Biology 311 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 1403
subject Authors Sylvia Mader

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1) the most successful mammals belong to the marsupials group.
2) a community that contains a low species diversity will often have a high species
3) the gymnosperms produce seeds that are enclosed within a fruit.
4) since the population of the ldcs is still growing at a significant rate, one would
correctly assume that the ldcs consume a much larger proportion of the earth's
5) the basic level of an ecological study always begins by looking at how populations
interact with each other.
6) pulmonary tuberculosis in an otherwise healthy individual may indicate a
compromised immune system or hiv infection.
7) many species are held below the environmental carrying capacity by predation.
8) the founder effect is an example of genetic drift in which rare alleles occur at a
higher frequency in a population isolated from the general population.
9) diabetes mellitus, which is indicated by high levels of blood glucose that have spilled
over into the urine, is decreasing among the citizens of the united states.
10) the evolutionary species concept assumes that the members of a species are
reproductively isolated.
11) in the sodium-potassium pump, sodium is transported out of the cell and potassium
is transported into the cell as atp is broken by a membrane protein.
12) the kidneys filter all of the blood within the human body in about 40 minutes.
13) most species are intermediate between r-strategists and k-strategists, and tend to
have a type ii survivorship curve.
14) during glycolysis _____ carbons will enter the pathway but _____ carbons will
leave in the form of pyruvates.
a. 6 & 6
b. 6 & 3
c. 3 & 6
d. 12 & 6
e. oxaloacetate
15) which of the following is an example of potential energy?
a. a snickers bar
b. an apple growing on a tree
c. a glass of milk
d. all are examples of potential energy
16) fossils used to define and identify geologic periods are ________ fossils.
a. body
b. index
c. trace
d. stromatolite
17) which statement is not true about the cells of the nervous system?
a. a neuron can have only one axon.
b. a neuroglial cell supports or protects a neuron.
c. there may be multiple dendrites on a single neuron.
d. a myelin sheath is a white insulating layer that covers many axons.
e. a dendrite is the part of the neuron that carries an electrical impulse away from the
cell body.
18) which plant structure is not found in the lycophytes?
a. archegonia
b. rhizome
c. microspores
d. microphylls
19) lethal genes (genes that result in the failure to develop a vital organ or metabolic
pathway) are nearly always recessive. animal breeders who discover a unique trait and
selectively breed to increase the occurrence of that trait often encounter a noticeable
increase in lethal genes. why?
a. the lethal recessive gene may be incompletely dominant.
b. spreading the gene among offspring of both sexes will increase the likelihood it will
be sex-linked and expressed.
c. the selective-mating of closely related individuals, or inbreeding, increases chances
that two recessive genes will "meet" in offspring.
d. "pleiotropy" - the gene that is being selected for this trait may have the second effect
of being lethal.
e. "epistasis" - selection for the desired trait may result in "uncovering" the lethal gene.
20) what is the correct sequence of organisms if a community is going through
secondary succession?
a. grasses establish themselves in the community
b. shrubs establish themselves in the community
c. soil formation occurs
d. trees establish themselves in the community
a. a - b - d
b. c - a - b - d
c. d - c - a - b
d. c - a - d
e. a - c - b
21) most of the lymph fluid is returned to the bloodstream through the thoracic duct to
a. right ventricle of the heart.
b. right atrium of the heart.
c. left atrium of the heart.
d. right subclavian vein.
e. left subclavian vein.
22) which of the following hormones is (are) not a product of the anterior lobe of the
a. growth hormone
b. antidiuretic hormone
c. gonadotropic hormones
d. thyroid-stimulating hormone
23) which of the following statements about the tongue is true?
a. the tongue mixes food with saliva and assists in swallowing.
b. the tongue can detect taste, touch, and pressure.
c. the tongue consists of striated muscle under voluntary control.
d. all of the choices are correct.
24) many plants are totipotent, which means
a. they are capable of providing their own nutrition, requiring no external nutritional
b. the cell has the genetic capability of becoming an entire plant.
c. they are incapable of dividing to produce daughter cells.
d. they are metabolically inactive, existing in a state of dormancy.
25) which of the following statements is not true about electron configurations?
a. if an atom has only one shell, it is complete with two electrons.
b. if an atom has two or more shells, the octet rule applies.
c. if an atom has two or more shells, the outer shell is complete with eight electrons.
d. atoms with more than eight electrons in the outer shell react by gaining electrons.
e. atoms with eight electrons in the outer shell are not reactive at all.
26) the major enzyme that fixes' carbon dioxide is called
a. ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco).
b. glyceraldehyde-3-phospate (g3p).
c. pep carboxylase (pepcase).
d. lactate dehydrogenase.
27) which of the following methods is used by plants when they are undergoing asexual
a. production of stolons.
b. development of rhizomes.
c. growth of suckers from the root base of specific types of trees.
d. all of the above are methods of asexual reproduction in plants.
28) which of the following hormone is produced by the anterior pituitary gland that
regulates the production of cortisol?
a. adrenocorticotropic hormone
b. thyroxine
c. gonadotropic hormones
d. prolactin
e. melanocyte-stimulating hormone
29) an increase in fitness due to competition among males and mate choice by females
is a result of
a. social interaction.
b. sexual dimorphism.
c. sexual selection.
d. sociobiology.
e. courtship.
30) which region of the earth receives the least amount of solar radiation during the
winter solstice?
a. northern hemisphere
b. equatorial regions
c. southern hemisphere
d. between 300 north and 300 south
e. all of the earth's regions receive the same amount of solar radiation during the winter
31) there are tubeworms and clams that live at the bottom of the ocean near thermal
vents that do not have direct access to sunlight so they derive their energy from
a. the sun by way of burning fossil fuels like we do with coal and oil.
b. the sun, but they are deep in the dark ocean and live off dead detritus that sink to
c. chemosynthetic bacteria.
d. sources not yet known.
35) which figure depicts a punctuated equilibrium model of evolution?
a. figure a
b. figure b
37) which figure is that of an unsaturated fat?

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