Biology 611 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 661
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) parkinson's disease is the result of
a) inadequate production of gaba by neurons in the basal nuclei.
b) decreased levels of acetylcholine from neurons in the substantia nigra.
c) inadequate production of dopamine by substantia nigra neurons.
d) hyperactivity of the limbic system.
e) weak response of the red nuclei of the mesencephalon.
2) if the pancreatic duct was obstructed, you would expect to see elevated blood levels
a) bilirubin.
b) amylase.
c) cholecystokinin.
d) secretin.
e) gastrin.
3) the descending spinal tract that crosses to the opposite side of the body within the
medulla oblongata is the ________ tract.
a) lateral corticospinal
b) anterior corticospinal
c) rubrospinal
d) reticulospinal
e) vestibulospinal
4) all the circulating red blood cells in an adult originate in the
a) heart.
b) thymus.
c) spleen.
d) red bone marrow.
e) lymph tissue.
5) which ph is closest to normal body ph?
a) ph 7
b) ph 8
c) ph 4
d) ph 3
e) ph 2
6) osteoclast-activating factor does all of the following, except that it
a) is released in large amounts early in life.
b) increases the number of osteoclasts.
c) increases the activity of osteoclasts.
d) produces a severe osteoporosis.
e) is released by some cancer tumors.
7) which of the following is not true about a positive babinski reflex?
a) normal in newborns
b) abnormal in adults
c) a sign of injury to descending spinal tracts
d) why you close your eyes when you sneeze
e) flaring of the toes when the sole is stroked
8) which of the following statements about the coccyx is true?
a) is the most caudal vertebral region
b) anchors a muscle that constricts the anal opening
c) consists of three to five coccygeal vertebrae
d) fusion is delayed until mid-20s
e) all of the answers are correct.
9) people who suffer from hemophilia a fail to produce a functional factor viii; as a
a) they lack a functional intrinsic pathway.
b) they lack a functional extrinsic pathway.
c) they lack a functional common pathway.
d) their coagulation times are much longer than normal.
e) their coagulation times are too quick.
10) the brain waves produced by normal adults while resting with their eyes closed are
________ waves.
a) alpha
b) beta
c) theta
d) delta
e) gamma
11) in adults, red bone marrow is located in the
a) sternum and ribs.
b) proximal epiphyses of long bones.
c) iliac crest.
d) body of vertebrae.
e) all of the answers are correct.
figure 17-2 the ear
identify the structure that is covered up by the stapes.
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 8
e) 9
13) the partial pressure of oxygen in the interstitial space of peripheral tissues is
a) 40 mm hg.
b) 45 mm hg.
c) 50 mm hg.
d) 70 mm hg.
e) 100 mm hg.
14) in cardiac muscle, the fast depolarization phase of the action potential is the result
a) increased membrane permeability to sodium ions.
b) increased membrane permeability to potassium ions.
c) decreased membrane permeability to calcium ions.
d) decreased membrane permeability to sodium ions.
e) increased membrane permeability to chloride ions.
15) which of the following ligaments is not associated with the hip joint?
a) iliofemoral ligament
b) pubofemoral ligament
c) ischiofemoral ligament
d) ligamentum teres
e) anterior cruciate ligament
16) the control center for cellular operations is the
a) nucleus.
b) mitochondria.
c) golgi apparatus.
d) endoplasmic reticulum.
e) ribosome.

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