BISC 405 Final

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 728
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) when cartilage is produced at the epiphyseal side of the metaphysis at the same rate
as bone is deposited on the opposite side, bones
a) grow longer.
b) grow wider.
c) become shorter.
d) become more porous and weaker.
e) become thicker.
2) the large foramen that serves as a passageway for the medulla of the brain and the
accessory nerve (xi) is the
a) foramen lacerum.
b) foramen rotundum.
c) carotid canal.
d) jugular foramen.
e) foramen magnum.
3) platelets are
a) red cells that lack a nucleus.
b) blue cells that have a nucleus.
c) large cells with a prominent, concave nucleus.
d) tiny cells with a polynucleus.
e) cytoplasmic fragments of large cells.
4) a drug that blocks the action of carbonic anhydrase in parietal cells would result in
a) a lower ph during gastric digestion.
b) a higher ph during gastric digestion.
c) decreased production of pepsinogen by chief cells.
d) increased protein digestion in the stomach.
e) decreased gastrin production.
5) which of the following articulate in the mandibular fossa?
a) condylar process
b) mastoid process
c) acromion process
d) coronoid process
e) zygomatic process
6) muscles located entirely within an organ are called
a) internus.
b) extrinsic.
c) profundus.
d) intrinsic.
e) externus.
7) the exocrine portion of the pancreas produces
a) insulin.
b) glucagon.
c) somatotropin.
d) digestive enzymes.
e) bile.
8) the respiratory epithelium of the conducting airways consists of
a) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium.
b) moist cuboidal epithelium.
c) simple squamous epithelium.
d) ciliated squamous epithelium.
e) surfactant cells.
9) the right ventricle pumps blood to the
a) right and left lungs.
b) left ventricle.
c) left atrium.
d) aorta.
e) right atrium.
10) after ovulation, the ovary secretes
a) luteinizing hormone.
b) estrogen.
c) progesterone.
d) both estrogen and progesterone.
e) luteinizing hormone, estrogen, and progesterone.
11) the part of the small intestine most likely to develop an ulcer from exposure to
gastric juice is the
a) pylorus.
b) duodenum.
c) ileum.
d) caecum.
e) jejunum.
12) pupillary muscle groups are controlled by the ans. parasympathetic activation
causes pupillary ________, and sympathetic activation causes ________.
a) dilation; constriction
b) dilation; dilation
c) constriction; dilation
d) constriction; constriction
e) vasoconstriction; vasoconstriction
13) ionic bonds are formed when
a) atoms share electrons.
b) an electron or electrons are completely transferred from one atom to another.
c) a pair of electrons is shared unequally by two atoms.
d) hydrogen forms bonds with negatively charged atoms.
e) two or more atoms lose electrons at the same time.
figure 10-2 muscle contractions
to produce a contraction similar to the one in graph (b), the muscle
a) must be stimulated to the point of fatigue.
b) must be stimulated again before it has relaxed from the previous stimulation.
c) is excited by a stimulus of increasing intensity.
d) is caused to produce isolated twitches.
e) gradually warms up.
15) the narrow passageways that contain cytoplasmic extensions of osteocytes are
a) central canals.
b) lacunae.
c) canaliculi.
d) medullary cavities.
e) foramina.
figure 5-1 the components of the integumentary system
which layer is the primary barrier against environmental hazards?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
17) of the following arteries, the one that is an elastic artery is
a) the subclavian artery.
b) the external carotid artery.
c) the brachial artery.
d) the femoral artery.
e) the ulnar artery.
18) people with type ab blood are considered the "universal recipient" for transfusions
a) their blood cells lack a and b antigens.
b) their blood lacks a or b agglutinins.
c) their blood is plentiful in a and b agglutinins.
d) they usually have very strong immune systems.
e) they are usually rh negative.

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