BISC 20509

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2309
subject Authors Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan

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Which of the following form tubes and are alive when mature?
A) parenchyma cells
B) collenchyma cells
C) water-conducting cells
D) food-conducting cells
In Texas, a man showed up at a medical facility claiming that he felt drunk when he had
not ingested any alcohol. Indeed his blood alcohol measured 0.37, many times the legal
limit. Although he was a home brewer, he claimed that this intoxication had been
happening often without his drinking any alcohol. Which of these hypotheses and
actions might be most useful in diagnosing this problem?
A) His home brew concoctions have created a type of alcohol that lasts a long time.
Have him refrain from home brewing for a week and recheck his blood alcohol.
B) He might have recently had a round of antibiotics that killed the bacteria that usually
live in his gut and allowed a yeast species to overgrow. Put him on probiotics and a low
carb diet for a week and recheck his blood alcohol.
C) The fumes from the alcohol that he is using as a cleaning solution might be getting
into his bloodstream. Ask him if he is using alcohol externally.
D) Maybe he feels drunk because he has been eating mushrooms that have sprouted
during this very wet weather. Check him for fungal toxins.
Read the following scenario to answer the following question(s).
Endotoxins are commonly found in the air, both inside and outside our homes. These
"air endotoxins" can come from sources that include house dust mites, agricultural and
industrial dust, and dust from indoor pets. Air endotoxins are typically found in low
amounts, but production of them can increase dramatically under specific
environmental conditions such as dampness, mold, and sewage. Many scientific studies
have been conducted investigating possible links between indoor endotoxin levels and
asthma, chronic bronchitis, and other upper respiratory diseases. Interestingly, some
studies have found positive correlations between indoor endotoxin exposure and
severity of some of these diseases while other studies have suggested that some air
endotoxin exposure can actually decrease the risk of developing asthma in children.
Additionally, data suggests that industrial workers who are exposed to endotoxins in the
air can develop irreversible lung damage.
In 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated the eastern coastline of the United States. The
state of Louisiana, and in particular the city of New Orleans, experienced tragic loss of
human life and homes due to the failure of the levee system. Intense flooding destroyed
homes and created severe exposure to wet, moldy surfaces. At that time there were no
regulations in existence on the amount of exposure that individuals should have to air
endotoxins. Scientists from the Natural Resources Defense Council who wanted to
determine if endotoxin levels had risen in New Orleans, conducted tests across 12
outdoor areas, 9 of which had been significantly flooded while the other 3 were less
affected. Two indoor areas were also sampled for endotoxin levels. No significant
differences were found in endotoxin levels between the flooded and non-flooded areas
or between the indoor and outdoor areas. However, a limited number of samples were
collected, and they were taken after a recent dry spell. Endotoxin levels at all sites were
found to be higher than national average levels but were lower than levels typically
associated with long-term changes in lung function.
What is a logical conclusion to draw from this study?
A) Workers that come to these areas to help rebuild do not need to be concerned with
indoor air endotoxin levels.
B) Workers that come to these areas where there was flooding damage should be
advised to wear protective respiratory gear.
C) Workers that come to these areas to help rebuild do not need to be concerned with
outdoor air endotoxin levels.
D) Workers that come to these areas to help rebuild buildings can assume that they will
develop an irreversible lung infection.
Gas exchange requires a surface that is both ________.
A) durable and stiff
B) protected within the body and connected to the circulatory system
C) thin and moist
D) permeable to oxygen and impermeable to carbon dioxide
In an ideal, unlimited environment, a population's growth follows a(n) ________
A) exponential
B) density-dependent
C) logistic
D) boom-and-bust
Which part of cellular respiration produces the most NADH?
A) electron transport chain
B) citric acid cycle
C) glycolysis
D) fermentation
The Calvin cycle requires ________ and ________ from the light reactions in order to
A) glucose... carbon dioxide
B) electrons... NADH
D) RuBP... NADP+
Which is NOT a benefit of the understanding of evolution to understanding the field of
A) Understanding evolution helps us to understand molecules.
B) Understanding evolution helps us to analyze ecosystems.
C) Understanding evolution helps advance biotechnology and medicine.
D) Understanding evolution helps us to understand why stars and galaxies change over
Which of the following is TRUE with regard to a DNA molecule?
A) The amount of adenine is equal to the amount of guanine, and the amount of
thymine is equal to the amount of cytosine.
B) The amount of adenine is equal to the amount of cytosine, and the amount of
guanine is equal to the amount of thymine.
C) The amount of adenine is equal to the amount of thymine, and the amount of
guanine is equal to the amount of uracil.
D) The amount of adenine is equal to the amount of thymine, and the amount of
guanine is equal to the amount of cytosine.
Please read the following scenario to answer the following questions
If you were asked to study the pattern of bacterial growth (increase in numbers over
time) during an infection, you would find that numbers of bacteria increase
exponentially up to a certain point. Assume that you have been asked to interpret the
growth of bacteriophages. You infect the host bacteria and measure the increase of
phages over a defined period of time. You plot the results and get the graph shown here.
The first thing you notice is that there is no immediate increase in viruses following
infection. This is because ________.
A) it takes the virus time to adapt to the host
B) although the virus has infected the host, it takes time to complete the lytic cycle
C) the host is immune to the virus
D) the virus is in a lysogenic cycle throughout the experiment
If you wanted to propagate (grow) ferns, what do you need to collect from existing
A) diploid zygote cells
B) haploid spores
C) fossil fuels
D) seeds
In The Origin of Species, Darwin argued that the mechanism of descent with
modification was ________.
A) artificial selection
B) natural selection
C) inheritance of acquired characteristics
D) uniformitarianism
Regulation in biological systems depends on feedback, which is an example of
information flow. When diabetes destroys insulin-producing cells, what information
flow is disrupted?
A) The body is unable to send signals that indicate the amount of sugar in the blood.
B) Cells in the bladder are no longer able to send signals when the bladder fills.
C) The pancreas is unable to produce enzymes to break down proteins.
D) Appetite signals no longer regulate feeding.
Examine the figure below. The behavior exhibited by these elephant seals is promoted
by ________.
A) growth hormone, which has brought about full body size
B) testosterone, which has brought about sexual maturity
C) calcitonin, which has produced strong bones
D) antagonistic hormones, which cause aggression
The figure below shows a Paramecium, a single-celled freshwater protist. The hairlike
structures visible on the Paramecium allow it to move. These structures are ________.
A) microfilaments
B) intermediate filaments
C) flagella
D) cilia
A study of the human ecological footprint conducted by the World Wildlife Fund in
2008 shows that ________.
A) we have already exceeded the planet's biocapacity per person
B) we are far below the planet's biocapacity per person
C) Earth can sustain a population about double the current population
D) the human population will soon crash
Complete the equation:
monosaccharide + monosaccharide → ________ + water
A) disaccharide
B) polypeptide
C) polysaccharide
D) fat
A thick filament is made up of ________.
A) actin
B) myosin
C) sarcomere
D) actin and myosin
Read the following scenario to answer the following question(s).
Cellular respiration converts the energy of fuel molecules to a form of energy that a cell
can use to perform work. In an average day, most adult humans need to consume about
2,000 Calories to maintain their health. However, the exact amount of dietary Calories a
person needs depends upon many factors, including the person's age, physical activity,
size, and health. Foods that we consume vary greatly in their nutritional content and
quality. A large hard-boiled egg, for example, has about 75 dietary Calories and
contains about 70% of our recommended daily intake of cholesterol.
Molecules that come from the food we eat provide energy for the amazing work that
goes on inside of our cells. This energy, stored inside of our food, is a form of
A) potential energy called chemical energy
B) potential energy called entropy
C) kinetic energy called heat
D) electrical energy called heat
The figure shows the human eye. Which part of the eye gives the eye its color?
A) sclera
B) iris
C) pupil
D) retina
Slugs produce mucus all over their bodies that helps keep them moist and helps them
move. The mucus also can protect the slugs from pathogens. A slug's mucus is a
component of which part of the immune system?
A) internal innate immunity
B) external innate immunity
C) adaptive immunity
D) lymphatic system
In a human, the ________ provide(s) a common passageway for both food and air.
A) bronchioles
B) trachea
C) pharynx
D) alveoli
Under ideal conditions, prokaryotes are capable of reproducing at a(n) ________ rate.
A) negative
B) exponential
C) infinite
D) variable
Heart Block is one type of electrical defect in the heart in which the electrical signal
from the sinoatrial node to the relay point is delayed. Predict the effect of Heart Block
on the cardiac cycle.
A) The atria relax for a shorter period of time.
B) The atria relax for a longer period of time.
C) The ventricles relax for a shorter period of time.
D) The ventricles relax for a longer period of time.
Marfan syndrome is the result of inheriting a single allele. Individuals with Marfan
syndrome are tall and long-limbed, and have both cardiovascular and eye defects. Of
what type of inheritance is the phenotype of Marfan syndrome an example?
A) codominance
B) homozygous recessive
C) pleiotropy
D) incomplete dominance
How do hypotheses differ from theories?
A) Theories are more comprehensive than hypotheses.
B) Theories must be testable; hypotheses do not need to be testable.
C) Hypotheses are educated guesses, and theories are tentative explanations.
D) Hypotheses are derived from experimentation, whereas theories are derived from
According to the sliding-filament model of muscle contraction, a sarcomere contracts
when its ________.
A) thick filaments slide across the ends of the sarcomere
B) thin filaments slide across the ends of the sarcomere
C) thin and thick filaments slide further away from each other
D) thin and thick filaments slide past each other to get closer together
Please read the paragraph below to answer the following questions.
You conducted a series of experiments to test whether the expression of hexokinase, an
important enzyme involved in glycolysis, varies under different conditions. In the first
experiment, you measured the production of hexokinase mRNA in cells at three
different temperatures: 37ºC, 25ºC, and 10ºC. Your results showed that the mRNA
levels for hexokinase were 5 and 20 lower at 25ºC and 10ºC than at 37ºC, respectively.
Based on these results, you are going to conduct further experiments to attempt to
answer your research question.
What would be the best experiment to do next to determine if complete hexokinase
gene expression is temperature dependent?
A) Measure the amount of hexokinase mRNA in cells at different temperatures.
B) Measure the rate of transcription of the hexokinase gene in cells at different
C) Measure the amount of mRNA that is broken down in cells at different temperatures.
D) Measure the amount of hexokinase protein in cells at different temperatures.
________ is the maximum population size that a particular habitat can support.
A) Population cycle
B) Carrying capacity
C) Life history pattern
D) Survivorship curve
Trace the flow of a water molecule that is used during photosynthesis.
A) stoma → xylem → root hair → mycorrhiza
B) soil → root hair → xylem → stoma → atmosphere
C) soil → root hair → xylem → leaf cell
D) soil → xylem → leaf cell → atmosphere
Which of these events occurs first?
A) gastrulation
B) cleavage
C) implantation
D) formation of the placenta

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