Biology 490 Quiz 3

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 530
subject Authors Kenneth Saladin

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1) norepinephrine is a monoamine.
2) oligodendrocytes serve the same purpose in the cns that satellite cells do in the pns.
3) the ovarian cycle typically lasts about 28 days, with day 1 considered to be the first
day after ovulation.
4) fibers of the vagus nerve end very near or withintheir target organs.
5) the crossed extension reflex is the contraction of the extensors on one side of the
body when the flexors are contracted on the other side.
6) symphyses are the most common type of fibrous joints.
7) the pulmonary circuit is the only route in which arteries carry less oxygen than veins.
8) the fertilization membrane is the endometrial tissue that receives the conceptus.
9) most primary oocytes undergo atresia during climacteric.
10) the small intestine begins with the duodenum, which is its longest segment.
11) chloride homeostasis is achieved mainly as a result of ____________ homeostasis.
a. h2po4-
b. po4
c. hco3-
d. na+
e. k+
12) which of the following is not associated with the composition of thecytoskeleton?
a. microfilaments
b. microtubules
c. cilia
d. intermediate filaments
e. terminal web
13) the penis is innervated by the __________ nerve.
a. internal pudendal
b. obturator
c. penile
d. ventral
e. external pudendal
14) about 90% of the neurons in the nervous system are __________ neurons.
a. sensory
b. motor
c. afferent
d. efferent
e. association
15) the __________ gives rise to the __________.
a. mesoderm; digestive glands
b. endoderm; muscular system and skeletal system
c. ectoderm; nervous system and epidermis
d. endoderm; mesoderm
e. mesoderm; endoderm
16) as it implants, the conceptus is nourished by means of __________.
a. trophoblastic nutrition
b. uterine milk
c. nutrient diffusion from the endometrium
d. placenta
e. umbilical nutrition
17) if you stand on tiptoes to reach something high, you are performing __________at
the ankle.
a. plantar flexion
b. abduction
c. opposition
d. dorsiflexion
e. eversion
18) the effect of autonomic fibers on target cells is _________. the effect of somatic
fibers on target cells is __________.
a. always excitatory; always excitatory
b. excitatory or inhibitory; always excitatory
c. excitatory or inhibitory; excitatory or inhibitory
d. always inhibitory; excitatory or inhibitory
e. always inhibitory; always excitatory
19) carbon is very versatile in forming bonds with other atoms because it has
__________ valence electrons.
a. four
b. two
c. eight
d. six
20) which of the following would decrease capillary filtration?
a. increased permeability of lymphatic capillaries
b. dehydration
c. increased capillary permeability
d. dietary protein deficiency
e. obstructed venous return

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