Biology 359 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1230
subject Authors Laurence Steinberg

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1) Janelle is told that, no matter how hard she tries, she will likely not pass the exam. As
a result, she believes that failure is inevitable and stops "wasting" her time studying.
What has Janelle developed?
B.inflated self-efficacy
C.fear of failure
D.learned helplessness
2) What is a realistic concern with regard to requiring all high school seniors to pass a
graduation test in order to earn a diploma?
A.It is likely that virtually all students would be qualified to pass such an exam.
B.The financial costs associated with failing students would create a huge incentive for
states to develop exams with very low requirements for passing.
C.The economic, social, and political costs of holding back such large numbers of
students because they could not pass the "exit exams" would be worth the risk of
graduating students who did not deserve a diploma.
D.All of these statements are false.
3) All of the following are reasons that males have greater gains in strength than
females during early adolescence, except:
A.increased production of androgens among females.
B.strong societal pressures on girls to decrease their physical activity in adolescence.
C.inadequate nutrition among adolescent girls. differences in body fat.
4) Motivation based on the rewards one will receive for successful performance is
A.performance motivation.
B.reward-punishment theory.
C.extraneous achievement.
D.mastery motivation.
5) Juan is . years old. His language skills are excellent, but his thinking skills
demonstrate limitations such as egocentrism. What Piagetian stage of thought would
you suspect he is in?
A.formal operational
C.concrete operational
6) Which of the following ethnic identity processes is not similar for identity
development in general?
A.Ethnic identity development is profoundly affected by the context in which
adolescents live.
B.The process of ethnic identity development usually starts with an unquestioning view
of oneself being displaced by a "crises."
C.Individuals with a strong sense of ethnic identity have better mental health than their
peers whose sense of ethnic identity is more diffuse.
D.Research has indicated that the process of ethnic identity may be speeded up when
adolescents have parents who take a deliberate approach to the socialization of an
ethnic identity.
7) Which of the following statements about adolescents who have been adopted or
spent time in foster care is true?
A.It is hard to generalize about the impact of adoption on adolescent development;
however, research with youth in the foster care system consistently indicates that these
individuals have more problems than other youth.
B.Children and adolescents with foster or adoptive parents have more problems than
other individuals.
C.Foster care children are more detached and resilient, and consequently, have fewer
problems than youth who have been adopted.
D. There are no differences between youth who have been adopted or placed in foster
care and youth who are reared by biological parents.
8) What is the best way to conceptualize adolescent sexual development? gradual stages of increasing intimacy
B.with the first event being intercourse
page-pf3 an isolated behavior
D.there are no systematic patterns to adolescent sexual development
9) Researchers have found that, with regard to adolescent sleep patterns:
A.adolescents today are getting more sleep than adolescents 30 years ago.
B.the reason that high schools begin classes earlier than middle schools or junior high
schools is that adolescents are more alert during the morning hours than later in the day.
C.getting inadequate sleep is associated with poorer mental health and lower grades for
D.although most adolescents do not get sufficient sleep during the week, they are able
to make up for the deficit by sleeping later on weekends.
10) Relocation studies that have randomly chosen poor families to either stay where
they are living or move to a more advantaged neighborhood have found:
A.that those from high-poverty neighborhoods who move to more advantaged
neighborhoods have better outcomes than those who were originally from medium or
low-poverty neighborhoods.
B.that relocation may be more beneficial for boys than girls.
C.mixed results.
D.adolescents who moved to a better area had better psychological and behavioral
outcomes compared to those who stayed in poor neighborhoods.
11) Girls are _____ likely to confide in friends than boys. This is primarily because
A.more; girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel better
B.less; girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel vulnerable
C.more; girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel empowered
D.less; girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel weird
12) According to FBI statistics, individuals under the age of 18 account for
approximately _____ of violent crime in the United States.
13) Christi suffers from depression. She also gets in fights at school to express her
anger and sadness. Christi's problems fall into which category?
A.internalizing disorder
B.externalizing disorder
C.Christi has comorbid disorders
D.substance abuse
14) At what point in history was violent crime among adolescents at its lowest level
since 1980?
D.violent crime among adolescents has increased steadily since 1980.
15) The textbook indicates that some risk taking behaviors may have:
A.been evolutionarily adaptive.
B.biological underpinnings.
C.Both A and B are true.
D.Neither A nor B is true.
16) Adolescents behave in a variety of ways within dating relationships that are usually
shaped by _____________.
A.their partners' expectations
B.scripts that are learned at home and from the mass media
C.their peers' relationships
D.cultural norms
17) Beginning on Isaac's 13th birthday, his father wants to start a series of conversations
with him about sex and the "birds and the bees." This process is called:
A.sociosexual preparation.
B.sexual socialization.
C.permissive communication.
D.human ecology.
18) Research has identified all but which of the following as risk factors for suicide
attempts during adolescence?
A.experiencing extensive family conflict
B.being under stress
C.having a psychiatric problem
D.All of the above are risk factors for suicide and suicide ideation.
19) Which of the following statements about identity development is false?
A.A coherent sense of identity generally is not established before the age of 18.
B.Boys tend to lag behind girls in identity development in early and middle adolescence
but catch up by late adolescence.
C.There is clearly a decline with age in the proportion of individuals who are in a state
of moratorium, diffusion, or achievement.
D.Few differences in identity statuses are observed in samples of teenagers in the
middle adolescent years.

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