Biology 885 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 835
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) ectoderm is to ________ as mesoderm is to ________.
a) neural tissue; muscle tissue
b) cardiovascular system; neural tissue
c) mesoderm; endoderm
d) neural tissue; epithelial tissue
e) muscle tissue; nerve tissue
2) what structure is covered by many blood vessels and adheres tightly to the surface of
the brain?
a) pia mater
b) arachnoid
c) dura mater
d) cranial plexus
e) choroid plexus
3) the first line of cellular defense against pathogens are the
a) t cells.
b) b cells.
c) nk cells.
d) phagocytes.
e) plasma cells.
4) the stage of labor during which the fetus emerges from the vagina is called the
________ stage.
a) emergence
b) dilation
c) placental
d) expulsion
e) fetal
5) which of the following muscles has its insertion on the sternum?
a) internal oblique
b) external intercostal
c) rectus abdominis
d) internal intercostal
e) scalene
6) which of the following opposes the flow of blood back to the heart?
a) vascular resistance
b) peripheral veins have valves to prevent backflow of blood
c) muscular pumps squeeze veins and move blood toward the heart
d) blood pressure
e) blood pressure gradient from arteries to veins
7) which of the following is a function of the axial skeleton?
a) provides an attachment for muscles that move the appendicular skeleton
b) provides an attachment for muscles that move the head, neck, and trunk
c) provides an attachment for muscles involved in respiration
d) provides protection for the brain and spinal cord
e) all of the answers are correct.
8) blocking afferent action potentials from the chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic
bodies would interfere with the brain's ability to regulate breathing in response to
a) changes in pco2.
b) changes in po2.
c) changes in ph.
d) changes in blood pressure.
e) changes in pco2, po2, and ph.
9) higher-order functions
a) can be adjusted over time based on experience.
b) involve complex interactions among areas of the cortex.
c) combine both conscious and unconscious information processing.
d) occur in the cerebrum.
e) all of the answers are correct.
10) perception of gravity and linear acceleration depends on
a) changes in the pressure exerted by the cupula on hair cells.
b) vibrations of the tectorial membrane striking hair cells.
c) the force exerted by otoliths on hair cells of the maculae.
d) the movement of endolymph within the semicircular canals.
e) the bending of hair cells in the ampullae.
11) a structure that helps prevent food from entering the pharynx prematurely is the
a) uvula.
b) pharyngeal arch.
c) palatoglossal arch.
d) palatopharyngeal arch.
e) epiglottis.
12) before the discovery of these glands, thyroid surgery often led to a rapid drop in
blood calcium levels, which triggered muscle contractions and cardiac arrhythmias.
what glands are these and which hormone is lacking?
a) thyroid glands; calcitonin
b) parathyroid glands; calcitonin
c) parathyroid glands; parathyroid hormone
d) thyroid glands; levothyroxine
e) parathyroid glands; levothyroxine
13) if an individual carries a pair of alleles that are the same, the individual is ________
for the trait.
a) homologous
b) homozygous
c) heterozygous
d) autosomous
e) polygenic
14) if both parents are heterozygous dominant for a trait, what is the probability of an
offspring inheriting the recessive trait?
a) 10%
b) 25%
c) 50%
d) 75%
e) 100%
15) the structure that permits blood flow from the right atrium to the left atrium in the
fetal circulation is the
a) foramen ovale.
b) interatrial septum.
c) coronary sinus.
d) fossa ovalis.
e) ligamentum arteriosus.
16) all of the following are true of the fibrous tunic of the eye, except that it
a) consists of the sclera, limbus, and cornea.
b) provides mechanical support and some protection for the eye.
c) produces aqueous humor.
d) contributes substantial focusing power.
e) is where extrinsic eye muscles insert.
17) the volume of blood ejected from each ventricle during a contraction is called the
a) end-diastolic volume.
b) end-systolic volume.
c) stroke volume.
d) cardiac output.
e) cardiac reserve.
18) the intercarpal articulations are ________ joints.
a) saddle
b) condylar
c) hinge
d) gliding
e) ball-and-socket
19) cardiac cells damaged by infarction will show which of the following?
a) switch to anaerobic metabolism
b) release of enzymes into the circulation
c) release of troponin t and i into the circulation
d) release of ck-mb into the circulation
e) all of the answers are correct.

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