Biology 98079

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1959
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Which of the following is not largely secreted by the gonads?
a. estrogen.
b. testosterone.
c. progesterone.
d. all of these.
e. none of these.
Which of the following is not a likely outcome of global warming?
a. Extinction of species.
b. Increased human death due to heat exposure.
c. Changes in animal migration patterns.
d. Increased waterborne illness.
e. All of these are likely outcomes of global warming.
Birds differ from earlier vertebrates by
a. their lack of scales.
b. producing land eggs.
c. the ability to maintain a relatively constant body temperature.
d. the ability to fertilize eggs internally.
e. their possession of a dorsal nerve cord.
Pioneer plant species are usually characterized by
a. small size.
b. high dispersal rates.
c. slow maturation.
d. high dispersal rates and high numbers of offspring
e. small size, efficient dispersal mechanisms, and slow maturation.
Ribosomal subunits
a. come together in threes to form functional units.
b. are composed of mRNA and structural proteins.
c. are synthesized in the cytoplasm.
d. converge only when mRNA is to be translated.
e. are transcribed from the complementary strand of DNA that is used for tRNA
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. secretes one hormone that increases the metabolic rate and another that inhibits
calcium release from bone storage sites
b. secrete insulin and glucagon
c. secretes hormones that prepare accessory reproductive structures for reproduction
d. involved in lymphocyte maturation
e. secretes tropic hormones, growth hormone, and prolactin
f. secretes mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids
g. in many vertebrates, helps to determine the amount and distribution of dark pigments
in the skin
h. secrete enzymes that help to form angiotensin
i. participates in reproductive physiology and responds to photoperiod change
j. releases oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone into bloodstream
k. secretes a hormone that promotes calcium release from bone storage sites
l. produces oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone
m. secretes cholecystokinin, secretin, and gastrin
n. secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
o. secrete pheromones, milk, tears, sweat, and mucus
Answer the following questions in reference to the five plant tissues listed below.
a. parenchyma
b. collenchyma
c. sclerenchyma
d. xylem
e. phloem
Vascular tissue that conducts and distributes food to plant cells.
Organisms sense and respond to changes both inside and outside the body by way of
a. metabolism.
b. photosynthesis.
c. receptors.
d. catabolism.
e. anabolism.
Which of the following is(are) among the most effective contraceptive approaches?
a. abstinence
b. tubal ligation
c. vasectomy
d. hormonal implant
e. all of these
Somatic system fibers in nerves carry information
a. to and from receptors.
b. to and from effectors.
c. from receptors in skin, tendons, and skeletal muscles.
d. to skeletal muscles.
e. from receptors in skin, tendons, and skeletal muscle and to skeletal muscles.
Even though there may be more than one correct letter response to some numbered
items, discriminate and "juggle" so that you have the one BEST response for each.
a. cells that nurture and support neurons
b. a hyperpolarizing event
c. a neuron cannot propagate an action potential at this time
d. Acetylcholine or GABA
e. interneuron in brain or spinal cord
f. establishes basis of resting membrane potential
g. sheathed muscle cells that contain receptors
h. input
i. integrator cell between sensory and motor
j. modified dendrite of a sensory neuron
k. a depolarizing event
l. output
m. muscle or gland
n. produced by a Schwann cell
o. cluster of cell bodies outside the CNS
Density-independent factors that limit population growth include
a. parasites.
b. temperature.
c. disease.
d. competition.
e. predation.
Which of the following does NOT characterize most prokaryotes?
a. no nucleus
b. a single circular chromosome
c. cell wall
d. complex internal membranes
e. great metabolic diversity
a. have no fatty-acid component.
b. consist of four rings.
c. may have different numbers, types, and positions of functional groups attached to
d. are a specialized type of lipid.
e. are described by all of these.
Match each term with the most appropriate statement.
a. cells that do not divide, die in less than a week, and secrete antibodies
b. cells that directly destroy body cells already infected by viral or fungal parasites, as
well as mutant and cancerous cells
c. lymphocytes that are held in reserve, circulate in the bloodstream, and enable a rapid
response to subsequent encounters with the same invader
d. able to lyse cells by forming pore complexes
e. cells that are produced in the bone marrow, are never changed by the thymus, and
manufacture antibodies
f. able to destroy cells but not dependent on recognition of antigen-MHC complexes
g. a class of proteins that help cells of the immune system communicate
h. "big eaters" that alert other lymphocytes to the invasion of specific antigens
i. immature cells that may or may not be committed to develop into one of several
mature cell types
j. a group of cells that are all produced asexually from one original parent cell
k. surface patterns of nonself molecules or particles
l. proteins released by cytotoxic T cells to destroy target cell membranes
m. preparation injected into the body to elicit a primary immune response
n. one of this group has been identified as the causative agent of AIDS
The various energy levels in an atom of magnesium ( ) have different numbers of
electrons. Use the numbers below to answer the following questions.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 6
e. 8
number of electrons in the first energy level
The above figure represents a fungus known as ____.
a. Puccinia.
b. Rhizopus.
c. Agaricus.
d. Pilobolus.
e. Amanita.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. male spores of anthers
b. site where pollen tube usually penetrates the ovule
c. develops into a fruit at maturity
d. a 2n cell that will help form nutrients for the developing plant embryo
e. cluster of matured ovaries attached to a common receptacle
f. modified leaf with pigments and fragrance-producing cells
g. immature male gametophyte
h. female reproductive organ
i. landing platform for pollen
j. pollen-bearing structure
k. female spores of ovule
l. outermost whorl of leaf parts on a receptacle; generally green, but sometimes
m. female gametophyte
n. matured ovaries of several flowers fused together into a single mass (for example,
pineapple, fig)
o. forms a seed at maturity
Which of the following is part of the lateral meristem?
a. cork cambium
b. procambium
c. protoderm
d. ground meristem
e. all of these
The last structure that air moves through in mammals before entering the alveoli is(are)
a. larynx.
b. bronchi.
c. bronchioles.
d. trachea.
e. pharynx.
Cleavage produces the
a. zygote.
b. blastula.
c. gastrula.
d. puff.
e. third germ layer.
Which gland is associated with daily biorhythms?
a. pineal
b. parathyroid
c. thymus
d. pituitary
e. thymus
In automated DNA sequencing, eventually there will be millions of DNA fragments all
tagged at
a. one end.
b. both ends.
c. every nucleotide.
d. the most numerous nucleotide.
e. the least numerous nucleotide.
Which of the following contain enzymes used in the breakdown of glucose and
generation of ATP?
a. Golgi bodies
b. ribosomes
c. mitochondria
d. lysosomes
e. endoplasmic reticula
Endothermic animals
a. use up more energy than ectotherms.
b. are more active at a wider range of temperatures than ectotherms.
c. have a higher metabolic rate than ectotherms.
d. may have feathers to reduce heat loss.
e. fit all of these descriptions.
Choose the one most appropriate response for each.
a. contain enzymes for intracellular digestion
b. are primary cellular organelles where proteins are assembled
c. package cellular secretions for export
d. extract energy stored in carbohydrates; synthesize ATP; produce water and carbon
e. synthesize subunits that will be assembled into two-part ribosomes in the cytoplasm
f. transcribe, translate hereditary instructions into specific proteins
g. store substances
h. encode hereditary information
i. help distribute chromosomes to the new cells during cell division
j. convert light energy to chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds of glucose or
Golgi bodies
Respond to the following statements with reference to the five terms listed below.
a. zygote
b. blastula
c. cleavage
d. gastrula
e. somites
This stage appears as a multicell, fluid-filled ball.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. a group that includes apes and humans
b. a population of Homo spp. that lived from at least 100,000 to as recently as 30,000
years ago; tool users and artisans
c. the order that includes animals with freely swiveling limbs, mobile grasping digits,
upright body posture, good depth perception, and exquisite neural control
d. organisms in a group that includes New World and Old World monkeys, apes, and
e. an era that began 65 to 63 million years ago; characterized by the evolution of birds,
mammals, and flowering plants
f. an epoch of the Cenozoic lasting from 23.8 million to 5.3 million years ago;
characterized by the appearance of primitive apes
g. an epoch of the Cenozoic lasting from 5.3 million to 1.8 million years ago;
characterized by the appearance of distinctly modern plants and animals
h. bipedal organisms from about 3.2 to 2.3 million years ago, with essentially human
bodies and ape-shaped heads; "Southern Apes"
i. a group including humans and human-like species
All of the following are true of every cell of the early human embryo EXCEPT that
a. each has the same genes as all the others.
b. each can give rise to an entire human.
c. they are undifferentiated.
d. all will differentiate alike.
e. all have maternal messages.
The level of organization represented in the figure is a(n)
a. atom.
b. tissue.
c. molecule.
d. organ.
e. cell.
Groups of bacteria living together in a close knit group are also known as
a. eukaryotes.
b. all pathogenic bacteria.
c. monophylogenic cultures.
d. biofilms.
e. all of these.
Answer the following questions in reference to the four groups of fungi listed below.
a. Zygomycetes
b. Ascomycetes
c. Basidiomycetes
d. Glomeromycetes
The yeast used in the fermentation of grape juice to produce the wines of the world is a
member of this group.
A significant event influencing the rapid evolution of plants on land after their initial
appearance was the
a. increase of atmospheric oxygen.
b. reduction of ultraviolet radiation penetration through the atmosphere.
c. stabilization of global climates.
d. increase in soil nutrients.
e. merging of land masses.

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