BISC 86529

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 18
subject Words 2387
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Respond to the following statements in reference to the five stages or structures
involved in the development of the human egg.
a. oogonium
b. primary oocyte
c. secondary oocyte
d. polar body
e. corpus luteum
This structure becomes the mature egg only after fertilization is begun.
The ultimate source of all energy in a terrestrial ecosystem is
a. the organic matter in all the organisms of the ecosystem.
b. electrons from water molecules.
c. sunlight.
d. ATP.
e. inorganic mineral ions in the soil.
If an individual for whatever reason cannot pass on its genes to offspring, the best
alternative is to show altruism to
a. relatives.
b. strangers.
c. neighbors.
d. other species.
e. competitors.
Oxygen moves from alveoli to the bloodstream
a. because the concentration of oxygen is greater in alveoli than in the blood.
b. mainly due to the activity of carbonic anhydrase in the red blood cells.
c. because of its attraction to hemoglobin.
d. to counter the high concentration of CO2 in the blood.
e. because of all of these.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the five plant macronutrients
listed below.
a. nitrogen
This nutrient is an important part of the backbone structure of DNA.
Which of the following contribute to both leaching and soil erosion?
a. strong winds
b. mineral composition of soil
c. moving water
d. climate
e. none of these
Choose the one most appropriate statement for each.
a. made in the small intestine and pancreas; act on peptide fragments
b. glucose, fructose, and galactose are examples
c. made in the pancreas; acts on fats
d. made by the pancreas and salivary glands; acts on starch
e. made by the small intestine; acts on double sugars
f. made by the pancreas; acts on proteins and polypeptides
g. contains cholesterol; helps emulsify fats
h. made in the stomach; acts on proteins
i. stimulates hydrochloric acid secretion
j. circular muscle acts like valve
Choose the most appropriate answer for each.
a. two pairs of legs per segment
b. tiny, flattened, crawling forms
c. planarians, flukes, tapeworms
d. nematodes
e. snails, squids, clams
f. wheel animals
g. flagellated collar cells present
h. jellyfish and corals
i. crustaceans, ticks, and insects
j. polychaetes, earthworms, leeches
k. sea urchins, sea stars
At what point in the figure above is the urine most concentrated?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. none of these
A "high-energy bond" in ATP
a. absorbs a large amount of free energy when the phosphate group is attached during
b. is formed when ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and one phosphate group.
c. is similar to the bonds in glucose molecules; that is why glucose can be used as a
source of metabolic energy.
d. contributes to the "energy in" part of an endergonic reaction.
e. is/does all of these.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the four glands or structures of
the mammalian gastrointestinal tract listed below.
a. salivary glands
b. stomach mucosa
c. intestinal mucosa
d. pancreas
The enzyme carboxypeptidase is produced there.
The following items are organelles found in animal cells. Respond to the statements
below with reference to these organelles.
a. ribosome
b. mitochondrion
c. lysosome
d. Golgi body
e. endoplasmic reticulum
The packaging of secretory proteins occurs in association with this structure.
Choose the one most appropriate statement for each.
a. made in the small intestine and pancreas; act on peptide fragments
b. glucose, fructose, and galactose are examples
c. made in the pancreas; acts on fats
d. made by the pancreas and salivary glands; acts on starch
e. made by the small intestine; acts on double sugars
f. made by the pancreas; acts on proteins and polypeptides
g. contains cholesterol; helps emulsify fats
h. made in the stomach; acts on proteins
i. stimulates hydrochloric acid secretion
j. circular muscle acts like valve
A kidney dialysis machine
a. may cleanse the patient's blood outside the body.
b. may use the patient's abdominal cavity as the site for solute exchange.
c. may use hemodialysis.
d. may use peritoneal dialysis.
e. may do all of these.
Random dispersion of individuals in a population occurs when habitat conditions are
____, resource availability is ____, and individuals or pairs of individuals ____ one
a. random; scarce; either attract or avoid
b. clumped; fairly steady; neither attract nor avoid
c. nearly uniform; random; neither attract nor avoid
d. nearly uniform; fairly steady; neither attract nor avoid
e. clumped; scarce; either attract or avoid
Researchers tend to name genes based on what happens in their absence. The tinman
gene in Drosophila results in flies
a. without hearts.
b. with nonjointed legs.
c. with a thick exoskeleton.
d. with rust colored eyes.
e. without brains.
Use the figure above to answer the following questions.
A body plan with a pseudocoelom is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. A and B.
e. B and C.
How many sperm would eventually be produced from 20 spermatids?
a. 10
b. 20
c. 40
d. 60
e. 80
According to the intermediate disturbance hypothesis,
a. species richness becomes greatest in between disturbances of moderate intensity or
b. a disturbance is necessary during succession in order to stabilize the community.
c. community succession is highly predictable.
d. competition and other species interactions are the most important factors in shaping
community structure.
e. a community reverts to a climax state after a disturbance.
Which structure is a rod of stiffened support tissue?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. A and B
e. none of these
Which theory was helpful to Darwin in the formulation of his theory of evolution?
a. catastrophism
b. inheritance of acquired characteristics
c. uniformitarianism
d. continental drift
e. special creationism
Many introduced species have deleterious effects on communities and ecosystems
a. coevolved parasites and competitors are absent.
b. the introduced species are long-lived.
c. predators prefer the introduced species; therefore, the local prey proliferate to
dangerously high levels.
d. the communities from which they came lost an important predator, competitor, or
e. all of these occur.
A gene can be silenced by the addition of what to a nucleotide?
a. -CH3
b. -COOH
c. -OH
d. -NH2
e. -PO4
The letter B" in the above figure represents its
a. shell.
b. mantle.
c. gills.
d. siphon.
e. none of these.
Which of the following is the last structure that a sperm travels through as it leaves the
a. ureter
b. urethra
c. vas deferens
d. ejaculatory duct
e. epididymis
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five plant tissues listed below.
a. protoderm
b. ground meristem
c. procambium
d. vascular cambium
e. cork cambium
This tissue gives rise to the xylem and phloem of an older tree.
The source of diversity for B and T cell receptors is
a. mitosis.
b. meiosis.
c. transcript processing.
d. random recombination of genes.
e. gene transcription.
The release of testosterone requires
a. GnRH.
b. luteinizing hormone.
c. Sertoli cells.
d. GnRH and luteinizing hormone.
e. GnRH, luteinizing hormone, and Sertoli cells.
Most of the carbon dioxide produced by the body is transported to the lungs
a. in gaseous form.
b. in blood plasma.
c. as carbaminohemoglobin.
d. as bicarbonate ions.
e. as carbonic acid.
An interaction in which one species benefits and the second species is neither harmed
nor benefited is
a. mutualism.
b. parasitism.
c. commensalism.
d. competition.
e. predation.
Which of the following is an application of the first law of thermodynamics?
a. The level of entropy increases as time passes.
b. Living organisms represent an exception to the laws of energy.
c. The quantity of energy does not increase or decrease in the universe.
d. Fungi and plants do not make their own energy but derive it from somewhere else.
e. The amount of energy found in the compounds on one side of an equation is equal to
that on the other side.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. gives rise to periderm
b. nucleate phloem cells that help load and unload the phloem
c. dead cells with perforation plates; more efficient at water conduction than other
xylem cells
d. living nonnucleated cells that conduct food from photosynthetic source area to
storage sink area
e. a cylinder of parenchyma cells outside the vascular tissue but inside the endodermis
f. clusters of strands containing xylem, phloem, and vascular cambium
g. dead cells without perforation plates; the principal xylem cells of nonflowering
vascular plants
h. cells with thick secondary walls impregnated with lignin that are especially abundant
in some fruits and seeds
i. the principal photosynthetic region of a leaf
j. regions that can undergo mitosis
k. gas exchange and storage plus photosynthesis
Respond to the following statements in reference to the four regions of a nephron listed
a. Bowman's capsule
b. proximal tubule
c. descending portion of loop of Henle
d. distal tubule
Sodium ions are actively transported out from this region.
Imagine the birds that eat peppered moths went extinct. What would happen to the
peppered moth population?
The __________ consists of skull bones, a vertebral column (backbone), and a rib cage.
Explain what genetic "trick" could have confounded Mendel is his recognition of
Two pairs of electrons shared between two atoms is called a __________.
Animals most likely evolved from a colony similar to __________, a type of protist.
C14 is a radioactive isotope, and it turns into _____________ when it decays.
is where calcium ions have their effect.
Consider the Hershey-Chase experiment. Is their choice of a bacteriophage unusual?
A mutant plant is found in which the seeds germinate far too early. Which hormone is
likely involved and why?
What does the fact that all organisms use essentially the same genetic code suggest
about the origin of life?
In freshwater sponges and other simple freshwater animals, water flows into the body
by __________.
In the development of the cell theory, Schleiden and Schwann did not study
prokaryotes. Why might this have limited their understanding of cells?
At high population density, __________ is favored, investing more time and energy in
fewer, higher quality offspring.
In insects and spiders, __________ take up fluid, uric acid, and solutes from the blood
and deliver them to the gut.
Global air circulation patterns affect climate and the distribution of __________.
__________ fills spaces between cells.

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