Biology 63767

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 2427
subject Authors Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Peter V. Minorsky, Steven A. Wasserman

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Most of the exchange surfaces of multicellular animals are lined with _____.
A) connective tissue
B) smooth muscle cells
C) neural tissue
D) epithelial tissue
Refer to the following information to answer the questions below.
Fossils of Lystrosaurus, a dicynodont therapsid, are most common in parts of
modern-day South America, South Africa, Madagascar, India, South Australia, and
Antarctica. The animal apparently lived in arid regions, and was mostly herbivorous. It
originated during the mid-Permian period, survived the Permian extinction, and
dwindled by the late Triassic, though there is evidence of a relict population in Australia
during the Cretaceous period. Some dicynodonts had two large tusks, extending down
from their upper jaws. The tusks were not used for food gathering, and in some species
were limited to males. Food was gathered using an otherwise toothless beak. Judging
from the fossil record in sedimentary rocks, these pig-sized organisms were the most
common mammal-like reptiles of the Permian.
Anatomically, Lystrosaurus _____.
A) would have had a lower jaw that consisted of a single pair of bones
B) was a tetrapod
C) had skin without scales, typical of modern amphibians
D) would have had no temporal fenestra in its skull
A gene for the MN blood group has codominant alleles M and N. If both children are of
blood type M, which of the following is possible?
A) Each parent is either M or MN.
B) Each parent must be type M.
C) Both children are heterozygous for this gene.
D) Neither parent can have the N allele.
The final electron acceptor associated with photosystem I is _____.
A) oxygen
B) water
Compared to C3 plants, C4 plants _____.
A) can continue to fix CO2 even at lower CO2 concentrations and higher oxygen
B) have higher rates of photorespiration
C) do not use rubisco for carbon fixation
D) make a four-carbon compound, oxaloacetate, which is then delivered to the citric
acid cycle in mitochondria
Which of the following correctly displays the sequence of developmental milestones?
A) blastula → gastrula → cleavage
B) cleavage → gastrula → blastula
C) cleavage → blastula → gastrula
D) gastrula → blastula → cleavage
Use the following information to answer the question(s) below.
For several decades now, amphibian species worldwide have been in decline. A
significant proportion of the decline seems to be due to the spread of the chytrid fungus,
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Chytrid sporangia reside within the epidermal
cells of infected animals, animals that consequently show areas of sloughed skin. They
can also be lethargic, which is expressed through failure to hide and failure to flee. The
infection cycle typically takes four to five days, at the end of which zoospores are
released from sporangia into the environment. In some amphibian species, mortality
rates approach 100%; other species seem able to survive the infection.
If Bd cannot grow properly at temperatures above 28C (82F), then, assuming the
amphibians can survive, in which time or place should the chytrid infection proceed
most rapidly?
1. cooler months
2. warmer months
3. lower altitudes
4. higher altitudes
A) 1 or 3
B) 1 or 4
C) 2 or 3
D) 2 or 4
You have isolated DNA from three different cell types of the same organism,
determined the relative DNA content for each type, and plotted the results on the graph
shown in the figure below. Refer to the graph to answer the following question(s).
Which sample of DNA might be from a nerve cell arrested in G0 of the cell cycle?
A) I
D) either I or II
Which of the following produces and modifies polysaccharides that will be secreted?
A) lysosome
B) mitochondrion
C) Golgi apparatus
D) peroxisome
A man who is an achondroplastic dwarf with normal vision marries a color-blind
woman of normal height. The man's father was six feet tall, and both the woman's
parents were of average height. Achondroplastic dwarfism is autosomal dominant, and
red-green color blindness is X-linked recessive. How many of their daughters might be
expected to be color-blind dwarfs?
A) none
B) half
C) one out of four
D) three out of four
For a biologist studying a small fish population in the lab, which Hardy-Weinberg
condition is easiest to meet?
A) no selection
B) no genetic drift
C) no gene flow
D) no mutation
Use the following information to answer the question(s) below.
The Brazil nut tree, Bertholletia excels (n = 17), is native to tropical rain forests of
South America. It is a hardwood tree that can grow to over 50 meters tall, is a source of
high-quality lumber, and is a favorite nesting site for harpy eagles. As the rainy season
ends, tough-walled fruits, each containing 8-25 seeds (Brazil nuts), fall to the forest
floor. Brazil nuts are composed primarily of endosperm. About $50 million worth of
nuts are harvested each year. Scientists have discovered that the pale yellow flowers of
Brazil nut trees cannot fertilize themselves and admit only female orchid bees as
pollinators. The agouti (Dasyprocta spp.), a cat-sized rodent, is the only animal with
teeth strong enough to crack the hard wall of Brazil nut fruits. It typically eats some of
the seeds, buries others, and leaves still others inside the fruit, which moisture can now
enter. The uneaten seeds may subsequently germinate.
If a female orchid bee has just left a Brazil nut tree with nectar in her stomach, and if
she visits another flower on a different Brazil nut tree, what is the sequence in which
the following events should occur?
1. double fertilization
2. pollen tube emerges from pollen grain
3. pollen tube enters micropyle
4. pollination
A) 4, 2, 3, 1
B) 4, 3, 2, 1
C) 2, 4, 3, 1
D) 2, 4, 1, 3
Although some sharks close their eyes just before they bite, their bites are on target.
Researchers have noted that sharks often misdirect their bites at metal objects and that
they can find batteries buried under sand. This evidence suggests that sharks keep track
of their prey during the split second before they bite in the same way that a _____.
A) rattlesnake finds a mouse in its burrow
B) male silkworm moth locates a mate
C) bat finds moths in the dark
D) platypus locates its prey in a muddy river
What would be the effect on climate in the temperate latitudes if Earth were to slow its
rate of rotation from a 24-hour period of rotation to a 48-hour period of rotation?
A) Seasons would be longer and more distinct (colder winters and warmer summers).
B) Large-scale weather events such as tornadoes and hurricanes would no longer be a
part of regional climates.
C) Winter seasons in both the northern and southern hemispheres would have more
abundant and frequent precipitation events.
D) There often would be a larger range between daytime high and nighttime low
The pathogenic prokaryotes that cause cholera are _____.
A) archaea that release an exotoxin
B) archaea that release an endotoxin
C) bacteria that release an exotoxin
D) bacteria that release an endotoxin
Suppose that 100 pollen grains land on a stigma, and 50 mature seeds are formed in the
fruit. What does this indicate about the pollination process and success?
A) 50% success: 100 pollen grains grew to 50 ovules, and double fertilization occurred.
B) 50% success: evidently, only 50 sperm pollinated 50 anthers.
C) 50% success: 50 sperm fertilized 50 eggs, and 50 sperm fused with 50 polar nuclei.
D) 50% success: 50 sperm fertilized 50 eggs, and 50 sperm fused with 100 polar nuclei.
Listed below are several examples of types of animal behavior. Choose the letter of the
correct term (A-E) that matches each example in the following question(s).
A. operant conditioning
B. agonistic behavior
C. innate behavior
D. imprinting
E. altruistic behavior
A human baby performs a sucking behavior perfectly when it is put in the presence of
the nipple of its mother's breast.
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
Stomata _____.
A) occur in all land plants and define them as a monophyletic group
B) open to allow gas exchange and close to decrease water loss
C) occur in all land plants and are the same as pores
D) open to increase both water absorption and gas exchange
Compared to wetland mammals, water conservation in mammals of arid regions is
enhanced by having more _____.
A) juxtamedullary nephrons
B) urinary bladders
C) ureters
D) podocytes
Arrange the following taxonomic terms in order from most inclusive (most general) to
least inclusive (most specific).
1. apes
2. hominins
3. Homo
4 anthropoids
5. primates
A) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3
B) 5, 4, 1, 2, 3
C) 5, 4, 2, 1, 3
D) 5, 2, 1, 4, 3
All female mammals have one active X chromosome per cell instead of two. What
causes this?
A) activation of the XIST gene on the X chromosome that will become the Barr body
B) activation of the BARR gene on one X chromosome, which then becomes inactive
C) inactivation of the XIST gene on the X chromosome derived from the male parent
D) attachment of methyl (CH3) groups to the X chromosome that will remain active
When Phineas Gage had a metal rod driven into his frontal lobe, or when someone had
a frontal lobotomy, they would _____.
A) lose their sense of balance
B) lose all short-term memory
C) have greatly altered emotional responses
D) have greatly increased long-term memory
During chordate evolution, what is the sequence (from earliest to most recent) in which
the following structures arose?
1. amniotic egg
2. paired fins
3. jaws
4. swim bladder
5. four-chambered heart
A) 2, 3, 4, 1, 5
B) 3, 2, 4, 5, 1
C) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5
D) 2, 1, 5, 3, 4
Which molecule shown above has a carbonyl functional group in the form of an
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
The electrons of photosystem II are excited and transferred to electron carriers. From
which molecule or structure do the photosystem II replacement electrons come?
A) the electron carrier, plastocyanin
B) photosystem I
C) water
D) oxygen
Plants produce more seeds when they reproduce asexually than sexually. Yet most
plants reproduce sexually in nature. What is the probable explanation for the prevalence
of sexual reproduction? Sexual reproduction _____.
A) is more energy efficient than asexual reproduction
B) ensures genetic continuity from parents to offspring
C) mixes up alleles contributing to variation in a species
D) is not dependent on other agents of pollination
In a liver cell detoxifying alcohol and some other poisons, the enzymes of the
peroxisome remove hydrogen from these molecules and _____.
A) combine the hydrogen with water molecules to generate hydrogen peroxide
B) use the hydrogen to break down hydrogen peroxide
C) transfer the hydrogen to the mitochondria
D) transfer the hydrogen to oxygen molecules to generate hydrogen peroxide
The last common ancestor of all bilaterians is thought to have had four Hox genes. Most
extant cnidarians have two Hox genes, except Nematostella (of β-catenin fame), which
has three Hox genes. On the basis of these observations, some have proposed that the
ancestral cnidarians were originally bilateral and, in stages, lost Hox genes from their
genomes. If true, this would mean that _____.
A) the Radiata should be a true clade
B) the radial symmetry of extant cnidarians is secondarily derived, rather than being an
ancestral trait
C) Hox genes play little actual role in coding for an animal's "body plan"
D) the Cnidaria may someday replace porifera as the basal bilaterians
Refer to the following figure, which diagrams the reproductive anatomy of the human
male, to answer the question(s) below.
In the above figure, which letter points to the prostate gland?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
Which of the following human diseases is caused by a virus that requires reverse
transcriptase to transcribe its genome inside the host cell?
A) herpes
C) smallpox
D) influenza
Magnesium has an atomic number of 12. What is the most stable charge for a
magnesium ion?
A) a +1 charge
B) a +2 charge
C) a -1 charge
D) a -2 charge
Evolutionary adaptations that help diverse animals directly exchange matter between
cells and the environment include _____.
A) a gastrovascular activity, a two-layered body, and a torpedo-like body shape
B) an external respiratory surface, a small body size, and a two-cell-layered body
C) a large body volume, a long, tubular body, and a set of wings
D) an unbranched internal surface, a small body size, and thick covering
If a Drosophila female has a homozygous mutation for a maternal effect gene, _____.
A) she will not develop past the early embryonic stage
B) all of her offspring will show the mutant phenotype, regardless of their genotype
C) only her male offspring will show the mutant phenotype
D) only her female offspring will show the mutant phenotype
A newspaper ad for a local toy store indicates that an inexpensive toy microscope
available for a small child is able to magnify specimens nearly as much as the more
costly microscope available in your college lab. What is the primary reason for the price
A) The toy microscope does not have the same fine control for focus of the specimen.
B) The toy microscope magnifies a good deal, but has low resolution and therefore poor
quality images.
C) The college microscope produces greater contrast in the specimens.
D) The toy microscope usually uses a different wavelength of light source.
According to the equilibrium model of island biogeography, species richness would be
greatest on an island that is _____.
A) large and close to a mainland
B) large and remote
C) small and remote
D) small and close to a mainland

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