BUS 21114

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 2860
subject Authors Barbara P. Herlihy, Theodore P. Remley Jr.

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According to Ridley, examples of unintentional racism included all of the following
a. avoiding the issue of cultural differences by claiming to be color blind and treating all
people as if they were alike.
b. assuming that a client's problems are due to the client's cultural background.
c. interpreting a lack of trust in the counselor to the fact that the counselor is of a
different race than the client
d. facilitating co-dependency relationships with ethnic clients out of a need to be
e. misinterpreting a client's culturally learned patterns of communicating or behaving.
With respect to a client's right to choose the time and means of his or her death, the
ACA Code of Ethics
a. requires counselors to uphold the client's confidentiality when the client discloses
such an intention.
b. does not address this issue directly.
c. allows counselors the option to maintain confidentiality depending upon applicable
laws and the specific circumstances of the situation after seeking consultation or
supervision from appropriate professional and legal parties.
d. requires counselors to warn a physician or family member that the client is
considering taking his or her own life.
e. acknowledges that counselors are not properly trained to assist clients with a medical
issue such as end-of-life decision making.
If you believe another counselor is behaving in an unethical manner, the first thing you
should do is
a. report the matter to the counselor's administrative supervisor.
b. discuss the matter with the counselor and attempt to get him or her to change the
c. file a complaint with the state licensure board.
d. file a complaint with the American Counseling Association Ethics Committee.
e. attempt to get another counselor to go with you to the counselor to confront him or
her regarding the issue.
A fundamental tenet of the wellness model is that
a. traditionally, it has been espoused y members of all the helping professions (e.g.,
counselors, social workers, and psychologists) rather than by medical professionals
b. the primary goal is to alleviate suffering
c. people can transcend their environmental limitations
d. mental health exists along a continuum
e. scientific principles are applied to cure the client's identified mental illness
Each of the following groups might be considered to be vulnerable adults who are
protected from abuse in some states by statute EXCEPT
a. developmentally disabled adults.
b. severely mentally ill adults.
c. elderly adults.
d. physically disabled adults.
e. emotionally distressed adults.
The requirement that universities establish committees to review research proposals to
ensure that human participants are protected is
a. a state law in all states.
b. required by the U.S. Constitution.
c. voluntarily adhered to throughout the United States.
d. a federal law that carries with it the penalty of loss of federal funds if violated.
e. a federal law that makes it a crime to do otherwise.
When communicating with clients over the phone, counselors should
a. inform the client that he or she must speak to the counselor face-to-face
because phone communication of confidential issues is unethical.
b. assume that the conversation cannot be intercepted due to encryption software on cell
c. acknowledge that the client is receiving services to unknown callers reporting that
they know the client.
d. state information off the record and informally if the client and counselor have good
e. attempt to verify the client's identity, and demonstrate caution and professionalism
when discussing confidential information.
According to the United State Small Business Administration, the percentages of
business that fail are
a. over 5% fail in the first year, and 15% fail within the first 5 years.
b. over 50% fail in the first year, and 95% fail within the first 5 years.
c. over 10% fail in the first year, and 25% fail within the first 5 years.
d. over 95% fail in the first year, and 99% fail within the first 5 years.
e. over 15% fail in the first year, and 35% fail within the first 5 years.
Because counselors have a fiduciary relationship with their clients, counselors must
a. ensure their client's finances are being handled properly.
b. protect the best interests of their clients and not benefit inappropriately from the
counselor-client relationship.
c. ensure that clients do what is best for themselves.
d. act as the client's guardian if the client cannot care for himself or herself.
e. make arrangements for clients to be taken care of by family members or close friends
if their clients can no longer care for themselves.
Studies regarding cultural bias in diagnosis have shown that
a. because most clients in counseling are women, diagnosis tends to be less accurate for
male clients than for female clients
b. African American clients are more likely to be diagnosed with severe mental illnesses
such as schizophrenia
c. Hispanic clients are less likely to be diagnosed with depressive disorders
d. counselors, compared to other mental health professionals, are less likely to allow
gender stereotypes to influence their diagnoses
e. female clients are less likely to be prescribed psychotropic medications
Whether or not a supervisor is likely to be held responsible, along with the supervisee,
when a supervisee's
client commits suicide depends on whether
a. the supervisor has offered consultation to the supervisee regarding his or her
counseling practice on a regular basis.
b. the supervisor has direct control and authority over the supervisee's day-to-day
c. the wording of the supervision contract.
d. the supervisor knew that the supervisee was counseling an at-risk client
e. the supervisor has professional liability insurance
Students do NOT have to cite the source for information when the information
a. is considered common knowledge
b. is paraphrased rather than directly quoted
c. was retrieved from a source on the Internet
d. they are quoting from a text their professor has authord
e. they are quoting from the text used in the course for which they are writing the
assigned paper
When involuntary clients are required to sign documents waiving their privacy before
beginning counseling sessions,
a. counselors should refuse to counsel these clients who have been forced into
b. the client in these situations is the agency forcing the client into counseling, not the
client himself or herself.
c. counselors then have no responsibility to maintain the client's privacy.
d. counselors should warn clients that they should never say anything in counseling
sessions that may put them in a difficult situation with the person or agency that has
mandated their counseling sessions.
e. counselors should carefully explain to clients the limits of their privacy within the
counseling relationship.
University committees that review research proposals to ensure that human participants
are protected are called
a. bursars.
b. adjunct committees
c. institutional review boards.
d. promotion and tenure committees.
e. research councils.
When counseling clients who have been sexually exploited by a previous mental health
professional, counselors should
a. report the offending professional to the appropriate state licensing board.
b. report the offending professional to the ACA Ethics Committee.
c. encourage the client to file a lawsuit against the offending professional.
d. respect the client's decision to take action or not to take action against the offending
e. advocate for the client by filing an ethics complaint on the client's behalf.
Which of the following is TRUE of cultural diversity in technology use:
a. researchers have found that technology use is generally uniform across
cultural boundaries.
b. Hispanic and Black individuals are more likely to own a computer than White and
Asian counterparts.
c. those without a high school diploma have higher rates of access to high
speed internet than those with higher levels of education.
d. Asian and White individuals are more likely to own computers and have access to
high speed internet than Hispanic and Black individuals.
e. Internet use appears to be highest among those of lower socioeconomic statuses and
educational attainment levels.
If a counselor wants a person other than a biological parent (such as a step-parent or
grandparent) to have confidential information regarding a child client, a simple solution
is to
a. tell the step-parent or grandparent to go to court and get a court order giving them
access to the information.
b. get a signed statement from the step-parent or grandparent that they will not reveal
the information to anyone else once it is given to them.
c. get a signed statement from the child allowing the counselor to disclose information
to the step-parent or grandparent.
d. get a signed statement from one of the biological parents allowing the counselor to
disclose information to the step-parent or grandparent.
e. ask the step-parent or grandparent to prove the child is living with them and then it is
acceptable to give them access to confidential information regarding the child.
If a formal ethics complaint is filed against you, you should NOT
a. respond fully and in writing to each of the charges made.
b. contact the client who filed the complaint to see if you can work things out.
c. consult with an attorney.
d. submit as much documentation as you can that will help the ethics committee in its
e. contact your professional liability insurance carrier.
A counselor who is dealing with an angry client who is threatening to sue the counselor
a. respond directly to the person making the threat, if possible.
b. calm the person down, if possible, and listen to the concerns.
c. be careful and not admit to wrongdoing.
d. not say anything you would not want repeated or would not want to repeat yourself
under oath at a later time.
e. all of the above.
Parents who object to their child's participation in counseling
a. have no legal rights.
b. have limited legal rights if there is a statute in the state that addresses the issue.
c. may have the right to demand that services be discontinued.
d. should be reported for suspected child abuse.
e. can win a law suit if they sue based on violation of their first amendment rights.
As advocates, counselors are aware that
a. clients' mental health is affected by their experiences of discrimination and
b. race transcends other cultural dimensions such as class and gender
c. a working-class bias is prevalent in counselor training
d. because most master's level counselors are female, they are able to counsel other
females more effectively than are male counselors
e. gay and lesbian clients are less likely to seek counseling than are heterosexual clients
The Supreme Court ruling in Jaffe v. Redmond indicated that
a. a societal stigma is still associated with seeking counseling
b. counselors can assert privilege on behalf of a client even when the client has waived
the privilege
c. psychiatrists are more likely to be granted privileged communication on a
case-by-case basis than are counselors
d. counselors have aduty to warn intended victims of clients who threaten those who are
e. communications between ministers and their congregants are usually not privileged
Most legal issues faced by counselors involve
a. improper conduct complaints filed against them.
b. malpractice.
c. acting as a witness in litigation concerning other people.
d. law suits involving insurance fraud.
e. sexual relationships with clients.
Which of the following statements regarding counselor competence is FALSE?
a. once counselors have become licensed, the burden of ensuring competent services
falls on the counselors themselves.
b. competence in counseling is difficult to define.
c. there is a continuum of professional expertise with gross negligence at one end and
maximum effectiveness at the other extreme.
d. licensure ensures that practitioners are competent to do what their licenses permit
them to do.
e. counselors are ethically required to counsel only within the boundaries of their
In distance counseling, informed consent should include
a. the type of software used, guarantee of confidentiality and privacy, and consent to
view client social media
b. consent to waive right to confidentiality and privacy, as it cannot be guaranteed in
distance counseling
c. consent to waive counselor liability in the event of client crisis, as the counselor may
be in a different time zone or otherwise inaccessible
d. the same information as typical face-to-face informed consent.
e. distance counseling credentials, cultural/language differences, time zone differences,
emergency procedures to follow if the counselor is not available, anticipated response
time, and possible denial of insurance
When counseling clients who are terminally ill and wish to explore end-of-life
decisions, counselors should always do all of the following EXCEPT
a. help the clients clarify their thoughts and feelings about end-of-life choices.
b. assist the clients to deal with grief and loss issues.
c. examine their own values and beliefs about death and dying before agreeing to
counsel terminally ill clients.
d. ensure that they have the competencies needed to work with terminally ill clients.
e. inform the terminally ill client's family that the client is considering various end of
life options, and involve the family in the decision making process.
To be a culturally sensitive counselor, when a client from a different culture offers a
counselor a gift, the counselor
a. should never accept the gift.
b. should always accept the gift.
c. should take into primary consideration the monetary value of the gift.
d. should evaluate the meaning the client attaches to the offering of the gift.
e. should consider offering a similar gift in return.
Legal principles view the contents of a client's counseling records as belonging to
a. the client's counselor.
b. the agency where the counseling took place.
c. the client.
d. the court that has requested the records..
e. the insurance company that paid for the counseling sessions.
It is ethically questionable for a university professor to
a. conduct a research project with a student.
b. supervise the research activities of a student.
c. require a student to participate in a research project.
d. co-present with a student at a professional conference.
e. write a letter of recommendation for a job for a student with whom he or she has
conducted a research study.
Cultural competencies in working with LGBTQIQ clients include
a. realizing that sexual orientation is likely to be the focus of counseling
b. understanding that some clients will need to be referred for conversion therapy
c. having a comfort and familiarity with LGBTQIQ sexuality and how it is expressed
d. understanding the dichotomous nature of sexuality
e. understanding that LGBTQIQ individuals no longer experience a significant degree
of societal stigmatization
It is impossible for counselors to understand all aspects of the law but the best advice
for counselors who face legal questions is to
a. listen to their lawyer and do what the lawyer says.
b. educate themselves about the law and avoid lawyers.
c. obtain licensure to protect themselves.
d. purchase minimal professional liability insurance coverage.
e. avoid problems by always doing things in such a way that no one could ever
a. always support professional values and behaviors.
b. dictate maximum standards of behavior for professionals in a position of trust who
provide services to the public.
c. are similar to ethics in that they represent ideal standards.
d. often conflict with an ethical standard related to a similar issue.
e. are agreed upon rules that are set forth by principles allowing people to live together
in a society.
When one spouse in a married couple demands that a counselor testify in court as to
what occurred in counseling sessions, and the other spouse insists that the counselor not
testify, the best course of action is for the counselor
a. to agree to testify because one spouse is demanding that.
b. refuse to testify because one spouse is insisting that the counselor not testify.
c. call the state licensure board for advice.
d. contact the ACA Ethics Committee and request an opinion.
e. consult with an attorney and follow his or her advice.

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