BLAW 36089

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A franchisor is the purchaser of a franchise.
In most states, a director cannot be removed from a corporate board for a breach of
The ownership right to stock exists independently of a stock certificate.
Under the exclusionary rule, illegally obtained evidence may not be included in any
criminal prosecution.
A husband and wife may file a joint petition for bankruptcy.
Home equity is the portion of a home's value that is "paid off."
Duty-based ethical standards often come from religious precepts or through
philosophical reasoning.
Adding value to a piece of personal property by labor or materials is accession.
As long as a contract is personal in nature, all rights under the contract can be assigned.
A Chapter 11 reorganization plan must provide for payment of tax claims over a
five-year period.
Administrative agencies generally exercise substantial discretion over the type of
hearing procedures that they use.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not prohibit job discrimination on the basis of
national origin.
Strict liability depends on privity of contract between an injured party and a seller.
Under the principle of comity, all foreign governments are subject to all U.S. laws.
Federal law does not prohibit employers from engaging in gender-based wage

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