BISC 93072

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 1539
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Which of the following are considered more primitive based upon the structure of their
a. bats
b. reptiles
c. porpoises
d. penguins
e. birds
The cell walls of fungi are composed mainly of
a. cellulose.
b. lignin.
c. chitin.
d. pectin.
e. protein.
Choose the one most appropriate description.
a. uses ribulose bisphosphate; produces PGA
b. uses ATP and NADPH
c. uses two PGAL
d. produces ATP and NADPH
e. uses an electron transfer chain to produce ATP
Noncyclic pathway of ATP formation
Deep-diving animals accomplish their dives through all of the following means
a. redirecting blood flow.
b. conserving energy by gliding rather than swimming.
c. relying primarily on anaerobic respiration during deep dives.
d. binding oxygen to myoglobin and hemoglobin.
e. assuring that the brain has an uninterrupted supply of ATP.
During orgasm, which of the following stimulate a feeling of pleasure?
a. LH
b. endorphins
c. testosterone
d. oxytocin
e. all of these
Which of the following is not true of Claviceps purpurea?
a. It causes ergotism.
b. It produces toxic alkaloids.
c. It parasitizes rye.
d. It may have played a role in the Salem witch trials.
e. All of these are true
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. the production and secretion of milk
b. sloughing off of endometrium stops permanently
c. induced dislodging and removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus
d. an abortion that occurs spontaneously
e. the burrowing of the blastocyst into the uterine lining
f. the release of an egg from the ovary
g. the release of seminal fluid from the male reproductive tract
h. a 100-percent-effective method of preventing conception
i. a highly unreliable form of birth control
j. the periodic elimination of the uterine lining
k. characterized by involuntary muscle contractions, release of tension, and warmth
l. sexual intercourse
m. sperm and egg cannot meet because a section of oviduct is missing
n. cutting and tying of vasa deferentia
A scientific name consists of which of the following?
I. family name
II. genus name
III. species name
a. I only
b. II only
c. III only
d. I and II
e. II and III
Isotopes of atoms
a. are electrically unbalanced.
b. behave the same chemically and physically but differ biologically from other
c. are the same physically and biologically but differ from other isotopes chemically.
d. have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.
e. are produced when atoms lose electrons.
The result of natural selection is changes in
a. individuals.
b. populations.
c. kingdoms.
d. phyla.
e. animals only.
Chromosomal aberrations can be produced by exposure to
a. viruses.
b. radiation.
c. various chemicals.
d. viruses and radiation only.
e. viruses, radiation, and various chemicals.
Synthetic thyroxine taken orally in the form of pills is the recommended treatment for
a. hypothyroidism.
b. goiters.
c. hyperthyroidism.
d. Graves' disorder.
e. acromegaly.
Approximately what percent of the energy that enters a trophic level becomes available
to the next trophic level?
a. 2 to 12
b. 3 to 13
c. 4 to 14
d. 5 to 15
e. 5 to 30
Cancer(s) of which of the following is(are) associated with chronic smoking?
a. larynx
b. esophagus
c. pancreas
d. bladder
e. all of these
Choose the one most appropriate response for each.
a. contain enzymes for intracellular digestion
b. are primary cellular organelles where proteins are assembled
c. package cellular secretions for export
d. extract energy stored in carbohydrates; synthesize ATP; produce water and carbon
e. synthesize subunits that will be assembled into two-part ribosomes in the cytoplasm
f. transcribe, translate hereditary instructions into specific proteins
g. store substances
h. encode hereditary information
i. help distribute chromosomes to the new cells during cell division
j. convert light energy to chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds of glucose or
Central vacuoles
Which of the following are the largest projections of the small intestine surface?
a. microvilli
b. cilia
c. villi
d. brush borders.
e. duodena
If a sieve tube in a plant becomes blocked, the plant will experience difficulty in
a. carrying on transpiration.
b. transporting minerals.
c. translocating food throughout the plant.
d. completing cell division and experiencing normal growth.
e. healing wounds.
To answer the following questions refer to the five items listed below:
a. restriction enzymes
b. recombinants
c. plasmids
d. clones
e. restriction sites
The function of these is to cut apart foreign DNA molecules.
Answer the following questions with reference to the bones listed below.
a. clavicle
b. lumbar vertebra
c. tibia
d. metatarsal
e. metacarpal
This is a toe bone.
Which of the following distinguishes bacterial flagella from those of eukaryotes?
a. number per cell and structure
b. structure and mechanism of movement
c. function and mechanism of movement
d. number per cell and mechanism of movement
e. number per cell and function
Amoeba proteus
Choose the most appropriate letter.
a. contain DNA, but may be too small to be alive
b. simple transitional forms between early organic compounds and the first living cells
c. red alga resident of hot springs
d. first organisms with the noncyclic pathway of photosynthesis
e. source of the heat-resistant enzyme used in PCR
f. offered support for endosymbiosis
g. dome-shaped fossil remains of photoautotrophic bacteria (some nonfossil structures
also form).
h. protist with photosynthetic organelles that resemble cyanobacteria
i. earliest known organism that can be assigned to a modern group
Movement of soluble organic material through sieve tube members occurs through
a. translocation.
b. active transport.
c. cohesion-tension.
d. transpiration.
e. facilitated transport.
Molting in crustaceans is controlled by
a. ecdysone.
b. the X organ.
c. MIH.
d. the Y organ.
e. all of these.
The following questions refer to the figure above illustrating transport in phloem.
Bulk flow of organic compounds is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
The mitochondrion
a. has its own DNA.
b. DNA has few noncoding regions between genes.
c. resembles bacteria in size.
d. resembles bacteria in structure.
e. is all of these.
Which of the following enzymes digests fats?
a. pepsin
b. catalase
c. amylase
d. lipase
e. trypsin
Which of the following is true regarding insect tracheal systems?
a. They are associated with the blood circulatory system.
b. They excrete body wastes as well as transport gases.
c. They depend on the opening and closing of spiracles.
d. The tracheal tubes are continually open in large terrestrial insects.
e. They contain respiratory pigments to enhance oxygen transport.
Allopatric speciation requires
a. accelerated gene flow.
b. physical separation.
c. physical diversity.
d. behavioral diversity.
e. all of these.
The following questions refer to the figure above of epithelial tissues.
This tissue is found in the gut.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
Which phylum is most closely related developmentally to the first vertebrates?
a. Echinodermata
b. Arthropoda
c. Mollusca
d. Annelida
e. none of these
The pyramid of energy illustrates
a. the first law of thermodynamics.
b. the diminishing of usable energy as it is transferred through an ecosystem.
c. that energy can be recycled.
d. the biological magnification of materials in an ecosystem.
e. the diminishing number of organisms at each trophic level.
Which of the following cells is NOT haploid?
a. secondary spermatocyte
b. sperm
c. primary oocyte
d. spermatids
e. polar bodies
Some of the stages of meiosis are listed below. For the following statements, select the
best choice of these stages.
a. prophase I
b. metaphase II
c. anaphase I
d. anaphase II
e. telophase I
During this stage the sister chromatids begin to separate.
The integumentary system is responsible for all EXCEPT which of the following?
a. protection against bacterial attack
b. protection against desiccation
c. synthesis of a certain vitamin
d. blood cell formation
e. control of temperature

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