Biology 97243

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2179
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Which of the following statements is false?
a. Ovulation occurs when the follicle ruptures and releases an egg.
b. The zygote divides by mitosis during cleavage.
c. Fertilization occurs in the upper regions of the oviduct.
d. The blastocyst implants in the endometrial lining of the uterus.
e. Implantation occurs about 36 hours after fertilization.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the four kinds of energy listed
a. chemical
b. mechanical
c. thermal
d. light
Olfactory receptors detect this kind of energy.
If the frequency of a recessive gene in a population under genetic equilibrium is 40
percent, in the next generation the frequency of that gene would be
a. 20 percent.
b. 40 percent.
c. 80 percent.
d. 2pq.
e. unpredictable.
Choose the most appropriate answer.
a. integrates body position, motions, balance
b. in cnidarians; based on reflex pathways devoted to swimming and feeding
c. messages from here arouse the brain and maintain wakefulness
d. the cortical region that coordinates muscles required for speech
e. all parts of nerve cells outside the brain and spinal cord
f. acetylcholine is an example
g. reflex control center for breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure
h. axons of the central nervous system that are sheathed with fatty myelin
i. at top of the brainstem bordering the cerebral hemispheres; influences learning and
emotional behavior
j. motor neurons that are divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
k. membrane coverings over brain spinal cord
l. contains the tectum; receives and integrates sensory information that is largely sent on
to the forebrain for further neural processing
m. connects right and left cerebral hemispheres
n. group of nerve cell bodies that form an integrative center
o. contains centers concerned with body temperature regulation and with salt and water
The interaction of sympathetic and parasympathetic systems is best described as
a. antagonistic.
b. cooperative.
c. overriding.
d. synergistic.
e. ineffective.
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. Photons are packages of solar energy.
b. Each photon consists of a fixed amount of energy.
c. The least energetic photons travel in longer wavelengths.
d. Photons with different energy levels are perceived as exhibiting different colors.
e. Photons of visible light have wavelengths shorter than 350 nanometers.
Gross primary productivity refers to the total
a. quantity of solar energy available to the ecosystem in a given period of time.
b. quantity of solar energy reaching a given area of the ecosystem.
c. energy trapped initially by the producers.
d. energy used by the heterotrophs of the ecosystem in a given period of time.
e. energy used by the producers for their growth and reproduction.
Choose the most appropriate answer for each.
a. 3n; generally sterile
b. a chromosome segment is permanently transferred to a nonhomologous chromosome
c. (2n - 1); a zygote deprived of a chromosome
d. a repeat of a particular DNA sequence in the same chromosome or in nonhomologous
e. (2n + 1); three chromosomes of the same kind are present in a set of chromosomes
f. a piece of the chromosome is inadvertently left out during the repair process
g. inhibits microtubule assembly; used in karyotyping
h. a chromosome segment that has been cut out and rejoined at the same place, but
The structure that adjusts the amount of incoming light is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
Which of the following is NOT dependent on the others as a source of food?
a. carnivores
b. herbivores
c. producers
d. detritivores
e. decomposers
The subatomic particle(s) with a negative charge is(are)
a. the neutron.
b. the proton.
c. the electron.
d. both the neutron and proton.
e. both the proton and electron.
The above figure shows areas of referred pain that indicate an internal organ is
damaged. Which letter corresponds to heart damage?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. none of these
A woman heterozygous for color blindness (an X-linked recessive allele) marries a man
with normal color vision. What is the probability that their first child will be color
a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 100%
e. none of these
Hominids evolved when the climate was
a. wet and hotter.
b. wet and cooler.
c. dry and hotter.
d. dry and cooler.
e. none of these.
The letter "D" in the above figure represents
a. humerus
b. pectoral girdle
c. skull
d. sternum
e. pelvic girdle
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. do not maintain the same body temperature at all times; are capable of internal heat
b. heat energy is released to the air when liquid water converts to gaseous form
c. bulk flow of protein-free plasma from capillaries into Bowman's capsule
d. animals with more or less constant body temperature
e. emission of heat from body surface when environmental temperature is lower than
the body temperature
f. movement of ions from peritubular capillaries into nephron tubules
g. loss of too much body heat
h. heat next to the body's surface undergoes mass transport by air or water currents
i. active and passive transport of solutes from peritubular capillaries into the glomerular
j. a long, slender, tubular unit in the vertebrate kidney that forms urine
k. body temperatures rise and fall with environmental changes
l. secreted by adrenal glands; influences sodium reabsorption
m. passive transport of water; active and passive transport of solutes out of the nephron
into peritubular capillaries
n. heat energy is transferred from high to low temperature regions due to collisions
between adjacent molecules
o. released from the posterior lobe of the pituitary in response to hypothalamic signals
p. toxic substances are extracted from blood circulating in cellophane tubes suspended
in a warm-water bath
q. erection of hairs and feathers by smooth muscles in the skin
It took more than 100,000 years for the human population to grow to one billion
individuals and took about ____ years to add five billion more.
a. 200
b. 20,000
c. 100,000
d. 200,000
e. 500,000
Choose the best matching element.
a. deciphered the mRNA code words
b. RNA-directed synthesis of polypeptide chains
c. sites at which RNA polymerases can bind and initiate transcription
d. binds to small subunit platform of a ribosome
e. guided and catalyzed by RNA polymerases
f. polypeptide chain elongation proceeds independently at each body in this cluster
g. discovered transposons
h. a tRNA triplet opposite a codon
i. a set of three nucleotides
Use the figure above to answer the following questions.
Which letter points to the counterpart of a stem in a flowering plant?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. none of these
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
a. check for a heartbeat.
b. shock the heart if required.
c. use electronic voice commands to guide bystanders in taking appropriate actions.
d. are now available at many senior centers, malls, schools, and other public places.
e. include all of these.
Pre-cancerous and even early cervical cancer
a. can be removed if detected early enough.
b. may be caused by HPV, a type of papillomavirus.
c. can be detected by Pap tests.
d. can be prevented with a vaccine.
e. include all of these.
Sodium-potassium pump
Even though there may be more than one correct letter response to some numbered
items, discriminate and "juggle" so that you have the one BEST response for each.
a. cells that nurture and support neurons
b. a hyperpolarizing event
c. a neuron cannot propagate an action potential at this time
d. Acetylcholine or GABA
e. interneuron in brain or spinal cord
f. establishes basis of resting membrane potential
g. sheathed muscle cells that contain receptors
h. input
i. integrator cell between sensory and motor
j. modified dendrite of a sensory neuron
k. a depolarizing event
l. output
m. muscle or gland
n. produced by a Schwann cell
o. cluster of cell bodies outside the CNS
Choose the most appropriate answer for each.
a. 3n; generally sterile
b. a chromosome segment is permanently transferred to a nonhomologous chromosome
c. (2n - 1); a zygote deprived of a chromosome
d. a repeat of a particular DNA sequence in the same chromosome or in nonhomologous
e. (2n + 1); three chromosomes of the same kind are present in a set of chromosomes
f. a piece of the chromosome is inadvertently left out during the repair process
g. inhibits microtubule assembly; used in karyotyping
h. a chromosome segment that has been cut out and rejoined at the same place, but
Which of the following statements is false?
a. The universe has a specific amount of energy.
b. One form of energy can be converted to other forms of energy.
c. Whenever energy conversions occur, some energy is converted to less concentrated
d. Once energy is utilized, it disappears.
e. There are differences in the quality of energy.
____ are short sections of underground stem encased by overlapping layers of
thickened, modified leaves called scales.
a. Stolons
b. Rhizomes
c. Bulbs
d. Corms
e. Tubers
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. the production and secretion of milk
b. sloughing off of endometrium stops permanently
c. induced dislodging and removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus
d. an abortion that occurs spontaneously
e. the burrowing of the blastocyst into the uterine lining
f. the release of an egg from the ovary
g. the release of seminal fluid from the male reproductive tract
h. a 100-percent-effective method of preventing conception
i. a highly unreliable form of birth control
j. the periodic elimination of the uterine lining
k. characterized by involuntary muscle contractions, release of tension, and warmth
l. sexual intercourse
m. sperm and egg cannot meet because a section of oviduct is missing
n. cutting and tying of vasa deferentia
Which of the following has been called the world's most nutritious plant
a. wheat.
b. rice.
c. apple.
d. quinoa.
e. barley.
a. resemble photosynthetic bacteria.
b. utilize the same pigments regardless of what organism they are in.
c. apparently evolved from mitochondria.
d. utilize DNA derived from the nucleus.
e. are all of these.
Which biome is a treeless plain that occurs around the Arctic Circle?
a. shortgrass prairie
b. taiga
c. cold desert
d. cold grassland
e. tundra
The endocrine system functions in
a. conduction.
b. contraction.
c. hormonal control of the body.
d. protection against disease.
e. cell production.
The following items are organelles found in animal cells. Respond to the statements
below with reference to these organelles.
a. ribosome
b. mitochondrion
c. lysosome
d. Golgi body
e. endoplasmic reticulum
Proteins are synthesized on this tiny, two-part organelle.
A keystone species
a. has a disproportionately large effect on a community relative to its abundance.
b. controls the prey species.
c. may increase or decrease the number of prey species in a community.
d. has a disproportionately large effect on a community relative to its abundance and
may increase or decrease the number of prey species in a community.
e. has a disproportionately large effect on a community relative to its abundance,
controls the prey species, and may increase or decrease the number of prey species in a
primary productivity
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. rate at which energy becomes stored in organic compounds through photosynthesis
b. total amount of solar energy stored in organic compounds during photosynthesis
c. a straight-line sequence of steps by which chemical bond energy moves to higher
trophic levels
d. the potential chemical energy remaining (after aerobic respiration by autotrophs) that
can be passed on to other trophic levels
e. DDT in the environment
f. a kind of plant that increases soil nitrogen content
g. particles of organic waste products, dead, or partly decomposed tissues

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