BISC 26167

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 17
subject Words 2241
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Choose the most appropriate answer.
a. integrates body position, motions, balance
b. in cnidarians; based on reflex pathways devoted to swimming and feeding
c. messages from here arouse the brain and maintain wakefulness
d. the cortical region that coordinates muscles required for speech
e. all parts of nerve cells outside the brain and spinal cord
f. acetylcholine is an example
g. reflex control center for breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure
h. axons of the central nervous system that are sheathed with fatty myelin
i. at top of the brainstem bordering the cerebral hemispheres; influences learning and
emotional behavior
j. motor neurons that are divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
k. membrane coverings over brain spinal cord
l. contains the tectum; receives and integrates sensory information that is largely sent on
to the forebrain for further neural processing
m. connects right and left cerebral hemispheres
n. group of nerve cell bodies that form an integrative center
o. contains centers concerned with body temperature regulation and with salt and water
Which of the following is NOT considered strengthening or supportive tissue?
a. collenchyma
b. xylem
c. sclerenchyma
d. parenchyma
e. cork
Human vocal cords are located in the
a. glottis.
b. pharynx.
c. trachea.
d. larynx.
e. bronchus.
The following questions refer to the figure above.
Ventilation by a relaxed individual is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
The following questions refer to the age structure diagrams above.
A population with zero growth is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. none of these.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the four regions of a nephron listed
a. Bowman's capsule
b. proximal tubule
c. descending portion of loop of Henle
d. distal tubule
The glomerular capillaries are intimately associated with this structure.
____ is the study of body plans and structures among groups of organisms.
a. Embryology
b. Molecular archeology
c. Evolution
d. Comparative morphology
e. Composition
Select the best choice for the following statements using the five groups listed below.
a. apicomplexans
b. amoebozoans
c. euglenoids
d. dinoflagellates
e. trypanosomes
Chagas disease and African sleeping sickness are caused by members of this group.
Which of the following has been correlated with the ability of rats to cope with stress as
a. A nurturing mother.
b. The number of siblings they have.
c. The temperature they are raised in.
d. The altitude they are born at.
e. All of these.
Which plant hormone listed below is responsible for the symbiotic relationship shown
in the above figure?
a. auxin
b. gibberellin
c. cytokinin
d. jasmonic acid
e. abscisic acid
Postzygotic reproductive isolation occurs
a. just after the union of the egg and sperm nuclei.
b. during embryo development.
c. during fetal development.
d. after birth.
e. with any of these.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the four source tissues of plant
roots listed below.
a. primary meristem
b. ground meristem
c. pericycle
d. vascular cambium
This tissue gives rise to epidermis and cortex.
The five-toed limb of stem reptiles became modified into a limb ____ in vertebrates
that followed.
a. suitable for high-speed running
b. suitable for digging
c. suitable for swimming
d. with four fingers and an opposable thumb
e. with all of these
Allosteric enzymes
a. have regions that bind with inhibitor or activator molecules.
b. are associated with important energy-carrying nucleotides.
c. are not affected by temperature or pH.
d. have two active sites.
e. have all of these.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. rate of forward reaction about equals rate of reverse reaction
b. coenzyme that diffuses freely through the cytoplasm
c. attachment of a phosphate group by a high-energy bond
d. an excess of end-product molecules alters the shape of the first enzyme in the
pathway and shuts off that metabolic pathway
e. part of an enzyme that binds to the substrate
f. by binding a regulatory molecule, it changes the activity of a metabolic pathway
g. affects rates of chemical reactions
h. universal energy currency
i. assists in the detoxification of ethanol
j. a measure of the degree of energy change after a concentrated form of energy has
been dispersed
allosteric enzyme
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. discovered that the hereditary system of one strain of bacteria could be transformed
by the hereditary system from another strain of bacteria
b. first to discover DNA and isolate it from fish sperm
c. discovered that DNA-digesting enzymes prevented bacterial transformation
d. the first to build an accurate model of DNA and to describe it explicitly in a
e. the first to demonstrate, through the use of radioactive isotopes, that DNA, not
protein, is the genetic material
f. provided two important clues to the structure of DNA; one clue is that A = T and the
other is that C = G
g. discovered the structure of collagen
h. obtained excellent X-ray diffraction photographs that suggested that DNA was a
long, thin molecule with regularly repeating units
Intermediates in the breakdown of ____ can be diverted into glycolysis and the Krebs
a. carbohydrates
b. lipids
c. proteins
d. all of these
e. carbohydrates and lipids only
In which of the following ways are archaeans similar to eukaryotic cells?
a. size
b. shape
c. presence of histones
d. DNA polymerases
e. presence of operons
Respond to the following statements in reference to the autonomic nervous system
associated with the five regions of the human spinal cord listed below.
a. cervical
b. thoracic
c. lumbar
d. sacral
e. coccygeal
Sympathetic nerves from this region innervate the heart.
The stress response depends on the secretion of
a. cortisol.
b. epinephrine.
c. norepinephrine.
d. all of these.
e. none of these.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the types of connective tissue
listed below.
a. loose connective tissue
b. dense connective tissue
c. adipose
d. cartilage
e. blood
This tissue plays an important role in stabilizing body temperature.
The first cells were
a. autotrophic.
b. parasitic.
c. anaerobic.
d. aerobic.
e. all of these.
The process during which potassium and hydrogen ions, penicillin, and some toxic
substances are put into the urine by active transport is
a. tubular secretion.
b. reabsorption.
c. filtration.
d. countercurrent multiplication.
e. diffusion.
Synaptic integration means that
a. positive or excitatory stimuli produce an excitatory postsynaptic potential.
b. the positive and negative ions neutralize each other.
c. excitatory and inhibitory signals are summed in a receiving neuron.
d. the adjacent neurons interact so that excitatory and inhibitory stimuli cancel each
other out.
e. all of these occur.
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the arctic tundra?
a. a perpetually waterlogged soil
b. rapid nutrient recycling
c. one of the world's greatest store of carbon
d. permafrost
e. cool, anaerobic conditions
The famous "bell-shaped curve" that usually results when test scores are plotted against
number of students is an example of what type of selection?
a. disruptive
b. stabilizing
c. divergent
d. variable
e. directional
Nearsightedness is caused by
a. eye structure that focuses an image in front of the retina.
b. uneven curvature of the cornea.
c. uneven curvature of the lens.
d. eye structure that focuses an image posterior to the retina.
e. all of these.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the four source tissues of plant
roots listed below.
a. primary meristem
b. ground meristem
c. pericycle
d. vascular cambium
This tissue gives rise to ground meristem.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five kinds of species
interactions listed below.
a. competition
b. parasitoidism
c. mutualism
d. commensalism
e. parasitism
When a tropical bird places its nest in association with a wasp nest on the same tree, the
interaction is this.
Answer the following questions using the group of answers below.
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 12
e. 24
In a dihybrid cross between a parent that is a double heterozygote (Aa Bb) and a parent
that is a double homozygous recessive (aa bb), how many unique phenotypes
potentially will be present in their offspring?
Chromosomes are duplicated during what stage of the cell cycle?
a. M
b. D
c. G1
d. G2
e. S
Chronically high blood pressure is called
a. ventricular fibrillation.
b. hypertension.
c. leukemia.
d. sickle-cell anemia.
e. a stroke.
Which of the following features is NOT an important evolutionary advancement in the
evolution of the tree dwelling primates?
a. grasping hands and feet
b. depth perception
c. well-developed sense of smell
d. the ability to see in 3D
e. a large brain relative to body size
__________ are free-living and usually kill their prey.
What can RNA do that DNA cannot that makes RNA a good starting point for life?
Assume that red plants crossed with white plants give rise to pink plants. Explain how
to eliminate red plants if you start with two pinks.
Cartilaginous fishes retain __________ in their body, so they do not lose or gain water
by osmosis.
A homozygous recessive where "A" represents the trait has two recessive alleles
symbolized by __________.
__________ contains protein-digesting enzymes and acid.
Give an example of exaptation in humans?
Considering the history of the Earth, would the water flow and precipitation patterns
have been as they are now?
The __________ is the pelvic girdle, pectoral girdle, and paired limbs.
What is the role of the endodermis in nutrient absorption?
For a mineral nutrient to get to the leaves, it must make it to the plant xylem. Which
layer would the nutrient need to traverse in a dicot?
A neuron's __________ receive signals, and its __________ transmits signals.
Character displacement makes competing species less similar, which facilitates
urinary bladder

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