BISC 85694

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1758
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Which of the following statements is false?
a. The greatest amount of photosynthesis takes place in the palisade mesophyll.
b. There are more stomata on the upper epidermis of most leaves than on the lower
c. The palisade mesophyll is more densely packed than the spongy mesophyll.
d. The surface area of the root system is greater than that of the shoot system.
e. Photosynthesis occurs in both the spongy and palisade mesophyll.
The generally accepted explanation for the movement of organic compounds in phloem
a. the cohesion-tension theory.
b. the pressure flow theory.
c. active transport.
d. the transpiration-pull theory.
e. root pressure.
The Spinal Cord
Use the figure above showing a reflex arc to answer the following questions.
A region where neurotransmitter molecules stimulate a neuron is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. none of these.
"Rapture of the deep" is caused by excessive ____ in the interstitial fluid.
a. O2
b. H2O
c. CO2
d. CO
e. N2
complement proteins
Match each term with the most appropriate statement.
a. cells that do not divide, die in less than a week, and secrete antibodies
b. cells that directly destroy body cells already infected by viral or fungal parasites, as
well as mutant and cancerous cells
c. lymphocytes that are held in reserve, circulate in the bloodstream, and enable a rapid
response to subsequent encounters with the same invader
d. able to lyse cells by forming pore complexes
e. cells that are produced in the bone marrow, are never changed by the thymus, and
manufacture antibodies
f. able to destroy cells but not dependent on recognition of antigen-MHC complexes
g. a class of proteins that help cells of the immune system communicate
h. "big eaters" that alert other lymphocytes to the invasion of specific antigens
i. immature cells that may or may not be committed to develop into one of several
mature cell types
j. a group of cells that are all produced asexually from one original parent cell
k. surface patterns of nonself molecules or particles
l. proteins released by cytotoxic T cells to destroy target cell membranes
m. preparation injected into the body to elicit a primary immune response
n. one of this group has been identified as the causative agent of AIDS
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. male spores of anthers
b. site where pollen tube usually penetrates the ovule
c. develops into a fruit at maturity
d. a 2n cell that will help form nutrients for the developing plant embryo
e. cluster of matured ovaries attached to a common receptacle
f. modified leaf with pigments and fragrance-producing cells
g. immature male gametophyte
h. female reproductive organ
i. landing platform for pollen
j. pollen-bearing structure
k. female spores of ovule
l. outermost whorl of leaf parts on a receptacle; generally green, but sometimes
m. female gametophyte
n. matured ovaries of several flowers fused together into a single mass (for example,
pineapple, fig)
o. forms a seed at maturity
You will need a genetic code table to answer the following. The following statements
refer to the five RNA codons listed below; match them appropriately.
a. AUG
b. UAA
c. UUU
d. UUA
e. AAA
The anticodon AAA pairs with this codon.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the five terms below.
a. somites
b. blastomeres
c. ectoderm
d. mesoderm
e. endoderm
These are the source of most bones and the skeletal muscle of the head and trunk.
Use the figure above to answer the following questions. It shows a longitudinal section
of a sponge body wall. The sponge interior is on the left.
A cell type that helps to pull water through the sponge and strains out food particles is
indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five endocrine glands listed
a. pituitary
b. adrenal
c. pancreas
d. thyroid
e. thymus
Antidiuretic hormone is released from this gland.
Gram staining divides bacteria into ____ groups based on differences in the
composition of their ____.
a. two; DNA
b. four; capsules
c. two; cell walls
d. four; cell walls
e. two; plasma membranes
The genetic code is made up of units consisting of how many nucleotides?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 5
d. 6
e. 9
Perpetually young tissues where cells retain the ability to divide are
a. vascular.
b. meristematic.
c. protective.
d. photosynthetic.
e. all of these.
The structure labeled "B" in the figure is a(n)
a. asexual spore.
b. haploid spore.
c. zygospore.
d. gamete.
e. spore sac.
Use the figure above to answer the following questions.
The letter "C" from the above figure represents
a. ectoderm.
b. endoderm.
c. mesoderm.
d. neural plate.
e. yolk.
Sieve tube members
Choose the most appropriate answer response for each question.
a. responsible for opening and closing of stomata
b. mouthpart of an aphid
c. pipelines of the xylem
d. a mutually beneficial association between a fungus and a young root
e. structures on roots that house nitrogen-fixing bacteria
f. pipelines of the phloem
g. evaporation from stems and leaves
h. actively transport sucrose into sieve tubes
i. eudicot plants that tend to establish symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing
j. transport of organic molecules from source region to sink
k. a waxy band that forces water to diffuse through cells
Fossils indicate that the first cells were similar to existing
a. viruses.
b. fungi.
c. prokaryotes.
d. eukaryotes.
e. algae.
Use the figure above to answer the following questions.
Which stage(s) is(are) the diploid sporozoite stage(s) of the Plasmodium (malaria)
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. A and B
e. none of these
The plant movement in the above figure is caused by
a. auxin differences in two sides of the coleoptile.
b. gibberellin released in one side of the leaf.
c. abscisic acid in two sides of the stems.
d. salicylic acid in two sides of the roots.
e. none of these.
Which of the following does not belong?
a. phospholipids
b. polysaccharides
c. unsaturated fats
d. steroids
e. saturated fats
Short-day plants
a. flower in early spring.
b. will not bloom until they have been exposed to a dark period longer than a critical
c. flower in the fall.
d. will not bloom if their dark period is interrupted by a short pulse of intense red light.
e. do all of these.
Which of the following is NOT part of the initial response to cold temperature?
a. vasodilation of peripheral blood vessels
b. shivering
c. muscle contractions
d. shunting of the blood to the core regions of the body
e. increased metabolism
For glycolysis to begin,
a. glucose must enter the mitochondria.
b. there must be an input of energy from ATP.
c. oxygen must be available.
d. some hydrogen acceptors must be available.
e. none of these needs to occur.
During extended periods of dehydration, tardigrades
a. enter suspended animation.
b. migrate to the soil subsurface.
c. enter small ponds and lakes.
d. climb inside a plant leaf and encyst.
e. none of these
Match the cause with the disorder.
a. autosomal recessive inheritance; lactose metabolism is blocked
b. nondisjunction of the twenty-first chromosomal pair
c. X-linked recessive inheritance
d. nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes
Turner syndrome
Males that tend to be taller than average and show mild mental impairment may have
a. XXY chromosomes.
b. XYY chromosomes.
c. Turner syndrome.
d. Down syndrome.
e. none of these.
Choose the most appropriate answer response for each question.
a. responsible for opening and closing of stomata
b. mouthpart of an aphid
c. pipelines of the xylem
d. a mutually beneficial association between a fungus and a young root
e. structures on roots that house nitrogen-fixing bacteria
f. pipelines of the phloem
g. evaporation from stems and leaves
h. actively transport sucrose into sieve tubes
i. eudicot plants that tend to establish symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing
j. transport of organic molecules from source region to sink
k. a waxy band that forces water to diffuse through cells
All EXCEPT which of the following are disadvantages to sociality?
a. predator avoidance
b. cannibalism
c. competition for food
d. contagious diseases
e. parasite infestation
Select the most appropriate choice for each person.
a. wrote Principles of Geology
b. developed the theory of catastrophism
c. believed that giraffes have long necks because their short-necked ancestors stretched
their necks and passed this change on to their offspring
d. was a naturalist who sailed on the Beagle and studied finches
e. wrote an essay relating population size to competition for limited resources
f. natural historian and author; early ideas of Chain of Being
Downward bending of a seedling root can be blocked by
a. moving it to a dark room.
b. auxin transporters.
c. auxin transport inhibitors.
d. mutations in genes that code for auxin transport proteins.
e. auxin transport inhibition and mutations in genes that code for auxin transport
In this generalized illustration of gametogenesis, the four cells in the right column
should be labeled
a. sperm.
b. eggs.
c. ovum and three polar bodies.
d. secondary spermatocytes.
e. diploid.

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