Biology 558 Test 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1255
subject Authors Laurence Steinberg

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1) Common treatments for ADHD include:
A.stimulant medication.
C.psychological therapies.
D.All of these are treatment options.
2) Why is parental divorce during early adolescence particularly stressful for the
A.Early adolescence is a time during which individuals are particularly sensitive to
B.Research has indicated that early adolescents have a strong need for male and female
role models.
C.Younger adolescents are likely to intentionally rebel against their parents.
D.Younger adolescents have expensive "needs" and "wants."
3) Alice has high academic self-esteem, whereas Loriann has high physical appearance
self-esteem. According to the textbook, who will probably have higher overall
C.Loriann and Alice will most likely have equally high self-esteem
D.There is not enough information to answer this question.
4) The most worrisome alcohol related issues presented in the textbook is that:
A.about 20% of high school seniors have had more than five drinks at one time and
about 14% of high school seniors report having driven a car after drinking at least once
in the past month.
B.the majority of adolescents who use alcohol before their senior year of high school
are likely to be alcoholics by the time they are 30 years old.
C.about 93% of unwanted pregnancies among teenagers are caused by binge drinking.
D.about 93% of rape cases between two adolescents occur when at least one of the two
individuals is intoxicated.
5) Which of the following statements about parents of adolescents is not true?
A.Adjusting to the transition into adolescence may take more of a toll on parents than
on the mental health of adolescents.
B.Fathers typically feel the greatest sense of loss when their teenagers leave home.
C.Mothers' mental health declines when they enter the "empty nest stage."
D.Parents' mental health is worse when their teenage children are living at home.
6) Jason is an intelligent youngster who avoids challenging situations because of his
intense fear of failure. Despite his innate ability, he gets low grades and has trouble
persisting even with easy tasks. Jason is:
A.a failure. underachiever.
D. a loader.
7) Craig is easily persuaded by his friends to engage in illegal and antisocial behaviors.
If you had to guess, which style of parenting do you think Craig's mom and dad utilize?
8) One recent international study found that which type of countries are likely to have
adolescents whose alcohol use is not predictive of violence?
A.poor countries
B.countries with large income disparities
C.countries that have relatively few adolescents compared to other generations
D.countries where adolescents are more likely to drink in settings were adults are
9) What type of behaviors does the term noncoital activity refer to?
B.touching parts of each other's body through clothes
C.touching or kissing each other's naked body
D.All of the above behaviors are considered noncoital.
10) One of the most consistent predictors of chronic delinquency (or being a life-course
persistent offender) appears to be rooted in:
A.poor relations with peers during childhood.
B.being exposed to disorganized families with hostile, inept, or neglectful parenting.
C.academic failure in junior high school.
D.pessimistic attitudes about employment prospects.
11) According to Sullivan's theory, which of the following is the correct sequence of
interpersonal needs?
A.need for contact with people; need for integration into adult society; need for
B.need for intimacy and consensual validation; need for adult participation; need for
sexual contact
C.need for intimacy; need for sexual contact; need for integration into adult society
D.need for playmates; need for contact with people; need for sexual contact
12) Which of the following statements about the impact of hormones on behavior is
A.Adolescents' moods fluctuate more during than day than the moods of adults.
B.The direct relation between adolescent moodiness and hormonal changes of puberty
is extremely strong.
C.The relation between hormonal changes and adolescent mood is strongest during
early puberty.
D.Rapid increase in hormones may be associated with increased irritability, impulsivity,
aggression, and depression.
13) Compared to adolescent women who choose to have their child, adolescents who
abort their pregnancy:
A.are typically filled with feelings of self-doubt and insecurity.
B.are more likely to have a children over the following 2 years.
C.are psychologically, socially, and economically better off.
D.less likely to practice contraception.
14) Which work values are most likely to remain strong over the course of young
adulthood, as other work values decline?
C.intrinsic rewards and job security rewards of the job
15) According to one study of 10- to 15-year-olds, which aspect of emotional autonomy
does not increase over the period of adolescence?
A.individuation of parents
C.seeing parents as people
16) Some researchers have suggested that ______ __ in contemporary society has
(have) caused difficulties for many of today's youth, especially poor or minority youth.
A.the discontinuous and prolonged nature of the transition from adolescence to
B.the hormonal changes associated with puberty
C.the overwhelming of adolescents with adult responsibilities
D.the practice of youth apprenticeships
17) With respect to Internet use and social networking sites, adolescents are likely to:
A.communicate with people they have offline relationships with. new people.
C.spend time interacting with people their parents would not approve of.
D.become obsessive, to the point of neglecting in-person relationships.
18) Alejandra, a Hispanic adolescent, is best friends with Mina, a foreign-born Hispanic
adolescent. Which statement is most likely true about their drug use?
A.Alejandra will use fewer drugs than Mina.
B.Alejandra and Mina will use the same amount of drugs.
C.Alejandra and Mina will use more drugs than their friend Sue, an American Indian
D.Mina will use fewer drugs than Alejandra.
19) Consistent with the immigrant paradox discussed in another chapter of the textbook,
which of the following statements is true?
A.Susceptibility to peer pressure is higher among relatively more acculturated Latino
adolescents than their less acculturated peers.
B.Susceptibility to peer pressure is higher among Latino adolescents who were born
abroad than Latino adolescents born in the United States.
C.Research shows that more acculturated adolescents engage in lower rates of
D.Susceptibility to peer pressure is lower among relatively more acculturated Latino
adolescents than their less acculturated peers.
20) According to the textbook, Black individuals who believe that the public has low
regard for their ethnic group typically:
A.are more sensitive to racial cues.
B.are less sensitive to racial cues.
C.have low private regard.
D. have high private regard.

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