequency of the ranking score should be
divided by the score.
The basic or scientific business researcher operates at two levels: on the abstract level
of concepts (and hypotheses) and on the empirical level of variables ( and propositions).
Funneling software allows variables, such as answers from previous questions, to be
inserted into unfolding questions in an Internet survey.
A concept is a generalized idea about a class of objects, attributes, or occurrences.
Randomness characterizes a procedure whose outcome cannot be predicted because it
depends on chance.
Covariates are categorical variables like a subject's gender or ethnicity.
Discrete measures are those that take on only one of a finite number of values.
If the regression weight is in the hypothesized direction, the hypothesis is supported.
To avoid interviewer bias, interviewers should not be aware of the sample procedure.
Continuous measures are those assigning values anywhere along some scale range in a
place that corresponds to the intensity of some concept.
A focus group moderator needs to be a good talker and dominate the group discussion
to keep it on track.
The scientific method is a set of prescribed procedures for establishing and connecting
theoretical statements about events, for analyzing empirical evidence, and for predicting
events yet unknown.
Interval scales are considered continuous when five or more categories are used.
For a questionnaire to fulfill a researcher's purposes, the questions must meet the basic
criteria of reliability and validity.
Conducting a situation analysis often requires exploratory research.
Respondents are typically more willing to answer potentially embarrassing questions in
a phone interview than in a face-to-face interview.
A focus group typically involves a rigid question-and-answer session among
All statistics that are appropriate to use for higher-order scales (ratio scales are the
highest) are also appropriate to use with lower-order scales (nominal scales are the
When a researcher wants to study the members of the American Management
Association and selects a sample from its membership list, the membership list is an
example of a _____.
A.reverse directory
B.sampling frame
C.systematic sampling list
A value of R2 = 0.40 means that _____ percent of the variance in the dependent variable
is explained by the independent variables.
Which of the following refers to the notion that the data file actually contains the
information that the researcher is trying to obtain to adequately address research
A.data reliability
B.data verification
C.data completeness
D.data integrity
All of the following are steps in the problem-definition process EXCEPT _____.
A.identify key problem(s) from symptoms
B.determine the unit of analysis
C.develop dummy tables
D.determine relevant variables
Which of the following represents the percentage of people who are exposed to an
Internet advertisement who actually click on the corresponding hyperlink which takes
them to a company's website?
A.conversion transaction rate (CTR)
B.page views
C.cost per click (CPC)
D.click-through rate (CTR)
A researcher should always evaluate the professional reputation of the organization that
has gathered secondary data in terms of evaluating the quality of the data.
A researcher is writing a letter to include after the title page of a research report. The
purpose of this letter is to release or deliver the report to the recipient rather than
provide detailed information of the research findings. This letter is called the _____.
A.letter of authorization
B.letter of transmittal
C.introductory letter
D.formality letter
The document to the researcher that approves the project, details who has responsibility
for it, an describes the resources available to support it is called the:
A.letter of authorization
B.letter of transmittal
C.introductory letter
D.formality letter
When a potential respondent ____, he or she gives permission to receive selected
e-mail, such as questionnaires, from a company with an Internet presence.
A.becomes part of an unrestricted sample
C.opts in
When a multivariate statistical technique is used to predict job satisfaction from several
independent variables, such as age, salary, and number of years in that position, the
researcher is studying _____.
Demand characteristics, such as subjects' knowledge of the experimental hypotheses,
create which type of effect?
What type of question is the following?
C.open-ended response
A collection of related records is known as a _____.
A.data file
All of the following are factors considered when deciding whether or not research is
needed EXCEPT _____.
A.nature of the decision
B.availability of data
C.managerial experience
D.benefits versus costs
Which component of attitude refers to an individual's general feelings or emotions
toward an object?
Which of the following is a discrete measure?
A.nominal scales
B.sensitive scales
C.ratio scales
D.all of these choices
Content validity is the ability of a measure to correlate with other standard measures of
similar constructs or established criteria.
When conducting research internationally, it is important to _____ research results,
which means the researcher verifies that the empirical findings from one culture also
exist and behave similarly in another culture.
Nancy is a college student and just got a job at call center that conducts telephone
surveys. Her job entails calling respondents, asking them questions, and recording their
answers in the computer. Nancy is working as a _____.
C.data collector
Hank is a researcher who is discussing football fan behavior with a respondent. His
approach is almost completely unstructured, and he enters into a discussion with few
expectations. What he wants is for a respondent to tell him about his or her experience
as a football fan. Hank will then try to derive meaning from the resulting dialog. Which
qualitative research technique is Hank using?
B.focus group
C.depth interview
D.case study
The person who leads a focus group interview and ensures that everyone gets a chance
to speak and facilitates discussion is called a(n) _____.
Which of the following means that there is an alternative explanation beyond the
experimental variables for any observed differences in the dependent variables?
D.repeated measures
A researcher has 57 variables in a large dataset and wishes to summarize the
information from them into a reduced set of variables. Which multivariate technique
should be used?
A.factor analysis
B.multidimensional scaling
C.logit analysis
D.regression analysis
All of the following are errors associated with direct observation EXCEPT _____.
Which of the following is the appropriate technique for addressing research questions
involving relationships among multiple less-than interval variables?
D.cluster analysis
If the regression equation is: Y = 98.3 +.35X1 + 22.3X2, the predicted value for Y when
X1 = 3 and X2 = 5 is _____.
Which of the following represents the acceptable Type I error?
C.degrees of freedom
D.significance level
A scale that allows things to be arranged based on how much of some concept they
possess is called a(n) _____ scale.
A.quantitative scale
Which of the following can be considered to be a pretest?
A.screening the questionnaire with other research colleagues
B.screening the questionnaire with a client or the research manager who ordered the
C.a trial run with data collected from a small number of respondents
D.all of these choices
An estimate of the population mean in the form of a single value, usually the sample
mean, is called a _____.
A.confidence interval estimate
B.standard deviation
C.point estimate
Sharon is a management professor who received a grant from the American
Management Association to study how employees make decisions in cross-functional
groups. Sharon's research is _____.
A.applied business research
B.dependent business research
C.funded business research
D.analytical business research
Which of the following is a device providing a range of values that correspond to
different characteristics or amounts of a characteristic exhibited in observing a concept?
Regression is a(n) _____ technique whereas correlation is a(n) _____ technique.
A.dependence; interdependence
B.interdependence; dependence
C.primary; secondary
D.univariate; bivariate
List the three criteria for good measurement.
A self-administered questionnaire posted on a website is called a(n) ______ survey.
Interviewer cheating in which he or she falsifies interviews, merely filling in fake
answers rather than contacting respondents is sometimes referred to as _____.
A(n) _____ is a visual indicator in an Internet questionnaire that tells the respondent
what portion of the survey he or she has completed.
A commercial research company that conducts research for clients is known as a(n)
Using customer databases to provide customized relationships with customers for
specific promotions is an example of ______ marketing.
When subjects in all experimental groups are exposed to identical conditions except for
the differing experimental treatments, we say that _____ has occurred.
Explain the difference between research questions and hypotheses.
When the responses to two survey questions are presented as a cross-tabulation of the
two variables studied in these two questions, the result is called a(n) ______ table.
Discuss the pros and cons of raw regression estimates and standardized regression
estimates and discuss when each is appropriate.
You have been tasked with writing the section of a research manual for a company that
deals with the rights and obligations of the researcher. Explain what you would include
in this manual.
A computer-based system that helps managers to solve problems through interaction
with databases is known as a(n) ______.
A website address that Web browsers recognize is called a(n) _____.
Anything that changes in value from one instance to another in a research study is
called a(n) ______.
A face-to-face communication in which an interviewer asks a respondent questions is
called a(n) ______.
Reading The Wall Street Journal to study possible changes in stock prices is an example
of ______.
A company that routinely assesses employee satisfaction to provide feedback for
evaluation and control of the human relations function of the company is using _____
Qualitative research results are _____ because they are researcher-dependent.
A coding scheme that has a code for all possible responses is said to be _____.

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