BISC 24838

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2254
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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conservation biology
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. a reduction in suitable places to live
b. organisms that give an "early warning" signal of changes in biodiversity
c. new method of harvesting trees to preserve diversity
d. a field of research whose goal is conservation of biodiversity
e. species vulnerable to extinction
f. broad land or ocean region defined by climate, geography, and producers
g. ocean structure of amazing biological complexity
h. locations where species are in greatest danger of extinction
i. a national park is an example
j. narrow corridor of vegetation along a stream or river
k. isolated patches of habitat;
Choose the one most appropriate letter for each.
a. cartilaginous skeleton; jaws
b. reptile with four-chambered heart
c. placental mammal
d. legless amphibian
e. invertebrate chordate; no metamorphosis
f. endotherm with feathers
g. limbless reptile
h. most primitive fishes with jaws; extinct
i. modern-day parasitic jawless vertebrate
j. marsupial
k. adult is called 'sea squirt"
l. egg-laying mammal
m. swim bladder for buoyancy
n. may be sexually mature in larval form
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. dissipates excess vibrational energy to the middle ear
b. contains the organ of Corti
c. separates the outer and middle ears
d. membrane-covered gateway to inner ear
e. consists of tissue containing rods and cones
f. bone in middle ear
g. peak height and valley depth of sound waves are its basis
h. maintain balance and position; detect acceleration
i. depends on the number of wave cycles per second
j. a substance that elicits a response in members of the same species
k. regulates size of pupil and amount of incoming light
The biome with the most complex diversity is the
a. tundra.
b. taiga.
c. tropical rain forest.
d. desert.
e. grassland.
The pain produced in an internal organ may be perceived as occurring somewhere else.
This phenomenon is called
a. mixed nerve messages.
b. referred pain.
c. phantom pain.
d. psychosomatic pain.
e. hypochondria.
Which is NOT true about gene mutations?
a. All are transmitted to the next generation.
b. They are rare but their rates can be predicted.
c. Those with beneficial effects will be favored by natural selection.
d. Many reduce an individual's chance of surviving and reproducing.
e. Those with neutral effects neither help nor hurt the individual.
Choose the one most appropriate letter for each.
a. cartilaginous skeleton; jaws
b. reptile with four-chambered heart
c. placental mammal
d. legless amphibian
e. invertebrate chordate; no metamorphosis
f. endotherm with feathers
g. limbless reptile
h. most primitive fishes with jaws; extinct
i. modern-day parasitic jawless vertebrate
j. marsupial
k. adult is called 'sea squirt"
l. egg-laying mammal
m. swim bladder for buoyancy
n. may be sexually mature in larval form
To answer the following questions refer to the five items listed below:
a. restriction enzymes
b. recombinants
c. plasmids
d. clones
e. restriction sites
The use of the techniques of genetic engineering to move a novel or foreign piece of
DNA into the DNA of an organism produces DNA __________.
Which of the following is NOT true of the poouli?
a. It is a honeycreeper.
b. It is endangered.
c. It is an outlying member of its group.
d. It is morphologically distinct from others in its group.
e. All of these are true.
Mitosis comes from the Greek word "mitos," which means
a. divide.
b. grow.
c. swell.
d. thread.
e. shrink.
Which of the following is NOT true of the H5N1 virus?
a. It is symptomless in pigs.
b. It has a high mortality rate in humans.
c. It cannot infect birds.
d. It moves poorly from human to human.
e. It can move between pigs.
Choose the one most appropriate response for each.
a. cytoplasm apportioned between the two daughter cells
b. final phase of mitosis; daughter nuclei re-form
c. two sister chromatids are joined here
d. chromosomes condense and mitotic spindle begins to form
e. chromosomes line up at spindle equator
f. sister chromatids separate, move to opposite spindle poles
g. about 25 nm in diameter; form mitotic spindle
h. half of a chromosome in prophase
i. in pairs in some eukaryotic cells; move to poles during spindle formation
The distribution of living organisms would be increased by
a. continental drift.
b. the formation of Pangea.
c. the sea-floor spreading.
d. the movement of Gondwana.
e. all but "the formation of Pangea."
Figure "B" in the above pair is a
a. cotyledon.
b. petiole.
c. dicot; evergreen.
d. veins.
e. monocot.
____ are fleshy, scaly stems that typically grow under the soil and parallel to its surface.
a. Stolons
b. Rhizomes
c. Bulbs
d. Corms
e. Tubers
In the breakdown of glucose, a phosphorylated six-carbon compound is split into two
three-carbon compounds, which are named
a. PGAL.
b. pyruvate.
c. acetyl-CoA.
d. lactate.
e. acetaldehyde.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five plant hormones listed
a. auxins
b. gibberellins
c. cytokinins
d. abscisic acid
e. ethylene
This hormone stimulates embryo formation in seeds.
Which of the following is NOT true of carbon dioxide?
a. It is released in the burning of fossil fuels.
b. It contributes to ozone destruction.
c. It is absorbed by plants.
d. It contributes to global warming.
e. All of these are true.
When calcium levels rise, the ____ secrete(s) ____, which ____ osteoclast activity.
a. parathyroids; calcitonin; suppresses
b. thyroid; calcitonin; suppresses
c. thyroid; calcitonin; enhances
d. thyroid; PTH; suppresses
e. parathyroids; PTH; enhances
The atomic number refers to the
a. mass of an atom.
b. number of protons in an atom.
c. number of both protons and neutrons in an atom.
d. number of neutrons in an atom.
e. number of electrons in an atom.
All of the following can contribute to desertification EXCEPT
a. drought.
b. overplowing.
c. overgrazing.
d. natural fertilizer.
e. All of these can contribute to desertification.
The figure above represents
a. a cephalopod beak.
b. a aquatic snail's "tongue."
c. a bivalve penis.
d. a squid claw.
e. none of these.
adrenal medulla
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. secretes one hormone that increases the metabolic rate and another that inhibits
calcium release from bone storage sites
b. secrete insulin and glucagon
c. secretes hormones that prepare accessory reproductive structures for reproduction
d. involved in lymphocyte maturation
e. secretes tropic hormones, growth hormone, and prolactin
f. secretes mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids
g. in many vertebrates, helps to determine the amount and distribution of dark pigments
in the skin
h. secrete enzymes that help to form angiotensin
i. participates in reproductive physiology and responds to photoperiod change
j. releases oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone into bloodstream
k. secretes a hormone that promotes calcium release from bone storage sites
l. produces oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone
m. secretes cholecystokinin, secretin, and gastrin
n. secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
o. secrete pheromones, milk, tears, sweat, and mucus
Match the following descriptions with the most appropriate group listed below.
a. Bacteria
b. Protista
c. Plantae
d. Fungi
e. Animalia
most common multicellular decomposers
Which statement is NOT true?
a. Electrons closest to the nucleus are at the lowest energy level.
b. No more than two electrons can occupy a single orbital.
c. Electrons are unable to move out of the assigned orbital space.
d. The innermost orbital holds two electrons.
e. At the second energy level there are four possible orbitals with a total of eight
Most of the earth's usable carbon is in its
a. sedimentary rocks.
b. atmosphere.
c. biomass.
d. oceans.
e. mantle.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. acts to trigger ovulation in females
b. structures that secrete mucus and nutrients absorbable by sperm; open into the
ejaculatory duct
c. forms as an outgrowth of the yolk sac; becomes part of umbilical cord and urinary
d. a drug that causes severely deformed arms and legs in developing embryos
e. two of these connect seminiferous tubules with vasa deferentia
f. opening between uterus and vagina
g. organ that supplies the embryo/fetus with nutrients and removes wastes
h. connects epididymis with ejaculatory duct
i. hormones that stimulate uterine contractions in the female
j. cap over the head of a sperm; contains lytic enzymes to penetrate egg membranes
k. inner cell mass plus trophoblast; attaches to uterine wall
l. testosterone produced here
m. sensitive to sexual stimulation; develops from same embryonic tissues as does the
penis in males
n. the uterine lining
o. acts on gonad to help mature gametes; released from anterior lobe of pituitary
Endophytic fungi
a. are parasitic fungi that live inside the leaves and stems of most plants.
b. are symbionts that live inside the leaves and stems of most plants.
c. are parasitic fungi that live inside the cells of most animals.
d. are fungi that live inside the cells of other fungi.
e. cause disease in important grasses such as fescue.
Using hair as the derived trait, which does not fit the clade?
a. whale
b. crocodile
c. wolf
d. elephant
e. tiger
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. acts to trigger ovulation in females
b. structures that secrete mucus and nutrients absorbable by sperm; open into the
ejaculatory duct
c. forms as an outgrowth of the yolk sac; becomes part of umbilical cord and urinary
d. a drug that causes severely deformed arms and legs in developing embryos
e. two of these connect seminiferous tubules with vasa deferentia
f. opening between uterus and vagina
g. organ that supplies the embryo/fetus with nutrients and removes wastes
h. connects epididymis with ejaculatory duct
i. hormones that stimulate uterine contractions in the female
j. cap over the head of a sperm; contains lytic enzymes to penetrate egg membranes
k. inner cell mass plus trophoblast; attaches to uterine wall
l. testosterone produced here
m. sensitive to sexual stimulation; develops from same embryonic tissues as does the
penis in males
n. the uterine lining
o. acts on gonad to help mature gametes; released from anterior lobe of pituitary
Gamete formation is
a. the result of the process of mitosis.
b. the pairing of homologous chromosomes.
c. the formation of sex cells.
d. the fusion of gametes.
e. a process that occurs only in asexually reproducing forms.
Choose the most appropriate answer response for each question.
a. responsible for opening and closing of stomata
b. mouthpart of an aphid
c. pipelines of the xylem
d. a mutually beneficial association between a fungus and a young root
e. structures on roots that house nitrogen-fixing bacteria
f. pipelines of the phloem
g. evaporation from stems and leaves
h. actively transport sucrose into sieve tubes
i. eudicot plants that tend to establish symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing
j. transport of organic molecules from source region to sink
k. a waxy band that forces water to diffuse through cells
Respond to the following items in reference to the four cell types listed below.
a. sensory neurons
b. interneurons
c. motor neurons
d. Schwann cells
Cells that form myelin
Mosses, liverworts
Choose the most appropriate response.
a. have rhizoids, cuticle, and protected embryo sporophyte
b. one cotyledon
c. non-seed-bearing, heart-shaped gametophytes; spore-bearing leaves with sori
d. Lycopodium; cone-bearing sporophyte; free-living gametophyte
e. only one species left
f. cypress and redwood; heterosporous; mostly evergreen
g. confined to tropics or warm, temperate zones; resemble squat cone-bearing palm
h. two cotyledons
i. Equisetum; homosporous; rhizomes present; aerial stems jointed; scouring rushes
j. have coevolved with pollinating vectors
Choose the most appropriate response.
a. have rhizoids, cuticle, and protected embryo sporophyte
b. one cotyledon
c. non-seed-bearing, heart-shaped gametophytes; spore-bearing leaves with sori
d. Lycopodium; cone-bearing sporophyte; free-living gametophyte
e. only one species left
f. cypress and redwood; heterosporous; mostly evergreen
g. confined to tropics or warm, temperate zones; resemble squat cone-bearing palm
h. two cotyledons
i. Equisetum; homosporous; rhizomes present; aerial stems jointed; scouring rushes
j. have coevolved with pollinating vectors

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