Biology 74329

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 19
subject Words 2056
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Which of the following areas is still seeing an increase in deforestation?
a. North America
b. Europe
c. China
d. Brazil
e. None of these.
Which of the following is not a property of living things?
a. They can change over generations.
b. They use DNA as the genetic material.
c. They change over their lifetime.
d. They engage in processes to maintain homeostasis.
e. All of these are true
Altruism in animals
a. lowers their chances of perpetuating their own genes.
b. has no genetic basis.
c. is a conscious effort to preserve the species.
d. is just lucky behavior.
e. includes none of these.
In humans, the locus of the human growth hormone gene is on chromosome:
a. 15.
b. 17.
c. 19.
d. 20.
e. X.
Dolly, the cloned sheep, had telomeres that:
a. Were unusually short.
b. Were unusually long.
c. Got longer with each cell division.
d. Did not change in length.
e. Perfectly normal.
Amino acids are linked by what kind of bonds to form the primary structure of a
a. disulfide
b. hydrogen
c. ionic
d. peptide
e. none of these
Which of the following statements describes an electron transfer chain?
a. It generates energy from carbohydrates.
b. Cells use it to dispose of excess electrons.
c. It utilizes ATP to synthesize nutrients.
d. It transfers energy, stepwise, from one compound to another.
e. It requires activation by oxygen.
Use the figure above to answer the following questions.
A feeding individual in the mature colony is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
Choose the most appropriate answer for each.
a. two pairs of legs per segment
b. tiny, flattened, crawling forms
c. planarians, flukes, tapeworms
d. nematodes
e. snails, squids, clams
f. wheel animals
g. flagellated collar cells present
h. jellyfish and corals
i. crustaceans, ticks, and insects
j. polychaetes, earthworms, leeches
k. sea urchins, sea stars
Small circular molecules of "extra" DNA in bacteria
a. are plasmids.
b. are DNA fragments from their main chromosome.
c. result from the activity of restriction enzymes.
d. are eventually degraded.
e. are none of these.
The liver is associated with all EXCEPT which of the following functions?
a. formation of urea
b. formation of bile
c. detoxification of poisons
d. secretion of bicarbonate ions
e. hormone inactivation
Which step in the evolution of life is the most complex and probably occurred last?
a. formation of DNA
b. formation of protein-RNA systems
c. formation of membrane-bound proto-cells
d. spontaneous formation of organic compounds under abiotic conditions
e. formation of ATP
Cells of the outer surface of a sponge obtain nutrients by
a. absorbing food that diffuses from the central cavity.
b. capturing food in their microvilli.
c. absorbing food distributed by amoeboid cells.
d. phagocytosing bacteria and other small food items.
e. poisoning small fish that contact them.
The role of environmental factors on gene expression is illustrated by
a. the varying plant height of genetically identical yarrow plants when grown at
different elevations.
b. the flower color of hydrangeas grown in soils of differing pH.
c. the depression response that some persons make to very stressful situations.
d. the fur pattern of Himalayan rabbits.
e. all of these.
The following questions refer to the figure above of epithelial tissues.
This is a squamous cell.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
The Hardy-Weinberg rule is
a. useful in determining the extent to which a sexually reproducing population is
b. used to predict when genetic drift will occur in a sexually reproducing population.
c. useful in determining the extent to which polyploidy is occurring in specific plant
d. used to predict when specific groups of organisms will become extinct.
e. all of these.
Herpes and other enveloped viruses enter their host cells
a. through pores.
b. by dissolving the host plasma membrane.
c. by fusion of the viral membrane with the cell's plasma membrane.
d. by activating transport proteins in the host cell's plasma membrane.
e. any of these.
Allosteric inhibition generally results from
a. excess substrates.
b. binding of regulatory molecules at sites other than the active sites.
c. a change in the temperature of the system.
d. a lack of coenzymes.
e. changes in pH.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. flexible windpipe reinforced with cartilage
b. surrounds each lung
c. oxygen-rich form of a respiratory protein
d. contains two true vocal cords
e. alter chest cavity volume
f. part of the brainstem; controls breathing
g. throat passage behind the mouth
h. inhalation and exhalation
i. connect trachea to lungs
j. flaplike structure that points upward allowing air to enter trachea, but blocks the
larynx during swallowing
k. contraction increases thoracic volume
l. microscopically small pockets lined with moist epithelium
How many pairs of autosomes are in a typical human karyotype?
a. 1
b. 22
c. 23
d. 46
e. 92
Bangiomorpha pubescens
Choose the most appropriate letter.
a. contain DNA, but may be too small to be alive
b. simple transitional forms between early organic compounds and the first living cells
c. red alga resident of hot springs
d. first organisms with the noncyclic pathway of photosynthesis
e. source of the heat-resistant enzyme used in PCR
f. offered support for endosymbiosis
g. dome-shaped fossil remains of photoautotrophic bacteria (some nonfossil structures
also form).
h. protist with photosynthetic organelles that resemble cyanobacteria
i. earliest known organism that can be assigned to a modern group
Answer the following questions in reference to the four "habitat" items listed below.
a. habitat fragmentation
b. habitat island
c. habitat loss
d. habitat
This could be the result of chemical pollution.
Which of the following is an incorrect match?
a. pea pods; dehiscent
b. strawberry; berry
c. cherry; drupe
d. corn; indehiscent
e. tomato; berry
The anatomical structure identified with the letter "R" in the figure above is the
a. cardiac muscle.
b. pulmonary veins.
c. inferior vena cava.
d. right atrium.
e. heart apex.
The current extinction rate is estimated to be at least how much greater than the
background extinction rate?
a. 2
b. 5
c. 10
d. 50
e. 100
Respond to the following statements in reference to the autonomic nervous system
associated with the five regions of the human spinal cord listed below.
a. cervical
b. thoracic
c. lumbar
d. sacral
e. coccygeal
Parasympathetic nerves from this region innervate the rectum.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the five vitamins listed below.
a. Vitamin B1
b. Vitamin B2
c. Niacin
d. Vitamin B6
e. Vitamin B12
A deficiency of this vitamin causes pellagra.
The feeding habits of lampreys are best described as
a. suspension feeding.
b. predatory.
c. parasitic.
d. scavenging.
e. all of these.
Integration of body functions is controlled by the
a. respiratory system.
b. nervous system.
c. endocrine system.
d. defense system.
e. nervous system and the endocrine system.
A gene that produces multiple effects is called
a. a multiple allele.
b. an autosome.
c. an epistatic gene.
d. a pleiotropic gene.
e. an incompletely dominant gene.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five plant hormones listed
a. auxins
b. gibberellins
c. cytokinins
d. abscisic acid
e. ethylene
This hormone promotes bud and seed dormancy.
Mendel's dihybrid crosses, but not his monohybrid crosses, show that
a. some genes are linked together.
b. the two alleles controlling a trait are divided equally among the gametes.
c. alleles for different traits are inherited independently.
d. one of the pair of alleles is dominant to the other.
e. the crossing of two different homozygous forms will not produce any offspring in the
first generation that will look like either of the parents.
The term "biotech barnyards" commonly refers to
a. the production of human products by farm animals.
b. the development of new species of farm animals.
c. the increase of milk, egg, and wool production.
d. ultramodern methods of rearing more animals on less feed.
e. creation of transgenic animals that can produce more of their natural products.
Most organ transplants fail because
a. of poor vascular connection between host and donor tissue.
b. the migrating leukocytes attack the tissue adjacent to the transplant.
c. of the activity of cytotoxic T cells.
d. introduced tissues produce antibodies that cause a massive reaction.
e. of all of these.
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) uses ________ and a heat-resistant DNA
polymerase to rapidly increase the number of molecules of a DNA fragment.
In a certain plant, when individuals with blue flowers are crossed with individuals with
blue flowers, only blue flowers are produced. Plants with red flowers crossed with
plants with red flowers sometimes produce only red flowers, although other times they
produce either red or blue flowers. When plants with red flowers are crossed with plants
with blue flowers, sometimes only red flowers are produced; other times either red or
blue flowers are produced. Which gene is dominant?
Four __________ glands make a hormone that acts on bone and kidney cells and raises
blood calcium level.
is where actin filaments exist without myosin filaments overlapping.
__________ neurons detect stimuli.
__________ can lead to the loss of genetic diversity.
__________ is an energy-intensive method of obtaining fresh water from __________.
__________ fungi include common molds.
__________ are cells that synthesize bone, whereas __________ break bone down.
The SA node, also known as the __________, spontaneously generates the action
potentials that set the pace for cardiac contractions.
What molecule is the entry point to aerobic respiration for carbohydrates, proteins and
salivary glands
What sort of symbiosis would a mycorrhiza represent?
Species interactions between members of a community include __________, which
benefits both species.
__________ are regions in an organism's DNA that encode information about heritable
All vertebrates have an __________ system of secretory glands and cells.

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