Biology 52560

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 2475
subject Authors Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Peter V. Minorsky, Steven A. Wasserman

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Use the following figure to answer the questions below.
The citric acid cycle.
For each mole of glucose (C6H12O6) oxidized by cellular respiration, how many moles
of CO2 are released in the citric acid cycle (see the accompanying figure)?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 32
A land developer and several ecologists are discussing how a parcel of private land
should be developed while saving twenty hectares as natural habitat. The land
developer suggests that the twenty hectares be divided into twenty separate one-hectare
areas. The ecologists suggest that it would be better to have one intact parcel of twenty
hectares. What is the significance of these different arrangements of the twenty
A) There really is no difference; they should both work equally well.
B) The isolated hectare plots increase the ability of individuals to disperse from one
habitat to another.
C) The isolated plots are more vulnerable to edge effects.
D) The large plot will create more inbreeding in many species.
The predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriophorus drills into a prey bacterium and,
once inside, digests it. In an attack upon a Gram-negative bacterium that has a slimy
cell covering, what is the correct sequence of structures penetrated by B.
bacteriophorus on its way to the prey's cytoplasm?
1. membrane composed mostly of lipopolysaccharide
2. membrane composed mostly of phospholipids
3. peptidoglycan
4. capsule
A) 2, 4, 3, 1
B) 1, 3, 4, 2
C) 1, 4, 3, 2
D) 4, 1, 3, 2
One is most likely to see guttation in small plants when the _____.
A) transpiration rates are high
B) root pressure exceeds transpiration pull
C) the preceding evening was hot, windy, and dry
D) roots are not absorbing minerals from the soil
Sensory transduction of light in the vertebrate retina is accomplished by _____.
A) ganglion cells
B) amacrine cells
C) bipolar cells
D) rods and cones
DNA methylation and histone acetylation are examples of _____.
A) genetic mutation
B) chromosomal rearrangements
C) epigenetic phenomena
D) translocation
In the figure above, which of the following conclusions is most logical based on the
A) Females produce more eggs more quickly when exposed to breeding males.
B) Females produce eggs more quickly when exposed to many males than females
paired with a male.
C) All non-isolated females do just as well as isolated females.
D) After four weeks together, females with males produce mature follicles to the same
extent as females without males.
Circulatory systems compensate for _____.
A) temperature differences between the lungs and the active tissue
B) the slow rate at which diffusion occurs over large distances
C) the problem of communication systems involving only the nervous system
D) the need to cushion animals from trauma
Refer to the figure above. What bases will be added to the primer as DNA replication
proceeds? The bases should appear in the new strand in the order that they will be
added starting at the end of the primer.
A) C, A, G, C, A, G, A
B) T, C, T, G, C, T, G
C) A, G, A, C, G, A, C
D) G, T, C, G, T, C, T
Which of these provides evidence of the common ancestry of all life?
A) near universality of the genetic code
B) structure of the nucleus
C) structure of cilia
D) structure of chloroplasts
Myasthenia gravis is a form of muscle paralysis in which _____.
A) motor neurons lose their myelination and the ability to rapidly fire action potentials
B) acetylcholine receptors are destroyed by an overactive immune system
C) ATP production becomes uncoupled from mitochondrial electron transport
D) troponin molecules become unable to bind calcium ions
In individual insects of some species, whole chromosomes that carry larval genes are
eliminated from the genomes of somatic cells at the time of metamorphosis. A
consequence of this occurrence is that _____.
A) we could not clone a larva from the somatic cells of such an adult insect
B) such species must reproduce only asexually
C) the descendants of these adults do not include a larval stage
D) metamorphosis can no longer occur among the descendents of such adults
How many electron pairs are shared between carbon atoms in a molecule that has the
formula C2H4?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
A fellow student brought in a leaf to be examined. The leaf was dark green, thin, had
stoma on the lower surface only, and had a total surface area of ten square meters.
Where is the most likely environment where this leaf was growing?
A) a large, still pond
B) a tropical rain forest
C) an oasis within a grassland
D) the floor of a deciduous forest
Which characteristic is common to all the modern representatives of all major reptilian
lineages (turtles, lepidosaurs, crocodilians, and birds)?
A) presence of teeth
B) presence of four walking limbs
C) ectothermy
D) presence of a notochord
Arrange the following structures from largest to smallest, assuming that they belong to
two generations of the same angiosperm.
1. ovary
2. ovule
3. egg
4. carpel
5. embryo sac
A) 4, 5, 2, 1, 3
B) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2
C) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3
D) 4, 1, 2, 5, 3
In autumn, the leaves of deciduous trees change colors. This is because chlorophyll is
degraded and _____.
A) carotenoids and other pigments are still present in the leaves
B) the degraded chlorophyll changes into many other colors
C) water supply to the leaves has been reduced
D) sugars are sent to most of the cells of the leaves
The following questions are based on the drawings of root or stem cross sections shown
in the figure.
Refer to the figure above. A woody eudicot is represented by _____.
A) II only
B) III only
C) IV only
D) I and III
Ammonia is likely to be the primary nitrogenous waste in living conditions that include
A) lots of fresh water flowing across the gills of a fish
B) lots of seawater, such as a bird living in a marine environment
C) a terrestrial environment, such as that supporting crickets
D) a moist system of burrows, such as those of naked mole rats
The myelin sheath plays an important role in neuron structure and function. However,
when the myelin sheath is missing or not fully intact, there are consequences. There are
many conditions that cause demyelination of neurons, some are autoimmune disorders,
such as multiple schlerosis, and others are hereditary. The symptoms of these conditions
vary, but often include speech impairment and difficulty coordinating movement.
Which of the following correctly connects the symptoms of demyelination with the
process of nerve impulse transmission?
A) Demyelination prevents the formation of an action potential in sensory neurons that
transmit signals from the environment to the central nervous system.
B) Demyelination slows nerve impulse transmission.
C) Demyelination prevents the uptake of neurotransmitters needed to propagate a
message to the next neuron.
D) Demyelination targets the central nervous system.
Theoretically, P. bursaria can obtain zoochlorella either vertically (via the asexual
reproduction of its mother cell) or horizontally (by ingesting free-living Chlorella from
its habitat). Consider a P. bursaria cell containing zoochlorellae but whose habitat lacks
free-living Chlorella. If this cell subsequently undergoes many generations of asexual
reproduction, if all of its daughter cells contain roughly the same number of
zoochlorellae as it had originally contained, and if the zoochlorellae are all haploid and
identical in appearance, then what is true? The zoochlorellae _____.
A) also reproduced asexually, at an increasing rate over time
B) also reproduced asexually, at a decreasing rate over time
C) also reproduced asexually, at a fairly constant rate over time
D) reproduced sexually, undergoing heteromorphic alternation of generations
Which of the following primarily enters a plant somewhere other than through the
A) carbon dioxide
B) nitrogen
C) potassium
D) water
Which of the following is a correct description of the fate of the germ layers?
A) The mesoderm gives rise to the notochord.
B) The endoderm gives rise to the hair follicles.
C) The ectoderm gives rise to the liver.
D) The mesoderm gives rise to the lungs.
Use the following information to answer the question(s) below.
For several decades now, amphibian species worldwide have been in decline. A
significant proportion of the decline seems to be due to the spread of the chytrid fungus,
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Chytrid sporangia reside within the epidermal
cells of infected animals, animals that consequently show areas of sloughed skin. They
can also be lethargic, which is expressed through failure to hide and failure to flee. The
infection cycle typically takes four to five days, at the end of which zoospores are
released from sporangia into the environment. In some amphibian species, mortality
rates approach 100%; other species seem able to survive the infection.
Plasmogamy can directly result in which of the following?
1. cells with a single haploid nucleus
2. heterokaryotic cells
3. dikaryotic cells
4. cells with two diploid nuclei
A) 1 or 3
B) 2 or 3
C) 2 or 4
D) 3 or 4
Septic shock, a systemic response including high fever and low blood pressure, is a
response to _____.
A) certain bacterial infections
B) specific forms of viruses
C) the presence of natural killer cells
D) increased production of neutrophils
Use the following information to answer the question(s) below.
Nitrogenase, the enzyme that catalyzes nitrogen fixation, is inhibited whenever free
oxygen (O2) reaches a critical concentration. Consequently, nitrogen fixation cannot
occur in cells wherein photosynthesis produces free O2. Consider the colonial aquatic
cyanobacterium, Anabaena, whose heterocytes are described as having ""a thickened
cell wall that restricts entry of O2 produced by neighboring cells. Intracellular
connections allow heterocysts to transport fixed nitrogen to neighboring cells in
exchange for carbohydrates."
Given that the enzymes that catalyze nitrogen fixation are inhibited by oxygen, what are
two 'strategies" that nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes might use to protect these enzymes
from oxygen?
1. Couple them with photosystem II (the photosystem that splits water molecules).
2. Package them in membranes that are impermeable to all gases.
3. Be obligate anaerobes.
4. Be strict aerobes.
5. Package these enzymes in specialized cells or compartments that inhibit oxygen
A) 1 and 4
B) 2 and 4
C) 3 and 4
D) 3 and 5
Which polysaccharide is an important component in the structure of many animals and
A) chitin
B) cellulose
C) amylopectin
D) amylose
On the diagram of the nitrogen cycle, which number represents nitrite (NO2)?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
The lagging strand is characterized by a series of short segments of DNA (Okazaki
fragments) that will be joined together to form a finished lagging strand. The
experiments that led to the discovery of Okazaki
fragments gave evidence for which of the following ideas?
A) DNA polymerase is a directional enzyme that synthesizes leading and lagging
strands during replication.
B) DNA is a polymer consisting of four monomers: adenine, thymine, guanine, and
C) DNA is the genetic material.
D) Bacterial replication is fundamentally different from eukaryotic replication. The key
shouldn"t be way longer than the distractors.
Use the following information to answer the question(s) below.
Brown et al. and Morwood et al. reported in 2004 that they had found skeletal remains
of a previously unknown type of hominin, now dubbed Homo floresiensis, on the
Indonesian island of Flores. These hominins were small (approximately 1 meter tall)
with small braincases (approximately 380 cubic centimeters) as compared with other
hominins. The remains of H. floresiensis were found alongside handmade stone tools
and the remains of dwarf elephants that also inhabited the island, suggesting that H.
floresiensis was able both to make tools and to coordinate the hunting of animals much
larger than itself. H. floresiensis is estimated to have lived at the site where the remains
were found from at least 38,000 years ago to 18,000 years ago.
Refer to the paragraph on Brown et al. and Morwood et al. It is speculated that H.
floresiensis and H. sapiens may have lived on Flores concurrently. Suppose researchers
obtained mitochondrial DNA samples from the H. floresiensis remains, amplified a
1000-base-pair sequence via PCR, and compared it to that of several currently living H.
sapiens native to Indonesia, North Africa, and North America. Also suppose H.
floresiensis were found to differ from the average Indonesian H. sapiens in 28 base
pairs, from the average North African H. sapiens in 51 base pairs, and from the average
North American H. sapiens in 53 base pairs, while two randomly selected H. sapiens
differed from each other in an average of 21 base pairs. What would you surmise from
these data?
A) H. floresiensis and H. sapiens probably did not live on Flores concurrently.
B) H. floresiensis and H. sapiens probably lived on Flores concurrently but did not
C) H. floresiensis and H. sapiens probably lived on Flores concurrently, and H. sapiens
killed and consumed H. floresiensis.
D) H. floresiensis and H. sapiens probably lived on Flores concurrently and interbred to
some degree.
The difference between pinocytosis and receptor-mediated endocytosis is that _____.
A) pinocytosis brings only water molecules into the cell, but receptor-mediated
endocytosis brings in other molecules as well.
B) pinocytosis increases the surface area of the plasma membrane, whereas
receptor-mediated endocytosis decreases the plasma membrane surface area.
C) pinocytosis is nonselective in the molecules it brings into the cell, whereas
receptor-mediated endocytosis offers more selectivity.
D) pinocytosis can concentrate substances from the extracellular fluid, but
receptor-mediated endocytosis cannot.
Which type of receptor would you expect to be most abundant in the antennae of a
A) thermoreceptors
B) mechanoreceptors
C) chemoreceptors
D) electroreceptors
The structure diagrammed in the figure is the _____.
A) neuromast
B) statocyst
C) ommatidium
D) olfactory bulb
T cells of the immune system include _____.
A) CD4, CD8, and plasma cells
B) cytotoxic and helper cells
C) plasma, antigen-presenting, and memory cells
D) lymphocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells

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