BISC 64214

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1942
subject Authors Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan

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Which one of the following is TRUE?
A) An enzyme's function depends on its three-dimensional shape.
B) Enzymes work generally on a broad range of substrates.
C) Enzymes are used up in chemical reactions.
D) Enzymes emerge changed from the reactions they catalyze.
The products of the light reactions of photosynthesis are ________.
C) RuBP and O2
D) ATP and NADP+
Mendel crossed purebred purple-flowered plants with purebred white-flowered plants,
and all of the resulting offspring produced purple flowers. The offspring are all
________, and the allele for purple flowers is ________.
A) heterozygotes... recessive
B) heterozygotes... dominant
C) homozygotes... recessive
D) homozygotes... dominant
Examine the figure below. Globally, the largest amount of water moves from ________.
A) the oceans to the atmosphere by evaporation
B) land to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration
C) the atmosphere to land by precipitation
D) land to the oceans by surface and groundwater runoff
In general, hormones that bind to plasma membrane receptors ________.
A) are steroid hormones
B) bind to DNA and cause changes in transcription
C) cannot pass through cell membranes
D) are produced in the interstitial fluid
A role of the lymphatic system is to ________.
A) transport histamine
B) produce hormones related to fighting infections
C) produce white blood cells
D) return tissue fluid to the circulatory system
A characteristic of arthropods that has allowed for their great success is the presence of
A) bilateral symmetry
B) an endoskeleton
C) a brain
D) specialized segments
Please read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Salmon eggs hatch in freshwater streams and, during their first year of life, the young
salmon migrate distances up to 1,000 km in order to reach the ocean. Here they spend
up to 5 years where they feed and grow, acquiring more than 95% of their biomass.
During the summer of their maturing year, they begin the long journey back to their
home streams to spawn. Although it is still uncertain how salmon navigate back to their
spawning grounds, current hypotheses suggest that they have a highly developed sense
of smell that allows them to remember odors they encountered on their migration to the
ocean. They then use these odors to help them navigate back to the streams where they
were born. At the spawning grounds, females use their tails to form a hollow cavity in
the stream gravel where they lay up to 8,000 eggs. The males fertilize the eggs, and
both adults typically die soon thereafter.
The physiological response that allows salmon to survive in fresh water, then in salt
water, and then fresh water again is an example of ________.
A) a behavioral response
B) evolution
C) acclimation
D) an anatomical response
Several years ago, I was crossing the border from Canada to the United States and I had
a bag of Washington State apples with me. The customs officer at the border would not
let me take the apples with me into the United States (and I really hated the idea of
getting rid of a bag of perfectly good apples). Why did the customs officer refuse to
allow me to cross the border with my apples?
A) Washington State apples are considered an endangered fruit.
B) Apples grown in the United States for export may be contaminated with DDT.
C) There may have been a species that was not native to the United States hitching a
ride on my apples.
D) Economics: If I couldn't bring the apples in with me, I would have to buy my apples
from a store in the United States.
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
In sickle cell disease (SCD), a mutation in hemoglobin causes deoxygenated
hemoglobin to stick together in long chains, which in turn distorts red blood cells into
an elongated, sickle (crescent) shape.
Red blood cells with a sickle shape can block circulation in small blood vessels. Which
blood vessels are most likely to become blocked by sickle cells?
A) veins
B) arteries
C) arterioles
D) capillaries
The ________ is the selective barrier of a root that determines which substances pass
between the cortex and vascular tissue.
A) epidermis
B) endodermis
C) cuticle
D) xylem
Adjacent water molecules are connected by the ________.
A) sharing of electrons between the hydrogen of one water molecule and the oxygen of
another water molecule
B) electrical attraction between the hydrogen of one water molecule and the oxygen of
another water molecule
C) sharing of electrons between adjacent oxygen molecules
D) electrical attraction between the hydrogen atoms of adjacent water molecules
Cutting DNA with a particular restriction enzyme produces DNA fragments that can be
separated by ________.
A) gel electrophoresis
B) enzymes
C) recombinant DNA
D) plasmids
This graph represents three different populations. Use it to answer the following
Which population is growing at the fastest rate?
A) Population A
B) Population B
C) Population C
D) They are all growing at the same rate.
Which of the following best describes the condition of a twig if the auxin produced by
its apical meristem is conveyed equally down all sides?
A) It will elongate.
B) It will branch near its tip.
C) It will produce a flower.
D) It will bend to one side.
How many chromosomes does an individual with Turner syndrome have?
A) 2n + 1
B) n + 1
C) 2n − 1
D) n − 1
The expressed (coding) regions of eukaryotic genes are called ________.
A) caps
B) promoters
C) exons
D) introns
When a B or T cell is primed by an interaction with its particular antigen, the cell
A) dies, killing the antigen
B) engulfs the antigen and destroys it
C) grows, divides, and develops further
D) sticks to other cells with attached antigens to form a large clot
A protein's function is most dependent on its ________.
A) pH
B) shape
C) size
D) weight
Osmosis can be defined as ________.
A) the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane
B) the diffusion of nonpolar molecules across a selectively permeable membrane
C) active transport across a selectively permeable membrane
D) the diffusion of a solute across a selectively permeable membrane
Which one of the following correctly pairs the structure with its major function(s)?
A) hypothalamus"regulates body temperature, blood pressure, and hunger
B) cerebellum"regulates memory, learning, and speech
C) brainstem"is the input center for sensory data going to the cerebrum
D) thalamus"coordinates balance
Certain amino acids are called essential because they ________.
A) are required for making protein
B) cannot be made by the body from other compounds
C) store energy
D) are required for making nucleic acids
The energy of wavelengths that appear ________ is LEAST useful to photosynthesis.
A) red
B) green
C) blue
D) orange
Oxytocin controls the contractions of the uterus. Of which type of tissue is the uterus
A) nervous tissue
B) skeletal muscle
C) smooth muscle
D) epithelium
How many chromosomes can a gamete possess as a result of nondisjunction?
A) n + 1 or n - 1
B) 2n + 1 or 2n - 1
C) 2n - 1 only
D) 2n + 1 or n - 1
Which of the following best characterizes the monocots?
A) embryo with one seed leaf, leaves with parallel veins, stems with vascular bundles
scattered, and flower parts in threes
B) embryo with one seed leaf, leaves with parallel veins, stems with a ring of vascular
tissue, and flower parts in fives
C) embryo with two seed leaves, leaf veins not parallel, stems with ring of vascular
tissue, and flower parts in fives
D) embryo with two seed leaves, leaf veins not parallel, stems with vascular bundles
scattered, and flower parts in threes
A balloon permeable to water but not to glucose contains a 10% glucose solution. A
beaker contains a 5% glucose solution. Which of the following is TRUE?
A) The solution in the beaker is hypertonic relative to the solution in the balloon.
B) The solution in the balloon is isotonic; the solution in the beaker is hypertonic.
C) The solution in the balloon is hypotonic relative to the solution in the beaker.
D) The solution in the balloon is hypertonic relative to the solution in the beaker.
The absence of a terminator in transcription will result in ________.
A) the creation of a virus
B) a strand of mRNA that lacks its cap and tail
C) the production of a longer RNA molecule
D) the production of a shorter RNA molecule
A newly discovered multicellular organism obtains food by digesting dead organisms.
Such an organism is most likely a member of the kingdom ________.
A) Plantae
B) Fungi
C) Protista
D) Animalia
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
People utilize plants to meet many everyday needs, including food, fiber, and building
materials. However, not many of the over 300,000 known species of plants are used by
people. One species with a lot of future promise is the jatropha tree. This species is
native to Central America and is now found throughout the tropics. Many people
believe the jatropha could help alleviate poverty in many areas of the world, as the
seeds produce an oil that can be used for cooking, lighting, or generating electricity.
This oil can also be mixed with diesel fuel or petrol to produce a biofuel. Mature trees
produce between 5 and 15 kg of seeds per year and can live more than 30 years.
However, critics argue that planting the jatropha tree will take land needed for food
production, which will in turn harm the poor.
What would NOT be an advantage of using oil from jatropha seeds?
A) The oil is considered a renewable resource.
B) The oil can be used for generating electricity.
C) The oil can be used as a biofuel.
D) Growing jatropha tress to produce oil may lower food production.
An ancestral species and all its evolutionary descendants define a(n) ________.
A) outgroup
B) clade
C) genus
D) ingroup
Jenny is losing weight, has poor tolerance to heat, and has mood swings, high blood
pressure, and a rapid heart rate. She has very high levels of thyroid hormone, high
levels of TSH, and a goiter. Which of these diagnoses is the most likely for Jenny's
A) defective thyroid hormone receptors in the body cells
B) insufficient iodine in the diet
C) defective receptors for thyroid hormone control by the anterior pituitary
D) too much iodine in the diet

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