Biology 778

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 603
subject Authors Kenneth Saladin

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1) groups of muscles are separated by which of the following?
a. epimysium
b. fascicles
c. perimysium
d. fascia
e. endomysium
2) in a neuron, the opening of sodium gates typically leads to __________.
a. repolarization of the plasma membrane
b. hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane
c. depolarization of the plasma membrane
d. drifting of plasma membrane voltage toward a more negative value
e. plasma membrane voltage returning to the resting membrane potential
3) the deepest muscle of the abdominal wall is the __________.
a. transverse abdominal
b. internal oblique
c. rectus abdominis
d. latissimus dorsi
e. pectoralis minor
4) fluid intake is governed mainly by hypothalamic neurons called __________.
a. baroreceptors
b. proprioceptors
c. nociceptors
d. osmoreceptors
e. mechanoreceptors
5) tom is in respiratory arrest due to an electrical shock. why does a good samaritan
have up to 4 or 5 minutes to begin cpr and save tom's life?
a. there is reserve oxygen in tom's lungs.
b. there is avenous reserve of oxygen in tom's blood.
c. the ambient po2 can support life that long.
d. the haldane effect lasts up to 5 minutes.
e. tom's hypoxic drive will keep him alive for up to 5 minutes.
6) atropine is sometimes used to dilate the pupil for aneye examination. which receptor
would atropine block?
a. alpha 1 adrenergic receptor
b. nicotinic receptor
c. muscarinic receptor
d. alpha 2 adrenergic receptor
e. beta receptor
7) the countercurrent heat exchanger that prevents arterial blood from overheating the
testes is the __________.
a. rete testis
b. epididymis
c. pampiniform plexus of veins
d. blood-testis barrier
e. scrotal portal system
8) diabetes insipidus is caused by __________.
a. epinephrine hypersecretion
b. cortisol hypersecretion
c. aldosterone hypersecretion
d. antidiuretic hormone (adh) hyposecretion
e. antidiuretic hormone (adh) hypersecretion
9) motor commands are carried by __________from the brain along the spinal cord.
a. both anterior and posterior roots
b. ascending tracts
c. spinal nerves
d. cranial nerves
e. descending tracts
10) the cerebellum is __________ to the cerebrum.
a. superficial
b. deep
c. caudal
d. rostral
e. medial
11) what is the longest muscle in the human body?
a. iliopsoas
b. sartorius
c. erector spinae
d. semitendinosus
e. semimembranosus
12) with the elbow and wristextended, painting a circle on a canvas requires
__________ of the shoulder.
a. rotation
b. circumduction
c. extension
d. flexion
e. elevation
13) which cells are responsible for photopic (day) vision as well as trichromatic (color)
a. bipolar cells
b. rods
c. cones
d. ganglion cells
e. pigment cells
14) the thin layer of compact bone that separates anadult'sepiphysis from the diaphysis
is called the __________.
a. periosteum
b. metaphysis
c. growth plate
d. epiphyseal line
e. diaphyseal line
15) most kidney tubules are made of __________ epithelialtissue, which isspecialized
for absorption and secretion.
a. simple columnar
b. stratified columnar
c. pseudostratified columnar
d. simple cuboidal
e. stratified cuboidal
16) _____________ is the view that not everything about an organism can be
understood or predicted from the knowledge of its components; that is, the whole is
greater than the sum of its parts.
a. naturalism
b. reductionism
c. holism
d. materialism
e. science

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