BISC 102 1 the disease

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1058
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) the disease osteomalacia causes calcium loss from the skeleton, which would result
in bones that are
a) more resistant to compression.
b) stronger and heavier.
c) stronger and contain more spongy bone.
d) weaker and more flexible.
e) weaker and more brittle.
2) the tectum of the mesencephalon contains the
a) substantia nigra.
b) red nuclei.
c) superior and inferior colliculi.
d) cerebral peduncles.
e) basal ganglia.
3) the yellow color that is visible in the eyes and skin in jaundice results from
a) excessive amounts of bilirubin in the plasma.
b) extensive breakdown of rbcs.
c) destruction of hemoglobin.
d) the recycling of hemoglobin.
e) all of the answers are correct.
4) the largest and most numerous of the glial cells in the central nervous system are the
a) astrocytes.
b) satellite cells.
c) oligodendrocytes.
d) microglia.
e) ependymal cells.
figure 14-2 cranial nerves
what is the function of the nerve labeled "4"?
a) vision
b) olfaction
c) taste
d) hearing and balance
e) eye movement
6) proper growth requires which of these hormones?
a) thyroid hormone
b) calcitriol
c) insulin
d) growth hormone
e) all of the answers are correct.
7) turbulent blood flow occurs
a) when there are irregularities in the vessel wall.
b) at high flow rates.
c) when there are sudden changes in vessel diameter.
d) when blood pressure is excessively high.
e) all of the answers are correct.
8) there are ________ carpal bones located in the wrist, which form ________ rows of
bones in the wrist.
a) 2; 8
b) 10; 3
c) 4; 2
d) 8; 2
e) 6; 2
9) assuming they all weigh the same and maintain the same body temperature, which of
the following would lose heat the fastest?
a) a short, thickly built person
b) a tall, very slender person
c) a person of average build
figure 20-2 cardiac cycle
what occurs at the circled label "5" on the graph?
a) peak systolic pressure
b) isovolumetric systole
c) isovolumetric contraction
d) ventricular refilling
e) increased heart rate
11) which of the following symptoms would you associate with damage to the spinal
accessory nerve?
a) loss of the sense of taste
b) tooth pain
c) weakness of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
d) lack of facial expression
e) dry mouth from lack of saliva
12) the muscle that adducts the thumb is the
a) adductor pollicis.
b) abductor pollicis.
c) extensor digitorum.
d) flexor digitorum profundus.
e) flexor pollicis longus.
13) the statement "there is always a peripheral synapse between the cns and the effector
organ" is
a) true only for the parasympathetic nervous system.
b) true only for the sympathetic nervous system.
c) true for both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.
d) not true for either the parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous systems.
e) true only for the somatic nervous system.
14) you are caring for an adult patient who weighs 48 kg. what would her approximate
blood volume be?
a) 6.6 l
b) 6.0 l
c) 5.6 l
d) 4.8 l
e) 3.8 l
figure 11-2 major posterior skeletal muscles
identify the structure labeled "9"
a) quadriceps tendon
b) femoral aponeurosis
c) linea alba
d) iliotibial tract
e) calcanean tendon
16) you would expect to find fenestrated capillaries in
a) skeletal muscles.
b) cardiac muscle.
c) the pituitary.
d) bone.
e) skin.
17) tony is a chronic alcoholic with cirrhosis of the liver, a condition in which liver cells
die and are replaced by connective tissue. which of the following signs would you
expect to observe in tony?
a) increased clotting time
b) jaundice
c) portal hypertension and ascites
d) decrease in plasma protein production
e) all of the answers are correct.
18) the three sides of this bone form a broad triangle.
a) radius
b) clavicle
c) vertebra
d) sternum
e) scapula
19) a(n) ________ is a basic unit or packet of light energy.
20) many medications can be administered transdermally by applying patches that
contain the medication to the surface of the skin. these patches can be attached
anywhere on the skin except the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. why?
21) shelly gives her son an ice-cream cone. the boy grasps the cone with his right hand,
opens his mouth, and begins to lick the ice cream. which muscles does he use to
perform these actions?
22) cd8 markers are to ________ t cells as cd4 markers are to ________ t cells.
23) why do people with advanced kidney disease commonly become anemic?
24) molecules with two fatty acid chains and a phosphate group that form biological
membranes are called ________.

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