BISC 814 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 978
subject Authors George R. Mangun, Michael S. Gazzaniga, Richard B. Ivry

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1) Which of the following is NOT a type of corpuscle used for somatosensation?
b. Calvert
d. Pacinian
2) You conduct an experiment in which you expose a rat repeatedly to a 440 Hz tone
and an electric shock. After a few trials, the rat begins to show signs of fear in response
to the tone. In this paradigm, the electric shock is the __________ while the tone is the
a. conditioned stimulus ; unconditioned stimulus
b. unconditioned stimulus ; conditioned stimulus
c. conditioned response ; unconditioned response
d. unconditioned response ; conditioned response
3) Which of the following is NOT a problem with the idea that single neurons encode
the mental representations for all possible complex visual stimuli?
a. Loss of any single visual recognition neuron would have too great an impact on
b. These single neurons would have to adapt as the objects they respond to change over
c. There is no neurophysiological evidence that visual cells respond to specific types of
d. This approach cannot explain how we recognize novel objects.
4) Why is the inclusion of brain scan results in court cases problematic for explaining
a.The set of active brain regions can vary across multiple assessments.
b. Brain activity is not influenced by substances, such as drugs.
c.Most people do not find brain images credible.
d. The temporal resolution of imaging techniques is not sufficient.
5) The poison tetraethylammonium (TEA) interferes with normal neural
communication. The toxin binds to and blocks voltage-gated potassium channels in the
neuron cell membrane. Which of the following best describes the effects of TEA on the
action potential?
a.The depolarization phase of the action potential fails to occur.
b. The repolarization phase of the action potential is blocked.
c.The refractory period of the action potential is shortened.
d. The action potential fails to be regenerated at the nodes of Ranvier.
6) Which patient group is most likely to be impaired on a task in which one must decide
which of two pictures was seen most recently?
a.patients with frontal lobe injuries
b. patients with temporal lobe injuries
c.patients with parietal lobe injuries
d. patients with occipital lobe injuries
7) The HodgkinHuxley cycle describes how the depolarization of the membrane causes
sodium channels to __________ , allowing __________ sodium ions to enter the cell.
This change insodium concentration then causes__________ of the cell.
a.close ; fewer ; further depolarization depolarization
b. close ; fewer ; repolarization ; more ; further
d. open ; more ; repolarization
8) The two main divisions of the central nervous system are the
a. forebrain and brainstem.
b. white matter and gray matter.
c. brain and spinal cord.
d. cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum.
9) You receive a text message that reads My steak eaten up by the broccoli. Which word
would lead to a P600 for you?
b. eaten
d. broccoli
10) Which of the following statements best describes agrammatic aphasics?
a.They are able to process language but not produce it.
b. Their grammar is intact but their word choice is nonsensical.
c.They are unable to use syntax.
d. Theirdisorderisonlyoneofspeechproduction.
11) Which of the following scientists contributed to modern neuroscience in the
nineteenth century?
a. Paul Broca
b. Sir Charles Sherrington
c. Gustav Theodor Fritsch
d. Santiago Ramn y Cajal
12) Using single-cell recording, you isolate a neuron in area MT that selectively
responds to moving stimuli. What other response property would you expect from this
a.It is selective for stimulus color.
b. It is selective for stimulus shape.
c. It is selective for stimulus hue.
d. It is selective for stimulus velocity.
13) Which of the following is a brain region that would likely be implicated in
processing spatial relations in an outdoor scene?
a. the fusiform place area (FPA)
b. the parahippocampal place area (PPA)
c. the fusiform face area (FFA)
d. the parahippocampal face area (PFA)
14) Empiricism is to__________ as rationalism is to __________ .
a. Locke and Hume ; Descartes and Kant
b. Locke and Descartes ; Hume and Kant
c. Descartes and Kant ; Locke and Hume
d. Hume and Kant ; Locke and Descartes
15) ___________ is a general term for deficits in language comprehension and
production that occur as the result of brain injury.
b. Aphasia
d. Anomia
16) A selective loss of motion perception is called
a. achromatopsia.
b. anomia.
c. akinetopsia.
d. agnosia.
17) Hyperkinesia is to _________ as hypokinesia is to _________.
a. Parkinsons disease ; Huntingtons disease
b. Huntingtons disease ; Parkinsons disease
c. apraxia ; hemiballism
d. hemiballism ; apraxia
18) The theory of bidirectional causation in conscious thought suggests that
phenomenal awareness
a. does not exist.
b. exists within layers.
c.exists from interactions between layers.
d. is irrelevant to conscious thought.
19) A major distinction in the study of visual agnosia is that between apperceptive
agnosia and associative agnosia.
20) The posterior and anterior commissures are NOT thick enough for which of the
following? serve as an alternative interhemispheric route for the corpus callosum
b. to provide connections between the temporal lobes provide limited connectivity between the hemispheres
d. to provide connectivity for basic light reflexes

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