BISC 685 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 889
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) the vocal folds are located within the
a) nasopharynx.
b) oropharynx.
c) larynx.
d) trachea.
e) bronchi.
2) the ability of smooth muscle to function over a wide range of lengths is called
a) elasticity.
b) contractility.
c) extensibility.
d) plasticity.
e) variability.
3) which of these muscles produces lateral rotation at the hip?
a) gluteus maximus
b) piriformis
c) obturator externus
d) obturator internus
e) all of the answers are correct.
4) the cytoplasm of the neuromuscular terminal contains vesicles filled with molecules
of the neurotransmitter
a) epinephrine.
b) norepinephrine.
c) acetylcholine.
d) antidiuretic hormone.
e) adrenaline.
5) blockage of pulmonary blood flow by a clot or similar obstruction is
a) emphysema.
b) copd.
c) anoxia.
d) pulmonary embolism.
e) pneumothorax.
6) contraction of the ________ alters the shape of the intestinal lumen and moves
epithelial pleats and folds.
a) mucosa
b) submucosa
c) submucosal plexus
d) muscularis mucosa
e) adventitia
7) the lymphatic system does all of the following, except that it
a) helps maintain normal blood volume.
b) transports gases to and away from lymph nodes.
c) eliminates variations in the composition of interstitial fluid.
d) transports lipids from the digestive tract.
e) fights infection.
8) an inability of the kidneys to excrete adequately to maintain homeostasis is
a) glomerulonephritis.
b) polycystic kidney disease.
c) calculi.
d) renal failure.
e) hematuria.
9) oxygenated blood from the placenta returns to the fetus in the
a) allantois.
b) umbilical vein.
c) umbilical arteries.
d) decidua capsularis.
e) umbilical capillaries.
figure 20-2 cardiac cycle
what occurs at "a" on the graph?
a) semilunar valve opens
b) semilunar valve closes
c) av valve opens
d) av valve closes
e) end systolic volume
11) the major cation in extracellular fluid is
a) sodium.
b) potassium.
c) calcium.
d) magnesium.
e) iron.
12) put the following layers of the digestive tract wall in order from the lumen to the
deepest layer:
1. lamina propria4. digestive (mucous) epithelium
2. muscularis externa5. serosa
3. submucosa6. muscularis mucosae
a) 5, 2, 3, 6, 1, 4
b) 4, 1, 6, 3, 2, 5
c) 4, 6, 3, 1, 2, 5
d) 5, 4, 2, 6, 1, 3
e) 1, 4, 3, 6, 2, 5
13) the smooth, rounded articular process of a bone is termed a
a) crest.
b) ridge.
c) head.
d) condyle.
e) trochlea.
14) the two components of the integumentary system are the
a) epidermis and dermis.
b) cutaneous membrane and hypodermis.
c) cutaneous membrane and accessory structures.
d) integument and hypodermis.
e) epidermis and superficial fascia.
15) during embryonic development, which of the following secondary brain vesicles
will form the cerebrum?
a) telencephalon
b) diencephalon
c) mesencephalon
d) metencephalon
e) myelencephalon
16) the formula for methane gas is ch4. what does the formula 4ch4 represent?
a) a molecule with 4 carbon atoms
b) a molecule with 4 carbon atoms and 16 hydrogen atoms
c) 4 molecules, each containing a carbon and a hydrogen atom
d) 4 molecules, each containing a carbon atom and 4 hydrogen atoms
e) an inorganic compound with ionic bonds
17) damage to the substantia nigra causes a decrease in the neurotransmitter dopamine.
this causes a gradual, generalized increase in muscle tone, which is the main symptom
a) parkinson's disease.
b) rabies.
c) alzheimer's disease.
d) myasthenia gravis.
e) tetanus.
figure 12-1 the neuron
what is contained inside the structure labeled "5" ?
a) neuroglia
b) sodium ions
c) acetylcholinesterase
d) calcium ions
e) neurotransmitter molecules
19) the framework of connective tissue between the skin and underlying muscles is
called the
a) dermis.
b) superficial fascia.
c) deep fascia.
d) subcutaneous layer.
e) subserous fascia.
20) ligaments that support the hyoid bone are attached to the
a) styloid process.
b) mastoid process.
c) articular tubercle.
d) posterior clinoid process.
e) middle concha.
21) reflexes that activate muscles on the same side of the body as the stimulus are
called ________.
22) intravenous injection of kcl could be fatal. why?
23) the first cervical vertebra is better known as the ________.
24) cells that spontaneously make action potentials make up ________ tissue.
25) lipoproteins that are formed within the intestinal epithelium to transfer dietary fats
into circulation are called ________.
26) the endoplasmic reticulum is an example of a(n) ________ organelle.
27) microglia are to the cns as kupffer cells are to the ________.

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